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The assessment guide has nothing to do with the pacing guides actually. This is for writing/language standards assessed – some are in guides and some not.

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Presentation on theme: "The assessment guide has nothing to do with the pacing guides actually. This is for writing/language standards assessed – some are in guides and some not."— Presentation transcript:

1 The assessment guide has nothing to do with the pacing guides actually.
This is for writing/language standards assessed – some are in guides and some not. Also what texts are used in assessments. This could be part of a writing booklets instead of a pacing guide booklet?

2 Pre-Assessment: W.K.1b n/a CFA: W.K.2a
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.K.1 Opinion Writing Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is...). Assessment Texts for Quarter One Brief Write Write to Revise Lang Use Edit Quarter One does not have a performance task. Pre-Assessment: Literary: A Day in Kindergarten Informational: Time for School CFA: Literary: Jose and the Blue Crayon Informational: Busy Bees W.K.1b Target 6a State an Opinion or Preference n/a CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.K.2 Informational Writing Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic. Assessment Texts for Quarter Two Literary: Jamie’s Russian Birthday Informational: Parts of a Book and A Piñata Literary: Stuck in the Snow Informational: Making a Snowman W.K.2a Target 3a State a topic

3 W.K.3b W.K.3d L.K.1c W.K.1a W.K.1b L.K.6 L.K.1a
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.K.3 Narrative Writing Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what happened. Assessment Texts for Quarter Three Brief Write Write to Revise Lang Use Edit Pre-Assessment: Literary: Rocky Runs Away Informational: From the Beach to the Sea, From the Sand to the Pond CFA: Literary: Jared and the Talking Sheep Informational: A Beaver’s Habitat , Duck’s Habitat W.K.3b Target 1a Temporal Words …tell the order of events. W.K.3d Target 1b sensory elaboration in details about an event L.K.1f Target 8 produce – expand complete sentences L.K.1c Target 9 form plural nouns adding /s/ or /es/ CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.K.1 Opinion Writing Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is...). Assessment Texts for Quarter Four Literary: Pedro’s Pet, James and Baby Bird Informational: What do Animals Need, Rocks Help this Animal Eat Literary: Ana’s Four Seasons Informational: Four Seasons W.K.1a Target 3a state a topic W.K.1b Target 3b state an opinion with details . L.K.6 use words acquired through texts L.K.1a print upper and lower-case letters

4 Pacing Guides Kindergarten Quarter 1 Comparing and Contrasting
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Asking Questions Retell/Relate Describing Reading RL.K.1 Key Details RL.K.2 Retell Stories Describe Story Elements Skill Strategy Noting Details Asking Questions about Details Noting Details (in Retell) Evaluating the Details Noting Details (in elements) Monitor/Clarify details as I read Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.K.1 Opinion about Informational Text Opinion – Tell the Topic W.K.5 Collaborate to Add Details Language Print Upper/Lower L.K.1b Use nouns and verbs L.K.5d Shades of Verb Meanings Speaking/Listening SL.K.1 Discussion Rules SL.K.5 Add Drawings to add Detail SL.K.4 Describing Details Informational Units Comparing and Contrasting RI.K.1 RI.K.2 Identify Main Topic (use details) Compare/Contrast Story Elements Compare and Contrast Ask Questions to Com./Contrast Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study) W.K.2 Name the Topic Add Sequential Details about Topic Collaborate to add Details Use Nouns/Verbs about Topic L.K.21 Capitalize 1st Word and “I” L.k.2b Recognize and name period. SL.K.2 Ask-Answer Questions about Details Describe Details in Writing

