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The Old and New Worlds Week 1:.

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1 The Old and New Worlds Week 1:

2 Mississippian Culture
Had capital cities, mound builders, small temples Not among the most complex cultures of the Americas

3 Maya Absorbed by the Aztec
The first major center to evolve in the Americas No wheel No iron work Sophisticated calendar, had a 0 They believed 2012 was the end of the world

4 Aztec Late to Central America War and sacrifice to appease their gods
Polytheistic Best empire builders when Europeans arrived Had slavery In 1519 had the majority of Mexico as their territory (No Mexico exists yet) Tenochtitlan: Capital of the Aztecs On water Orderly layout, grid pattern

5 Christopher Columbus Italian who sailed for Spain Economic trip 1492
Spices, sugar, ginger, paprika Trying to get to Asia faster Technology major part of competition Astronomy, caravels, astrolabe 1492 Never believed he was in a new place 4 trips over all

6 Amerigo Vespucci Italian who sailed back and forth to New World
German map maker helps him draw out what he finds Americans named after Amerigo

7 Vikings Claim to have been first Wine production attempts

8 Columbian Exchange

9 Small Pox

10 Protestant Reformation
Changes in church structure People not colonizing in the same areas, bigger issue at home

11 Hernando Cortez Governor of Cuba refused to allow him to go to the area of Mexico, but he gathered a team and went anyway. Arrest Warrant Vera Cruz –landing spot Burned all but one ship to motivate crew He is the first conquistador Finds the Aztecs

12 Montezuma Aztec ruler At first he welcomed the Spanish as gods
Cortez had left to Cuba, and his people were kicked out by the Aztecs who were tired of their plundering Cortez returns, makes friends with locals who don’t like the Aztecs, and together they conquer then (1524) Tenochtitlan becomes Mexico, capital of New Spain

13 Alamos and Presidios Fort Military following the missions Mission
Areas set up to convert

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