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Web Design and Development

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Presentation on theme: "Web Design and Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Design and Development
Implementation – HTML (media)

2 Learning Intention I will learn the HTML tags required to add media to a web page

3 HTML - images img tag is used to add images to a web page e.g.
<img src=“codww2.jpg" width="400" height="240"/> src – the filename [and location] of picture to show width & height – change the size (in pixels)

4 HTML - videos video tag is used to add a video to a web page
e.g. <video controls width="400" height="240"> <source src="movie.mp4"/> <source src="movie.ogg"/> </video> controls – show the playback controls src – the video file to play <source> - specify alternative files which the browser can choose from

5 HTML - audios audio tag is used to add sounds clips to a web page e.g. <audio controls> <source src="sound.mp3"/> <source src="sound.wav"/> </audio>

6 Success Criteria I can create a web page using HTML and can include different types of media – text, image, audio and video. I can read and understand HTML.

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