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FSM Controllers ENGR 110 #8 2016.

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1 FSM Controllers ENGR #8 2016

2 Menu Building a Controller for the traffic lights.
Mealy FSMs vs Moore FSMs, Factored States Admin: Lab Signup, labs and assignments Laptops in lectures Class Representative

3 Abstraction Typically, a Finite State Machine is an abstraction:
Simplification Capturing the significant aspects of the behaviour Leaving out unimportant details Describes the system at a particular level. eg: the door: how far open the door is, how big the door is, what kind of key it uses how hard you have to push to close it. …. eg the website no details of the actions on each page

4 Kinds of Finite State Machines.
Lots of different varieties of Finite State Machines. Describing how a passive system works. states the system can be in, actions on the system that change its state. eg: the door, the website, a DVD player, Can use the FSM description to Design the system Explain the system to users Construct a simulation of the system …. open closed & locked pull push turn key turn key

5 Kinds of Finite State Machines.
Describing/specifying an active system states the system can be in input/signals/sensors that the system may respond to actions that the system will perform eg: an autonomous vehicle with sensors a controller for a robotic toy an NPC in a video game a controller for a lift (the assignment) begging patted start begging stop stop timer timer walking waiting turning round patted IR sensor start walk, start timer(30) start turning, start timer(10)

6 Kinds of Finite State Machines.
Specifying a pattern or a language states representing different points in the pattern characters/words/signals that are the next component of the pattern eg: Regular expression matching in an editor (SW|NW|EC)EN3[0-9][0-9] Sequence of the sounds for different phonemes in a word Simple command language for an adventure game. (Fundamental to some algorithms for text and language.) Specifying a communication protocol states representing different stages in the communication message types that are expected or required at each stage

7 ? Controllers Devices to control systems. Controller
Could be hardware, but usually software, might be a microprocessor or a large computer. Controller gets input from the system Controller performs actions on the system to change its behaviour Note: two different systems here: controller and the controlled system. Might need to design both, but they are separate issues. System: robotic toy autonomous vehicle lift traffic lights vending machine animation of NPC etc. Controller ? Signals/sensors actions

8 Simple Reactive Controllers.
Controller drives the system: Input: Signal/sensor from the system triggers an action Output: Action, reacts to the signal Same response to a sensor, every time Very limited System: robotic toy autonomous vehicle lift traffic lights vending machine animation of NPC etc. Signals/sensors Controller Sensor1 ⇒ action1 Sensor2 ⇒ action2 Sensor3 ⇒ action3 Sensor4 ⇒ action4 actions

9 FSM Controllers. Controller drives the system: System: Controller
Input Signal/sensor from the system triggers an action and changes state States represent the history of what has gone before to enable different responses to same sensor at different times Much richer behaviour. System: robotic toy autonomous vehicle lift traffic lights vending machine animation of NPC etc. Signals/sensors Controller sensor action actions

10 Example: Traffic light controller
Sensors? Actions? States? what are the different conditions where the controller should act differently? eg: should it always change the lights when a car drives up?

11 States for traffic light controller

12 States for traffic light controller
Sensors: carEW, carNS, timer Actions: EW:grn, EW:amb, EW:red, NS:grn, NS:amb, NS:red, setTimer(n) What's the problem with this? EW Go EW Stopping NS Go carEW → NS:amb → setTimer(3) carNS → EW:amb → setTimer(3) timer → EW:red → NS:grn N NS Stopping timer → NS:red → EW:grn W E S

13 States for traffic light controller
Sensors: carEW, carNS, timer Actions: EW:grn, EW:amb, EW:red, NS:grn, NS:amb, NS:red, setTimer(n) Why have we duplicated the actions? EW Go ready EW Go EW Stopping NS Go NS Go must change carNS → EW:amb → setTimer(3) timer → EW:red → NS:grn → setTimer(15) carEW timer timer → NS:amb → setTimer(3) → EW:amb → setTimer(3) timer timer N EW Go must change EW Go NS Stopping NS Go ready W E S timer → NS:red → EW:grn → setTimer(15) carEW → NS:amb → setTimer(3) carNS

14 Mealy or Moore? Mealy FSM: Moore FSM: What's the difference?
Action associated with transition (state and sensor input): "if in this state, and this input happens, then do this action and change to that state. Moore FSM: Action associated with state only: "if in this state, this input happens, then change to that state" "if enter this state, then do this action" What's the difference? EW Stopping NS Go timer → EW:red → NS:grn EW Stopping NS Go timer EW:red NS:grn

15 Mealy vs Moore Moore FSM may be simpler: BUT……. EW Go ready EW Go EW
Stopping NS Go NS Go must change carNS timer carEW EW:red EW:amb NS:grn setTimer(5) setTimer(30) timer timer timer timer N EW Go must change EW Go NS Stopping NS Go ready NS:red timer carEW NS:amb carNS EW:grn setTimer(5) setTimer(30) W E S

16 Mealy or Moore? Mealy FSM: Moore FSM: What's the difference?
Action associated with state and input: "if in this state, and this input happens, then do this action and change to that state. Different actions into a state may have different effects Moore FSM: Action associated with state only: "if in this state, this input happens, then change to that state" "if enter this state, then do this action“ All actions into a state have same effect What's the difference? NS turn right timer → NSright:red → NS:grn EW Stopping NS Go timer → EW:red → NS:grn NS turn right EW Stopping NS Go timer timer EW:red NS:grn

17 Mealy or Moore? If all transitions into a state have the same actions,
⇒ Use a Moore FSM – it's simpler But if the transitions into a state have different actions Moore FSM ⇒ Have to make more states, and duplicate transitions Mealy FSM ⇒ Can keep fewer states Can mix both! UML Finite State Diagrams allow both kinds of actions NS turn right timer EW Stopping NS Go NS Go timer EW:red NSright:red NS:grn NS:grn

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