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Background and Graphic Novels

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Presentation on theme: "Background and Graphic Novels"— Presentation transcript:

1 Background and Graphic Novels
Iran background Character of Marji Marji’s Family War and Conflict 10 20 30 40 50

2 What does the first number indicate when referring to a place in a graphic novel?
Ie. 22/6

3 Page number

4 Marjane Satrapi was born in what country?


6 What is the “gutter” in graphic novels?

7 The space between the panels

8 Define bildungsroman

9 A “coming of age” novel where the protagonist grows.

10 Define Epiphany

11 A sudden realization about something profound.

12 What is the leader of Iran called when the novel begins?

13 Shah

14 Why did the people of Iran want to overthrow their leader at the beginning of the Islamic Revolution?

15 The shah’s regime was repressive and they were oil-backed and sympathized with the west (United States)

16 What are some the changes that take place once the Shah is overthrown?

17 Schools are no longer co-ed, the girls must wear veils

18 What country invaded Iran after the revolution and why?

19 Iraq because they wanted Iran’s oil and Iran was weak from the revolution

20 Who won the war between Iran and the conflicting country?

21 Iran

22 What does Marji want to be when she grows up at the beginning of the novel?

23 A prophet

24 What does Marji learn about her grandfather?

25 That he was a prince

26 What political affilation does much of Marji’s family associate with?

27 communism

28 Why do Marji’s family decide to send her abroad?

29 Her rebellious nature may get her into trouble in the religious Iran

30 Why is Marji so fascinated with her Uncle Anoosh?

31 Because he was in prison for 9 years. She sees him as a hero.

32 Why were Siamek and Moshen (friends of the family) imprisoned during the Shah’s reign?

33 Because one was a revolutionary and the other a journalist who opposed the Shah

34 How does Marji’s relationship with God change after her Uncle dies?

35 She does not want to know God anymore

36 How does Marji feel about her father once the war begins with Iraq?

37 She thinks he is weak and unpatriotic

38 Why does Marji’s mother dye her hair and wear dark glasses for a period of time (beginning of novel)?

39 Because a picture was taken of her at a demonstration

40 What do Marji’s parents do when they are called to school following her misbehavior in school?

41 Criticize the strict school and insult the teacher.

42 Why is it ironic that the old man on the stretcher in the beginning of the novel was being hailed as a martyr?

43 Because he died of cancer, not at a demonstration.

44 Why does Marji stick nails between her fingers and march to attack Ramin?

45 Because Ramin’s father used to work for the Shah.

46 During the war, how do Marji and the other students misbehave at school?

47 Make fun of martyrs and toilet paper the school.

48 Why do the schools give young boys a plastic gold key?

49 The key is to get them into heaven if they are killed in battle

50 What happens to Marji’s Uncle Taher at the end of the chapter “The Passport”?

51 He dies before receiving his passport

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