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Conduct Remedies in BRICS Countries: Impact on Domestic and International Markets CRESSE 2016 11th International Conference on Competition and Regulation.

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Presentation on theme: "Conduct Remedies in BRICS Countries: Impact on Domestic and International Markets CRESSE 2016 11th International Conference on Competition and Regulation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conduct Remedies in BRICS Countries: Impact on Domestic and International Markets
CRESSE 2016 11th International Conference on Competition and Regulation June 30-July Svetlana Avdasheva, Applied Economics Department, NRU HSE, Tatiana Radchenko, Analytical Center, RF Government Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

2 ? Remedies in competition policy: substitutes for prohibitions
US and EU: in exceptional circumstances under merger approval, and mostly structural BRICS: follow-ups of abuse of dominance decisions in addition to merger review, very often conduct (behavioral) photo ? photo Reasons to apply conduct remedies? Effects of conduct remedies? photo Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

3 Presentation Past and future of conduct remedies in BRICS
Survey of possible effects assessment Special case: conduct price remedies on large exporting companies in Russia Content of remedies Reasons to apply remedies Impact of conduct price remedies on the incentives to collude in international markets Empirical analysis of pricing in several export- oriented industries Discussion and conclusions photo photo photo Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

4 Conduct remedies in BRICS: past and future
Brazil India South Africa China Russia Price remedies in the form of marketing policies - oil and motor fuel ( ), ferrous and non-ferrous metals (from 2007), potash (from ): domestic prices should not exceed export price Industry-specific codes of conducts – in retailing (2012), auto distribution (2013), recently in pharmaceuticals Agreements on BRICS cooperation in the field of competition enforcement, including collective bargaining on Code of Conducts (2016) photo photo photo Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

5 Our focus Remedies on prices: final products
Intermediary products (inputs) IPR Commodities absolute price cap benchmarking price cap Our focus: price remedies on commodities in the form of price cap that uses export price as a benchmark photo photo photo Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

6 Effects of conduct remedies in the recent literature
Structural remedies prevail in mature jurisdictions (Davies & Lyons ; Hoehn, 2010); there are rare exceptions in the regulated (telecom) industries (Hoehn, 2010) Skepticism about side-effects of remedies as undermining contract precautions between companies (Joskow 2002) In BRICS countries: Positive impact on final customers (remedies on pharmaceutical companies, trade-offs between compulsory licensing and price discounts, Beall & Kuhn 2012); Positive impact of compulsory licensing on small domestic producers (Competition Commission, South Africa 2015) photo photo photo Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

7 Conduct price remedies: possible effects on export prices
In response to price remedies large suppliers adjust export price instead of domestic price Intuition: collusion, explicit or tacit, in international markets with trade cost and territorial allocation (Bhattacharjea, Sinha, 2015: Bernheim, Whinston, 1990) In contrast to classic models of collusion with territorial allocation under trade cost price in domestic market depends on price in collusive export market by formula 𝑃 2 =(1+𝛼) 𝑃 1 𝑃 2 - domestic market price 𝑃 export price 𝛼 ≤ ≥ 0 – discount or premium photo photo photo Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

8 Conduct price remedies: possible effects on export prices
NE in trigger strategies (domestic supplier) 𝜋 ( 𝑃 𝑐 1 ; 1+∝ 𝑃 𝑐 1 ) 1 1−𝛿 =𝜋 ( 𝑃 𝑐 1 ; 1+∝ 𝑃 𝑐 1 )+ 𝜋 ( 𝑃 𝑝 1 ; 1+∝ 𝑃 𝑝 1 ) 𝛿 1−𝛿 𝑃 𝑐 export price under collusion 𝑃 𝑝 export price under punishment 𝛿 - discount factor, 0≤𝛿 𝛿 =δ 𝛼 threshold discounting factor depends on discount (premium) photo photo photo Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

9 Data Monthly prices (converted in USD) for 2012 (in exceptional case 2009)-2016 for four products supplied under remedies on domestic market: Aluminium: Price cap = LME+ 5%: share of export in production = 90% Apatite concentrate: Price cap = SA competitor; share of export in production = 30% Motor fuel: Price cap = average of 3 prices, one is export benchmark; share of export in production = 60% Potash: Price cap = Export benchmark (market with lower price) - discount; share of export in production = 80% photo photo photo Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

10 Aluminum: 2012-2016 (USD/ ton): cap on export benchmark from 2007
photo photo photo Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

11 Apatite Concentrate: 2012-2016 (USD/ ton): cap on export benchmark from 2007
photo photo photo Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