5 Pacing Guides Kindergarten Quarter 2 Comparing/Description
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Description Comparing/Description Define/Explain Reading RL.K.5 Recognize Storybooks and Poems RLK.7 Describe relationship between illustrations and text RL.K.6 Define Roles of Author/Illustrator Skill Strategy Noting Details in Beg., Mid and End Summarizing Beg., Mid and Ending Comparing/Contrasting Relationships Describing Relationships Topic, Main Idea, Details Monitor/Clarify as you read Writing –Narrative (one writing composition in 3 units of study) W.K.3 (plan) Narrate an Event W.K.3 (write/revise) Sequence the Events/Give a Reaction W.K.7 (edit) Participate in Shared Writing Language assessed L.K.2c Writes letters for sounds heard L.K.1c Add /s/ or /es/ to common nouns L.K.1e Use frequently occurring prepositions L.K.2d Spell simple words phonetically (continue through Unit 3) L.K.1f Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language. L.K.2a Capitalize first word and /I/ L.K.2b Recognize and name period. L.K.1d Uses question words when asking. Speaking/Listening SL.K.2 Asks/Answers Questions SL.K.5 (to share and discuss) Provides Details in Drawings Informational Units Classify/Describe Describe/Summarize RI.K.5 Classify/Describe Parts of a Book RI.K.7 Compare Illustrations and Texts RI.K.6 Define Roles of Author and Illustrator Text Structure Monitor/Clarify when Reading Compare and Contrast Summarize (findings) Monitor and Clarify Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study) W.K.3 Informational Narrative Tell About Events Sequentially W.K.3 Provide Reactions to Events W.K.7 Share Writing and Research Develop a Summary – Explain what Happened Language L.K.4 Non-Fiction Topic words Define L.K.5 Sort Objects or Facts by Commonality L.K.4a Identify new meanings to familiar words – Apply in Writing L.K.1b Use familiar nouns and verbs in writing SL.K.4 Describe people, places, things and events SL.K.6 Speak audible and express thoughts, feelings and ideas clearly

6 Pacing Guides Kindergarten Quarter 3
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Asking Questions Compare/Describe Compare/Contrast Reading RL.K.4 Ask and Answer Questions about Unknown Words RL.K.7 Describe Relationships between Illustrations and Story RL.K.9 Compare and Contrast Adventures and Experiences of Characters Skill Strategy Categorize/Classify Monitor/Clarify Text Organization(Structure) Summarizing Compare and Contrast Predict/Infer Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.K.3 Fictional Narrative Narrate Events – Loosely Link W.K.3 Tell About Events Sequentially W.K.5 Strengthen Writing w’ Others How Did the Story End? Language L.K.2d Spell Phonetically L.K.1f (oral language) Produce/Expand Complete Sentences L.K.4b Use –ed, -s, -re, un- ,pre-,-ful as word meaning clues L.K.5b Familiar Verbs and Adjectives Speaking/Listening SL.K.3 Ask Questions to Seek Help Ask Questions to Clarify Informational Units Questioning/Defining Draw Conclusions Compare/Contrast - Hypothesize RI.K.4 RI.K.8 Identify Reasons Author Gives to Support Points in a Text RI.K.9 Identify Similarities and Differences between 2 Texts on Same Topic Author’s Purpose (cause/effect) Fantasy or Realism? (comparing) Summarize Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study) W.K.2 Name a topic Give Details about Topic W.K.7 W.K.5 Participate in Shared Research Respond to Suggestions from Peers W.K.8 Gather Information to Answer Questions L.K.2a Capitalize First Word and ‘I’ L.K.2c Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short vowel sounds SL.K.2 Ask/Answer Questions about Details SL.K.6 Speak Audibly and Clearly to Express

7 Pacing Guides Kindergarten Quarter 4
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Describe/Sequence Explain/Interpret Compare/Contrast Cause and Effect Reading RL.K.3 Identify Story Elements and Events RL.K.6 Name and Define Roles of Author and Illustrator RL.K.9 Compare and Contrast Adventures and Experiences of Characters Skill Strategy Sequence Summarize Problem Solving Monitor/Clarify Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.K.1 Opinion Writing Recognize Character Opinions W.K.5 Respond to Questions about Characters W.K.1 Tell a Reader the Topic (How does Character Respond to Problem?) State an opinion about the book. Language L.K.4b Use –ed, -s, -re, un- ,pre-,-ful as word meaning clues L.K.1c Add /s/ or /es/ to common nouns L.K.5c Identify how words connect with their use L.K.1b Use nouns and verbs L.K.2d Spell Phonetically SL.K.2 Ask/Answer Questions about Details Speaking/Listening SL.K.4 Describe people, places, things -events Informational Units Describe Compare Explain Compare and Contrast Evaluate RI.K.3 Describe Connections Between 2 Individuals, Events, Ideas, Information RI.K.6 Present Ideas by Naming Author, Illustrator and Their Roles RI.K.9 Identify Similarities and Differences Between 2 Texts on Same Topic Predicting Outcomes Predict and Infer Comparing Summarizing Drawing Conclusions (evaluate) Questioning Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study) W.K.2 Name Topic, Supply Details W.K.8 Recall Information (Describe) Supply Details Gather Information W.K.6 Use Digital Tools to Explore Topic Draw, Dictate or Write to Finish, Compose, Edit , Conclude Informational Writing Composition L.K.1e Use Most Occurring Prepositions L.K.5a Sort Common Objects L.K.1f (oral language) Produce Complete Sentences L.K.1d Understand/Use Question Words SL.K.1 SL.K.3 SL.K.5 SL.K.6


