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The window breaks Modernism.

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Presentation on theme: "The window breaks Modernism."— Presentation transcript:

1 The window breaks Modernism

2 What inspires Modernism?
World War I Technology is good: helps win war Technology is bad: kills more people “Ex Pat” movement: Expatriate: People who left America after their disappointment from the war Many of them set up in Paris, France Presented apathetic front- really feeling a lot of pain

3 What inspires Modernism?
New York Armory Art Show (1913): “Nude Descending a Staircase” Art has no need to be a picture- now we want an artistic sense Kicks off modernist art movement Cubism Pointillism Etc.

4 What inspires Modernism?
Movies in competition First “Speaking” movie by 1927 (Jazz Singer) Books loosing ground as the only form of entertainment. More industry Railroads Advertisements Economy booming (until it crashes)

5 What inspires Modernism?
Sigmund Freud and Psychoanalysis Id, Ego, Super-Ego Id is unconscious- does what it wants Ego is conscious thought Super-Ego is morality- sense of right and wrong Other major revolutionary ideas: Dream Analysis: In our dreams we make clear other ideas Oedipus Complex: Every male wants to kill his father to marry his mother Later Jung develops- Electra Complex: Every woman has penis envy

6 What inspires Modernism
Albert Einstein: Space and Time are relative- You can actually have a time machine Karl Marx Communism The working class will rebel, so instead should split profits Utopias “Perfect World” Technology can create that perfect world

7 What this meant for the literature…
Imagist poetry: Try to capture a single image Reader responds: how they feel is right. Short stories and novels: About a broken America People trying to find Truth. Unsure they can Largely about war even if war not mentioned “Stream of consciousness”: Thoughts just flow out Whatever the reader interprets is correct

8 T.S. Eliot Imagist poet Not the nicest guy: Famous Works:
Considered Anti-Semetic Wrote over people’s heads on purpose. Famous Works: “The Wasteland”: Collection of allusions meant to make people feel stupid or smart “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”: Stream of consciousness about a man who does not live life to the fullest-

9 Ezra Pound Imagist Poet Also viewed as not a nice guy:
Supported Hitler and Mussolini in WWII Also Anti-Semetic Centered Ex-Pat movement in Paris His apartment was where everyone went He introduced influential people Poems Believed one true image captured a moment Also translated Chinese poetry

10 H.D. (Hilda Doolittle) Imagist poet Alternative lifestyle:
Sigmund Freud patient Self-identified bisexual Her writings Pound read her work and found publishers No one paid much attention again until 1970s

11 Ernest Hemingway War experience: Lifestyle: Served as a nurse
Injured in bomb blast, very influential to his life Lifestyle: Drank heavily Loved to hunt big game May also be Anti-Semetic Ended up battling depression and shooting himself

12 Ernest Hemingway Writer: Influence: Started on newspapers
Eventually did series of short stories based on a character: “Nick” Moved on to novels about the post-war experience Influence: Famous for what was under the surface. Famous for short sentences that leave much to figure out

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