12 Motor Fuel: 2012-2016 (USD/ ton): cap on export (
Motor Fuel: (USD/ ton): cap on export (*) benchmark from 2013 photo photo photo Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

13 Potash (potassium chloride): (USD/ ton): cap on export benchmark from May 2011/ revised September 2013 photo photo photo Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

14 Hypotheses and method H1. Without conduct price remedies of particular type adjustment of domestic prices follows adjustment of export price, but under conduct price remedies changes in domestic prices explain changes in export prices H2. Under conduct price remedies of particular type (price cap) effect of domestic prices on export prices increases when the share of export in the revenue of domestic suppliers decreases H3. Under conduct price remedies of particular type reaction of export prices on domestic prices is stronger when benchmark is a minimum but not average export price ( 𝛿 =δ 𝛼 ) Method : Granger causality test photo photo photo Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

15 Results: aluminium and apatite concentrate
Aluminium: impact of domestic price on export stronger than otherwise Apatite concentrate: domestic price is adjusted towards export Dependent variable: ∆log­_alumin_export* Dependent variable: ∆log­_alumin_dom* Excluded Chi-sq Prob ∆log_alumin_dom 5,360 0,021 ∆log_alumin_export 4,294 0,038 ∆log_alumin_LME 8,721 0,003 4,774 0,029 All 11,45 10,17 0,006 photo photo Dependent variable: ∆log­_apatite_export* Dependent variable: ∆log­_apatite_dom* Excluded Chi-sq Prob ∆log_apatite_dom 0,1276 0,721 ∆log_apatite_export 9,3077 0,002 photo Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

16 Results: motor fuel Motor fuel: under remedies domestic price predicts export price (but not otherwise) Dependent variable: ∆log_motor fuel_export* Dependent variable: ∆log­_motor_fuel_ dom* No remedy Remedy Excluded Chi-sq Prob ∆log_motor_fuel_ULSD 1,583 0,435 6,5273 0,038 6,8089 0,033 18,213 0,000 ∆log_ motor_fuel_ dom 3,144 0,208 4,8675 0,088 ∆log_motor fuel_export 3,9613 0,138 4,4935 0,101 All 8,304 0,081 21,426 14,100 0,007 20,211 photo photo photo Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

17 Results: potash (potassium chloride)
Potash: under remedies domestic price predicts export price (but not otherwise) Dependent variable: ∆log_potassium chloride_export* Dependent variable: ∆log_potassium chloride_dom* No remedy Remedy 1 Chi-sq Prob Excluded ∆log_potassium chloride_Vancouver 3,564 0,059 5,5521 0,018 3,2102 0,073 10,088 0,001 ∆log_potassium chloride_dom 0,9354 0,333 5,5065 0,019 ∆log_potassium chloride_export 12,646 0,000 14,446 ∆log_potassium chloride_dom_agr 0,4129 0,521 8,2988 0,004 1,6318 0,0029 0,957 All 5,922 0,115 17,529 27,291 15,738 photo photo photo Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

18 Results: overview H1 is confirmed: remedies enhance the dependence of export prices from domestic prices H2 is not confirmed: dependence of export prices on domestic ones are not stronger for the exporting companies with larger share of domestic market in supply H3 is not confirmed: there is no strong evidence that benchmarking formula affects the dependence of export prices on domestic ones The most important result is that application of price cap with the benchmark of export (world market) price affects pricing strategies of large exporters photo photo photo Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

19 Conclusions Price conduct remedies may provide important instruments for support of domestic downstream producers and final customers (where competition policy meets industrial policy) Being applied in domestic markets, they also affect international product markets But effects depends considerably on the structure and strategic interaction in global markets For instance, if there is a collusion in a market of particular commodity price remedies on the exporting companies may help them to sustain collusion photo photo photo Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

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21 Показать доли на международном рынке
В модель включить соотношение продаж на международном рынке и на внутреннем Ну тут должно быть неплохо: как раз низкая рыночная доля на мировом рынке снижает стимулы к сговору, а высокая доля внутренних продаж повышает влияние регулирования на стимулы Показать, как считается нетбэк Обсудить measurement issues Сослаться на доклад Авирупа Поговорить со Светой и Таней о расширении данных Усилить вывод о том, что предотвращая ценовую дискриминацию третьей степени, мы не обязательно поддерживаем внутренних производителей – именно потому, что мы не учитываем влияние на международную конкуренцию Extensions: а если не в одной стране? Китай – Уралкалий и Русал

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