9 Pre-Assessment: CFA: W.1.1a,b W.1.1c L.1.1.6 L.1.1a W.1.2c W.1.2b
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.1.1 Opinion Writing Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure. Assessment Texts for Quarter One Brief Write Write to Revise Lang Use Edit Quarter One does not have a performance task. Pre-Assessment: Literary: A New Kid in Town Informational: Bottlenose Dolphins CFA: Literary: The Storm Informational: Spinning Storm W.1.1a,b Target 6a name topic and state opinion W.1.1c Target 6b supply a reason for opinion L.1.1.6 recognize a complete sentence L.1.1a recognize correct capitals CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.1.2 Informational Writing Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure. Assessment Texts for Quarter Two Literary: Snappy the Penguin Informational: Penguins Literary: Three Frogs Informational: Frogs have Special Skin W.1.2c Target 3a provide closure or conclusion W.1.2b Target 3b supply facts about a topic L.1.5d shades of word meaning L.1.2c using commas

10 Pre-Assessment: CFA: W.1.3c W.1.3d L.1.1.6 L.1.1d W.1.1c W.1.1b L.1.1c
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.1.3 Narrative Writing Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what happened. Assessment Texts for Quarter Three Brief Write Write to Revise Lang Use Edit Pre-Assessment: Literary: The Wind and the Sun Informational: What Wind Can Do CFA: Literary: Johnny Appleseed Informational: Apple Picking Time, How do Apples Get to You? W.1.3c Target 1a (Temporal Words …tell about the events in the order in which they occurred…). W.1.3d Target 1b (sensory elaboration in details about an event). L.1.1.6 Target 8 (produce – expand complete sentences) L.1.1d Target 9 (Indefinite pronouns) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.1.1 Opinion Writing Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is...). Assessment Texts for Quarter Four Literary: Dale the Duck Informational: What Makes a Bird, Do all Birds Fly? Literary: Nick Visits the Lincoln Memorial, Andy’s Trip to the Statue of Liberty Informational: American Symbols, Bald Eagles are Safe W.1.1c Target 3a (state reason for opinion) W.1.1b Target 3b (state an opinion with details) (conjunctions) L.1.1c (singular-plural verb tenses)

11 Pacing Guides Grade 1 - Quarter 1 Comparing and Contrasting
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Questioning Prediction Retell/Relate Describing Reading RL.K.1 Ask-Answer Questions about Details RL.K.2 Retell Stories, Know Central Message Describe Story Elements Skill Strategy Noting Details Main Idea and Details Evaluate Monitor and Clarify Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.K.1 State an Opinion, Supply a Reason Introduce Topic Provide a Sense of Closure W.K.5 Focus on a Topic with Help Language L.1.1.g Use conjunctions to connect opinion and reasons L.1.1e Use past tense verbs L.1.1.g (same as Unit 1) L.1.1e (same as Unit 1) Produce-Expand complete simple, compound and declarative sentences L.1.1.c Use singular and plural nouns with matching verbs in basic sentences. SL.1.4 Describe Nouns with Details Speaking/Listening SL.1.2 Informational Units Comparing and Contrasting RI.K.1 RI.K.2 Identify Main Topic, Retell Details RI.K.3 Connect 2 Events, Ideas, People Compare and Contrast Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study) W.K.2 Name Topic, Write Statement Supply Facts about Topic Singular/Plural Nouns with Verbs L.1.2b Use Commas in Dates L.1.4b L.1.1f Use Comparing Adjectives SL.1.1c Ask Questions about Topics SL.1.1b Converse and Respond

