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HARPO Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "HARPO Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 HARPO Analysis

2 New reconstruction algorithm: no tracking Simulation
Quick reminder: HARPO data “Old” reconstruction Preliminary results New reconstruction algorithm: no tracking Simulation Resolution and polarimetry

3 HARPO reminders

4 NewSUBARU Beam

5 HARPO events

6 Main issue: Electronics saturation
Understood phenomenon saturation on cumulated charge on single channel response function not calibrated yet Additional crosstalk poorly understood Affects a very large fraction of the events energy dependent flagging and removing is not an option Important due to beam geometry should not affect (much) cosmic photons

7 Example of saturation 74

8 Reconstruction v2.0 Clustering “classic” T and C clusters (Shaobo)
Tracking “Hough” good for straight separated tracks (cosmics) problems with shared vertex and scattering Tracking “Kalman” closest neighbour search in T and C direction straight line fit Track matching XZ ↔ YZ independent of tracking method problem with electronics saturation

9 Polarisation Pairs of matched tracks get POCA & DOCA
cut on distance between POCA and first signal in TPC Combine data from runs with different TPC orientation Ratio (P=100%)/(P=0)

10 Polarisation

11 Polarisation

12 Polarisation

13 Limitations Low efficiency ~10%=Nreconstructed/Non beam
Low angular resolution straight line fit with large multiple scattering benefit of Kalman lost around vertex Difficult to improve complex algorithm very sensitive to parameter changes

14 Reconstruction v3.0

15 Reconstruction v3.0 Focus on finding vertexes No tracking
Simple bloc clustering Find ROI (vertex candidates): “corner shape” Refine vertex position Find peaks in polar distribution around vertex Vertex matching (same or switch)

16 Vertex Finding Reduce data: simple clustering Find “corner” shape
Draw circle Find longest arc with no data Select arcs longer than π Refine position CoG of RoI (circle)

17 Vertex Finder φ>π φ<π

18 Vertex Finding Simple Robust
local characteristics: works on complex events Weaknesses many fake vertexes (e.g. track ends) needs continuous signal, low noise Potential for improvement better position

19 Vertex Fitting Polar charge distribution around vertex delta electron

20 Vertex Fitting Clean up: keep only straight lines

21 Vertex Fitting Peak finding: track directions

22 Vertex Fitting Simple Robust:
ignores obvious scattering and background potential for small opening angle Potential for improvement better peak finding use of distance info (focus on short distance for large opening angle, long distance for small)

23 Vertex Matching As before: compare charge profile
1: match vertexes if there are several with same Z position 2: match the tracks in the vertex (simple: only 2 possibilities)

24 Vertex Matching Assign signal to tracks

25 Vertex Matching Compare profiles: X(1,2) ↔ Y(1,2) “same”

26 Vertex Matching Compare profiles: X(1,2) ↔ Y(2,1) “switch”

27 Vertex Matching Same Switch

28 Vertex Matching Simple (again) Robust (again)
small number of combinations works if 1 of the 2 tracks has a problem (e.g. electronics saturation) Potential for improvement ?

29 Example with saturation

30 Simulation

31 Simulation very basic Geant4 cube of gas, list of charged particles
complete TPC simulation drift, electron capture, diffusion, gain fluctuations HARPO geometry pad/strips geometry, shaping, noise, saturation Good description of the data still needs to be properly calibrated

32 Results

33 Polarisation: v2.0

34 Polarisation: v3.0

35 Polarisation: Simulation

36 Polarisation: summary
Greatly improved efficiency → Higher statistics Good agreement with simulation Asymmetry smaller than expected resolution? matching?

37 Angular resolution

38 Angular resolution Agreement with theoretical prediction
relatively small contribution of tracking Excellent agreement with simulation effect of saturation dominates at high energy Potential for improvement estimation of track momentum event 100% resolution should significantly improve

39 Conclusions An new, simpler, reconstruction has boosted the performance of HARPO + more robust, higher efficiency – relies on low noise, many fakes The data is well described by simulation better calibration needed for more direct comparisons Performance is good without optimisation It can probably still be improved

40 Future...

41 Future... ST3G

42 Future...

43 Backup

44 Efficiency

45 Polarisation asymmetry

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