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Session Four Fall 2017 Strategic Planning with Heather Booth.

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Presentation on theme: "Session Four Fall 2017 Strategic Planning with Heather Booth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session Four Fall 2017 Strategic Planning with Heather Booth




5 GOALS Heather in Mississippi just before arrest for supporting voter registration

6 Heather at 18 playing guitar for Fannie Lou Hamer,
GOALS Heather at 18 playing guitar for Fannie Lou Hamer, civil rights heroine




10 GOALS Heather, Gene, and Dan

11 Action committee for decent childcare
GOALS Action committee for decent childcare






17 Midwest Academy GOALS

18 Three Principles of Organizing
GOALS Win Real Improvements Give People a Sense of Power Win Structural Reforms





23 GOALS Midwest Academy Strategy Chart Goals
Organizational Considerations Constituencies Targets/ Decision-Makers Tactics

24 Goals GOALS List the long-term objectives of your campaign.
State the intermediate goals for this issue campaign.  What constitutes victory? How will the campaign: Win concrete improvements in people’s lives? Give people a sense of their own power? Alter the relations of power? What short-term or partial victories can you win as steps toward your long-term goal?

25 GOALS Midwest Academy Strategy Chart Example - Childcare Goals
Organizational Considerations Constituencies Targets/ Decision-Makers Tactics Long: Free 24 hour client - controlled childcare Mid: More child care in Chicago Short: Meeting with administrator, study on childcare Concrete: $1 million for child care Process: Hearings around the city on child care Structure: Parents and provider review board of child care

26 Targets/ Decision - Makers
GOALS Primary Targets A target is always a person.  It is never an institution or an elected body.  There can be more than one target but each need a separate strategy chart as your relationships of power differ with each target. Who has the power to give you what you want? What power do you have over them? Secondary Targets (You don’t always have or need secondary targets) Who has power over the people with the power to give you what you want? What power do you have over them (the secondary target)?

27 GOALS Midwest Academy Strategy Chart Example - Childcare Goals
Organizational Considerations Constituencies Targets/ Decision-Makers Tactics Long: Free 24 hour client - controlled childcare Mid: More child care in Chicago Short: Meeting with administrator, study on childcare Concrete: $1 million for child care Process: Hearings around the city on child care Structure: Parents and provider review board of child care Mayor Aldermen Administrator in Human Relations Department

28 Constituencies GOALS Who cares about this issue enough to join or help the organization? Whose problem is it? Into what groups are they already organized? What do they gain if they win? What risks are they taking? What power do they have over the target? Who are your opponents? What will your victory cost them? What will they do/spend to oppose you? How strong are they?

29 GOALS Midwest Academy Strategy Chart Example - Childcare Goals
Organizational Considerations Constituencies Targets/ Decision-Makers Tactics Long: Free 24 hour client - controlled childcare Mid: More child care in Chicago Short: Meeting with administrator, study on childcare Concrete: $1 million for child care Process: Hearings around the city on child care Structure: Parents and provider review board of child care Parents Providers Institutions who want to provide child care (churches, synagogues, mosques, and related institutions) Child Advocates Voters in specific wards of the city - match to aldermen Experts in child welfare Mayor Aldermen Administrator in Human Relations Department

30 Organizational Considerations
GOALS List the resources that your organization brings to the campaign.  Include money, number of staff, facilities, reputation, canvass, etc. What is the budget, including in-kind contributions, for this campaign? List the specific ways in which you want your organization to be strengthened by this campaign.  Fill in numbers for each: Expand leadership group Increase experience of existing leadership Build membership base Expand into new constituencies Raise more money List internal problems that have to be considered if the campaign is to succeed.

31 GOALS Midwest Academy Strategy Chart Example - Childcare Goals
Organizational Considerations Constituencies Targets/ Decision-Makers Tactics Long: Free 24 hour client - controlled childcare Mid: More child care in Chicago Short: Meeting with administrator, study on childcare Concrete: $1 million for child care Process: Hearings around the city on child care Structure: Parents and provider review board of child care Press Funding 1 Staff, 1 person from YWCA Leaders, multi-racial including committee of parents and providers Volunteers, started with 3 built to over 1,000 Office Press Contacts, etc. Parents Providers Institutions who want to provide child care (churches, synagogues, mosques, and related institutions) Child Advocates Voters in specific wards of the city - match to aldermen Experts in child welfare Mayor Aldermen Administrator in Human Relations Department

32 Tactics GOALS For each target list the tactics that each constituent group can best use to put pressure on the target to win your intermediate or short-term goal? Tactics must be: In context Directed at a specific target Backed up by a specific form of power Flexible and creative Make sense to the membership Tactics include: Media events Actions for information and demands Public Hearings Voter Registration and Education Accountability Session Negotiations Elections Law Suits Strikes

33 GOALS Midwest Academy Strategy Chart Example - Childcare Goals
Organizational Considerations Constituencies Targets/ Decision-Makers Tactics Long: Free 24 hour client - controlled childcare Mid: More child care in Chicago Short: Meeting with administrator, study on childcare Concrete: $1 million for child care Process: Hearings around the city on child care Structure: Parents and provider review board of child care Press Funding 1 Staff, 1 person from YWCA Leaders, multi-racial including committee of parents and providers Volunteers, started with 3 built to over 1,000 Office Press Contacts, etc. Parents Providers Institutions who want to provide child care (churches, synagogues, mosques, and related institutions) Child Advocates Voters in specific wards of the city - match to aldermen Experts in child welfare Mayor Aldermen Administrator in Human Relations Department Internal training Meeting with city Meeting of our own in districts (churches, YWCA, etc.) Hearings in districts Rallies Hearing in City Hall Personal stories Sermons

34 GOALS Midwest Academy Strategy Chart Goals
Organizational Considerations Constituencies Targets/ Decision-Makers Tactics List the long-term objectives of your campaign. State the intermediate goals for this issue campaign.  What constitutes victory? How will the campaign: Win concrete improvements in people’s lives? Give people a sense of their own power? Alter the relations of power? What short-term or partial victories can you win as steps toward your long-term goal? List the resources that your organization brings to the campaign.   What is the budget for this campaign? List the specific ways in which you want your organization to be strengthened by this campaign.   List internal problems that have to be considered if the campaign is to succeed. Who cares about this issue enough to join or help the organization? Whose problem is it? Into what groups are they already organized? What do they gain if they win? What risks are they taking? What power do they have over the target? Who are your opponents? What will your victory cost them? What will they do/spend to oppose you? How strong are they? Primary Targets A target is always a person. Who has the power to give you what you want? What power do you have over them? Secondary Targets You don’t always have or need secondary targets) Who has power over the people with the power to give you what you want? What power do you have over them (the secondary target)? For each target list the tactics that each constituent group can best use to put pressure on the target to win your intermediate or short-term goal Tactics must be: In context Directed at a specific target Backed up by a specific form of power Flexible and creative Make sense to the membership

35 Putting Together a Strategy Chart With Your Organization
GOALS Model Putting Together a Strategy Chart With Your Organization

36 GOALS Debrief and Takeaways

37 Next Steps for You Review and practice. Go to for the “Strategy Chart” worksheet. Give us your feedback. Tell us what we can do better. Survey link is at the end of the video. DONATE! Help us train and sustain progressive change: Stay connected. Sign up on our website to stay tuned for Spring 2018 content. Share these skills! Use what you’ve learned to build relationships, train others, and take action in your community.

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