12 Pacing Guides Grade 1 - Quarter 2
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Compare and Contrast Description Conclusions Reading RL.1.5 Books that Tell Stories or Give Information RL.1.7 Using Illustrations and Details to Describe Story Elements RL.1.6 Identify – Conclude Who is Telling the Story at Diff. Points Skill Strategy Text Structure (Organization) Monitor and Clarify Topic, Main Idea, Details Monitor/Clarify Drawing Conclusions Predict/Infer Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.1.3 Recount 2 or More Sequenced Events Structure of: Beginning, Middle and Ending – Using Details of What Happened Use Temporal Words to Show Event Order W.1.8 Gather Information from Sources Provide a Sense of Closure Language L.1.5a Sort Words – Integrate with Classifying Types of Texts L.1.1i Use Frequent Prepositions L.1.1f Use Frequent Adjectives to Describe L.1.1e Use Verbs to Convey a Sense of Time L.1.1j Produce/Expand Complete Sentences L.1.2a Capitalize Dates/Names L.1.2b Use Ending Punctuation Speaking/Listening SL.1b Build on Others Talk in Conversations SL.1.4 Describe People, Places, Things, Events Informational Units Classification Compare Explain RI.1.5 Use Informational Text Structures to Locate Key Facts or Information RI.1.7 Use Details and Illustrations in Text to Describe its Key Ideas RI.1.6 Distinguish Between Information in Illustrations and Text (Graphs, Etc..) Text Structure Summarize (purpose of…) Summarize Evaluate Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study) W.1.2 Name a Topic (from Read Text) Supply Facts about the Topic W.1.6 Use Digital Tools to Produce Writing Provide a Closing Sentence. Sort Words into Categories (use words from the texts) L.5.1c Identify Connections Between Words and Real-Life Uses L.1.2d Use Convention Spelling (integrate with writing) L.1.5b Define Word by Category (use words from read to write topic) SL.1.2 Ask and Answer Questions about Key Details SL.1.6 Add Drawings/Displays to Clarify Ideas and Thoughts (integrate w’ writing) SL.1.3

13 Pacing Guides Grade 1 - Quarter 3
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Define Describe Sequence Cause/Effect Compare and Contrast Reading RL.1.4 Identify Feeling-Sensory Words RL.1.7 Describe Events Using Details RL.1.9 Compare-Contrast Character Adventures and Experiences Skill Strategy Categorize (classify words) Summarize Sequence (events) Cause and Effect Monitor/Clarify Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.1.3 W.1.5(adult support) Recount 2 or more Sequential Events W.1.3 Describe Details w’ Temporal Words Provide a Sense of Closure Language L.1.1b Classify Proper – Possessive Nouns L.1.1a Print Upper and Lower Case Letters L.1.5d Distinguish Shades of Verb Meaning L.1.1h Use Determiners Correctly L.1.1d Use Pronouns Correctly L.1.6 Use Words and Phrases Correctly Speaking/Listening SL.1.1 Collaborative Conversations SL.1.4 Describe Nouns and Events Informational Units Draw Conclusions Generalize RI.1.4 Ask-Answer Questions to Determine Word Meaning RI.1.8 Conclude Author’s Reasons in Supporting Certain Points (Causes) RI.19 Similarities and Differences of Two Texts on the Same Topic Categorize/Classify Predict/Infer Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study - more research based) W.1.2 Name an Informational Topic W.1.7 Explore “how-to” books about topic (research) Supply Facts About Topic Use Facts - Write Instructional Sequence W.1.8 Gather Information (With Support) Provide a Sense of Closure with a Concluding Sentence (generalization) Participate in Shared Research L.1.2e Spell New Words Phonetically L.1.4c Identify Frequently Seen Roots Print all Upper and Lowercase Letters Correctly when Writing SL.1.1a Follow Discussion Rules SL.1.6 Produce Complete Sentences SL.1b Build on Other’s Conversations

