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Drafting Tool Practice

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1 Drafting Tool Practice

2 Compass Practice Get out a blank sheet of paper
Label the top “compass practice” Fold it to divide it into 8 equal areas Using the small compass, make the following circles in the top 4 squares: 1. D=.5 in 2. r=.5 in 3. D=1.25 in 4. r=.75 in Using the large compass, make the following circles in the bottom 4 squares: 1. D=1.75 in 2. D=2 in 3. r=1.25 in 4. r=2 in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3 Divider Practice Work on the back of “compass practice”
Label the top “divider practice” Using a triangle, draw a straight, horizontal line in the top left section In the top right section, try to draw a line segment the same length at a 45° angle Use your dividers and a scale to measure the difference. Circle the longer line.

4 Triangle Practice Work on the back of “compass practice” and under “divider practice” Get a t-square Use your drafting tape to attach your paper to the table. Using the t- square and your triangles ONLY, make the following angles that open to the right 1. 45° ° ° 4. 120° 5. 75° ° Remember, there are 180° in a semicircle

5 Adjustable Triangle Practice
Work on a new sheet of paper divided into 8ths Get a t-square Use your drafting tape to attach your paper to the table. Using the t- square, your adjustable triangle, and one of your other triangles, make the following angle: 1. 78° ° ° ° 5. 130° 6. 15° ° 8. 91° Remember, there are 180° in a semicircle

6 Scale practice Work on the back of your adjustable triangle practice
In the top left corner, use your Engineer’s Scale and a triangle to make a 2 inch vertical line. Use the scale only to make small marks for the beginning and end of the line Use your triangle as a straightedge In the right corner, use your Architect’s Scale to make a 3 inch horizontal line

7 Eraser Shield practice
Work on the same sheet as your scale practice In the next 2 empty boxes, use a pencil to make a solid rectangular shape. Use your eraser shield to make all the sides of the second shape perfectly straight like example #1. Then, use your eraser shield to create the figure in example #2. example # example #2

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