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Class Procedures and Expectations Mrs. McCoy

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Presentation on theme: "Class Procedures and Expectations Mrs. McCoy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Class Procedures and Expectations 2014-2015 Mrs. McCoy

2 Welcome Please fill out the Student Information Sheet sitting on your desk. When finished, pass to the front of the row. I will be taking pictures of students to help me learn names.

3 HHS Paperwork – 3rd Period
Envelope on desk – put your name, student ID and my name on the outside. – Mrs. McCoy Take out every piece of paper and put your name and student ID on them. Add the Foster Care Notice and Military Connected Form to the Envelope Return the envelope to your 6th period teacher tomorrow.

4 All About Me

5 CD – Nursery Rhyme Activity
Move around the room talking with your new classmates to get the answers to the Nursery Rhyme. You have 5 minutes When you finish sit in your seat. We will go over the answers.

6 Prof Comm – Introductions
You will interview 5 people in the room, using the questions to the right. Write down the response from the people you interview. You will be introducing one of them to the class. What is your name? Do you go by it or a nickname? If you were a super-hero, what would be your special power? What would you use it for? How do you think you could make a difference in the world with that power? What is your favorite color? Why do you identify with it? With what emotions do you associate it?

7 Principles - Introductions
Name Crossword – Board Write your name on a sheet of paper along with one fact about you. Turn these in.

8 Procedures Beginning of Class Tardies Absences Assignments Grades
Substitutes End of Class Expectations

9 Beginning of Class You must be in the room when the tardy bell rings, not running in the door or in the hall. Stop talking Get Journal from shelf and complete from the overhead. Open your notebook and textbook to where we left off. Make note of any assignment and when they are due – Use a calendar to help with this.

10 Oops, I’m Tardy. Be prepared with a pass from a teacher or the office.
Sign in on the clipboard by the door. Put your pass on my desk. Have a seat and catch up. ;)

11 I’ve been Absent, what do I do?
Get missed assignments and Journals that you missed … you are still responsible for them…. from a classmate or see me before school, after class or after school. You can also look on my website for missed PowerPoints and Notes. – Worksheet will be in the front of the room in the milk crate labeled with your class.

12 Assignments Put full name – first and last - on every paper.
Put class period underneath name Put date under class period Turn in tray at front of class. EX: Katie McCoy 2nd Period August 25, 2014

13 Grades When absent, you have 3 school days to complete missed assignment. Grades will be updated in TXConnect by 4:30 every Tuesday Failing Major grades will have a retest/quiz date stamped on the top of the page. Late work will receive a grade -10 each day and after 3 days no higher than a 70.

14 Grades Continued Major Grades = 80%
Labs, Projects, Portfolios, Products, Oral Presentations, Multi-Media Presentations, Group Projects, Research, Tests, Career Connection Minor Grades = 20% Journals, Reviews, Experiments, Worksheets, Group Assignments, Quizzes, Participation, Homework, Bookwork

15 Substitute Info Please BE Respectful and Polite
Stay off my desk and supply cabinet. If you have assigned seats, sit in them to prevent being marked absent. Work on assignment and turn in when finished.

16 End of Class Stay in seat until I dismiss you. BELL DOES NOT DISMISS!
DO NOT Line up before bell rings. Put up book and Journal. Clean up after yourself. Turn in work/exit ticket to Mrs. McCoy or assigned spot

17 Expectations Treat everyone with the respect you want to be treated with. When someone is speaking, keep quiet, focus on the speaker and don’t interrupt them. During discussions, respect other’s opinions. Please use only a blue/black ink pen or pencil. Students caught cheating will receive HHS consequences. Bottle of water is okay. NO Food! No cell phones in class.

18 Voice Levels LEVEL 0: Silence is Golden - no conversation
LEVEL 1: Spy Talk –whisper, only 1 person can hear you LEVEL 2: Low Flow – small group work, only the group can hear you LEVEL 3: Formal Normal -normal conversation Level 4: Loud Crowd – presenting voice Level 5: Outside Voice – never used inside

19 Tutoring Days Mornings Tuesday 8:15-8:50 Thursdays 8:15 – 8:50
Afternoons Thursdays 4:20-5:00 Other days by appointment.

20 Contact Info voic

21 Questions?

22 Example of a chart

23 Picture slide Bullet 1 Bullet 2

24 Examples of default styles
Text and lines are like this Hyperlinks like this Visited hyperlinks like this Table Text box Text box With shadow

25 Use of templates You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations. We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. They are not Open Source templates. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them. Do Use these templates for your presentations Display your presentation on a web site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template. If you like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks. Don’t Resell or distribute these templates Put these templates on a website for download. This includes uploading them onto file sharing networks like Slideshare, Myspace, Facebook, bit torrent etc Pass off any of our created content as your own work You can find many more free templates on the Presentation Magazine website

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