14 Pacing Guides Grade 1 - Quarter 4
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Describe (pronouns) Literary Analysis Cause and Effect Define Compare and Contrast Hypothesize Reading RL.1.3 Describe Story Elements w’ Detail RL.1.6 Identify Narrator of Story RL.1.9 Compare/Contrast Characters Skill Strategy Fantasy/Realism Sequence Problem/Solution Summarize Evaluate Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.1.1 State an Opinion About a Character in a Text Describe how the Character Feels and Why (Problem) Conclude the Opinion Piece with a Hypothesis (Solution) Language L.1.1c Use Singular-Plural Nouns L.1.1e Use Verbs to Convey Time Use Singular and Plural Nouns L.1.1b Common, Proper, Possessive Nouns L.1.1g Use Frequently Seen Conjunctions Speaking/Listening SL.1.1a Follow Discussion Rules SL.1.5 Add Drawings to Writing to Clarify SL.1.1c Ask Questions About Topic Informational Units Compare Interpret Explain Compare-Contrast RI.K.3 Connect 2 Events, Ideas, People RI.1.6 Distinguish Between Information in Illustrations and Text (Graphs, Etc..) RI.19 Similarities and Differences of Two Texts on the Same Topic Noting Details Monitor/Clarify Categorize/Classify Predict/Infer Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study) W.1.2 Name a topic. Supply Information about a topic. W.1.8 With support. Write a conclusion by evaluating. L.1.4a Sentence level context clues. L.1.5b Define words by attributes. L.1.2c Use commas in dates and in a series. L.1.5a Sort words into concept categories. L.1.5d Distinguish shades of meaning w’ verbs. L.1.2d Use conventional spelling for words with common spelling patterns or frequently occurring irregular words. SL.1.3 Gather information by asking and answering questions. SL.1.1b Build on conversations. SL.1.14 Describe nouns with relevant detail.


16 Pre-Assessment: CFA: W.2.1a,b W.2.1c L.2.1.6 L.2.1d W.2.2c W.2b L.2.3a
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.1 Opinion Writing Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section. Assessment Texts for Quarter One Brief Write Write to Revise Lang Use Edit Quarter One does not have a performance task. Pre-Assessment: Literary: Ant and Grasshopper Informational: Benjamin Franklin the Printer CFA: Literary: A Tadpole Tale Informational: Frogs W.2.1a,b Target 6a name topic and state opinion W.2.1c Target 6b supply a reason for opinion L.2.1.6 Using Accurate Language L.2.1d Past Tense Verb Usage CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.2 Informational Writing Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section. Assessment Texts for Quarter Two Literary: Oh Nuts! Informational: Plant Life Cycle Literary: Why Bat Became Friends with the Birds Informational: A Bat Mystery W.2.2c Target 3a provide closure or conclusion W.2b Target 3b supply facts about a topic L.2.3a shades of word meaning – formal and informal L.2.2a Using Capitals Correctly

17 Pre-Assessment: CFA: W.2.3c W.2.3b L.2.3a L.2.1c W.2.1d W.2.1c L.K.6
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.3 Narrative Writing Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure. Assessment Texts for Quarter Three Brief Write Write to Revise Lang Use Edit Pre-Assessment: Literary: Brave Little Seed, Two Little Seabirds Informational: Giant Sequoias and Redwoods, The Largest Living Thing CFA: Literary: Three Friends and the Moon, The Wind and the Moon Informational: The Moon, The Beautiful Moon W.2.3c Target 1a (Temporal Words to Signal Event Order) W.2.3b Target 1b (sensory elaboration of details about an event). L.2.3a Target 8 (Using formal and informal language/words) L.2.1c Target 9 (Using Reflexive Pronouns) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.1 Opinion Writing Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section. Assessment Texts for Quarter Four Literary: Lucy’s Skates, Skating Informational: The History of Roller Skates, The Father of Roller Skating Literary: My Great Idea, Band-Aid Baby Informational: The Band-Aid Inventory, Band-Aids W.2.1d Target 6a (Use linking words to connect opinion and reasons) W.2.1c Target 6b (Give reasons to support opinions) L.K.6 (Using Adjectives-Adverbs to Describe) L.2.1e (Choosing correct Adjectives-Adverbs depending on what needs to be modified)

18 Pacing Guides Grade 2 - Quarter 1
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Questioning Retell Cause and Effect Describing Actions Sequencing Reading RL.2.1 Ask who, what, when, where and why about key details. RL.2.2 Recount fables and fairytales from diverse cultures to determine lesson RL.2.3 Character responses to challenges and events Skill Strategy Main Idea and Details Monitor and Clarify Predicting Summarizing Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.2.1 Write about a character’s opinion. Connect opinion to reason using linking words because, and, also, etc… Introduce a topic, state an opinion and supply reasons to support opinion. Provide a concluding statement to the opinion piece/ Language L.2.4a Use sentence level context clues to determine meaning (and in own writing). L.2.1f Write using… complete simple and compound sentences to produce, expand and rearrange. L.2.1e Consult references for spelling L.2.2e Use adjectives and adverbs correctly. Speaking/Listening Speaking and Listening SL.2.2 Recount ideas or details aloud from information Informational Units Compare and Contrast RI.2.1 Ask who, what, when, where and why about key details. RI.2.2 Identify main topic of a multiparagraph text and within individual paragraphs. RI.2.3 Describe connection between a series of events, ideas, to procedures. Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study) W.2.2 Write an informative text. W.2.6 Use facts and definitions to respond to a text, including adjectives. W.2.2I introduce a topic. Develop it with facts and definitions. Provide a concluding statement ( using compare and contrast language.) Use facts and definitions in conclusion. Use past tense irregular verbs correctly. L.2.1d SL.2.3 Ask and answer questions to clarify a speaker’s information. Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud. SL.2.6 Speak in complete sentences when appropriate to provide clarification.

19 Pacing Guides Grade 1 - Quarter 2
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Describing Sequencing Retell Cause and Effect Summarizing Reading RL.2.5 Describe overall story structure RL.2.7 Use Illustrations and Text to Understand Story Elements RL.2.6 Understand Character Points of View in Dialogue Skill Strategy Sequence Summarize Predict Main Idea, Topic, Details Monitor Clarify Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.2.3 Write Events Sequentially in a Narrative Style Include Details to Describe Actions, Thoughts, Feelings with Temporal Words Provide a Sense of Closure Language (integrate with writing) L.2.1a Use Collective Nouns L.2.1b Use Plural Collective Nouns L.2.6 Use Topic Words L.2.4b Use Prefixes to Determine Word Meaning L.2.1f Produce Simple and Compound Sentences L.2.2c Use an Apostrophe to Form Contractions L.2.3a Compare Formal and Informal English Speaking/Listening SL.2.1b Participate in Conversations SL.2.5 Recount Experiences in Many Ways Informational Units Classify Description Explaining RI.2.5 Use Various Text Features to Locate Information RI.2.7 Use Images to Clarify a Text RI.2.6 Identify the Main Purpose of Author – (answering, explaining or describing). Questioning Text Organization Monitor and Clarify Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study - more research based) W.2.2 Write an Informational Text about a Topic W.2.7 Participate in Shared Research W.2.2 – W.2.7 Introduce a Topic from Shared Research Develop the topic with Facts and Definitions Provide a Concluding Sections W.2.5 Strengthen Writing with Support L.2.1.e Use Adjectives and Adverbs Correctly L.24e Use Beginning Dictionaries and Glossaries L.2.5a Connect Words to Real Life Use L.2.2e Consult Reference Materials SL.2.1c Ask for Clarification SL.2.1a Follow Discussion Rules

20 Pacing Guides Grade 2- Quarter 3
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Defining Interpret Describe Summarize Draw Conclusions Compare and Contrast Reading RL.2.4 Describe how words and phrases supply rhythm and meaning (story, poem, song) RL.2.7 Use illustrations, words, digital texts to understand characters, setting, plot RL.2.9 Compare and Contrast 2+ version of same story by different authors. Skill Strategy Inferences Predict and Infer Noting Details Drawing Conclusions Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.2.3 Pre-plan a narrative (story, song, poem) Write and Revise a sequence of events,. W.2.8 Gather information from provided sources (add illustrations) User temporal words to signal even order. Edit Reflexive Pronouns Provide a Sense of Closure Language L.2.4c Use known root words for word meaning. L.2.4d Use compound words as word meaning clues. L.2.4b Determine word meaning when prefix is added to a known word. L.2.1b Use common irregular plurals (mice, fish) L.2.1c Use reflexive pronouns correctly (myself, ourselves). Speaking/Listening SL.2.5 Add visuals to stories to clarify ideas, thoughts and feelings. SL.2.4 Use facts and details to recount a story. Informational Units Supporting Opinions Conclusions Evaluate Hypothesis RI.2.4 Determine word and phrase meaning. RI.2.8 Describe how reasons support points in a text. RI.2.9 Compare/Contrast important points in two texts on the same topic. Fact and Opinion Questioning Author’s Purpose Monitor and Clarify Making Judgments Summarizing Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study - more research based) W.2.2 Model introduction, topic and facts to develop points. W.2.7 Participate in shared research and writing projects to produce a product. Introduce topic with facts and definitions to develop a point. W.2.5 Focus on a topic and strengthen by revising with guidance from adults/peers. Provide a concluding statement or sections. L.2.4e Use dictionaries to clarify word meaning. L.2.2e Consult references to edit spelling L.2.2a Capitalize holidays, names, states, etc… L.2.3a Edit writing using formal English SL.2.3 Ask/answer questions from a speaker to clarify a topic or issue. SL.2.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners. SL.2..5 Add visuals OR audio to stories to clarify ideas, thoughts and feelings.

21 Pacing Guides Grade 2 - Quarter 4
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Sequence Describe Supporting Opinions Contrasting Compare and Contrast Reading RL.2.3 How characters response to major events and challenges. RL.2.6 Recognize points of view of different characters (different voices in dialogue) RL.2.9 Compare and Contrast 2+ versions of same story by different authors. Skill Strategy Problem Solving Questioning to Clarify Predicting Outcomes Predict and Infer Summarizing Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.2.1 Model opinion pieces, introduce topic and state an opinion. Write and revise – state an opinion and supply reasons to support opinion. W.2.8 Recall information from provided sources Use linking words to connect opinions to reasons ( because, and also). Provide a concluding statement. Language L.2.1d Use past tense of common irregular verbs ( sat, hid, told) l.2.5B Distinguish shade of meaning among closely related words ( toss, throw) and adjectives (skinny, scrawny). SL.2.4 …Use relevant facts and speak audibly in coherent sentences to tell a story. Speaking/Listening SL.2.1c Ask for clarification as needed. Use descriptive details to tell a story… Informational Units Summarize Cause and Effect RI.2.3 Describe the connection between historical events, scientific ideas or concepts or steps in a technical procedure. Use time, sequence, and /or cause/effect. RI.2.6 Identify the main purpose of a text: What does the author want to answer, explain or describe? RI.2.9 Compare/Contrast important points in two texts on the same topic. Monitor and Clarify Making Generalizations Questioning Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study - more research based) W.2.2 Model writing to connect events (RL2.3) in an informational piece. Write about important points in 2+ texts using facts, and definitions to develop each point. Gather information from 2+ sources. Edit and Provide a conclusion. W.2.6 With guidance use digital tools to produce and publish a collaborative writing piece. L.2.5a Make real-life connections between words and their uses (e.g., foods that are sweet). L.2.4a Use sentence-level context as a clue to determine word meaning. L.2.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage. SL.2.3 Ask a speaker questions or answer in order to deepen understanding. SL.2.2 Recount /describe key ideas or details from a text or other media. SL.2.6 Produce complete sentences appropriate to task .


23 Pre-Assessment: CFA: W.3.1b W.3.1a L.3.3a L.3.1i W.3.2c W3.2a L.2.2
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.1 Opinion Writing W.3.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons. W.3.1.A Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure that lists reasons. W.3.1.B Provide reasons that support the opinion. W.3.1.C Use linking words and phrases (e.g., because, therefore, since, for example) to connect opinion and reasons. W.3.1.D Provide a concluding statement or section. Assessment Texts for Quarter One Brief Write Write to Revise Lang Use Edit Quarter One does not have a performance task. Pre-Assessment: Literary: How the Firefly Got Its Light Informational: The Things Wings Do CFA: Literary: Tikki Tikki Tembo Informational: Chinese Culture W.3.1b Target 6a name topic and state opinion W.3.1a Target 6b supply a reason for opinion L.3.3a Choose words for effect L.3.1i Simple and compound complex sentences W.3.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. W.3.2.A Introduce a topic and group related information together; include illustrations when useful to aiding comprehension. W.3.2.B Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details. W.3.2.C Use linking words and phrases (e.g., also, another, and, more, but) to connect ideas within categories of information. W.3.2.D Provide a concluding statement or section. Assessment Texts for Quarter Two Literary: Stone Soup Informational: My Name is Graham, as in Cracker Literary: Dan’s Dream Informational: Climbing Mount Everest W.3.2c Target 3a provide closure or conclusion W3.2a Target 3b supply facts to elaborate about a topic L.2.2 Punctuation usage

24 Pre-Assessment: CFA: W.3.3c W.3.3b L.3.3a L.3.1g W.3.1c W.3.1b L.3a
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.3 Narrative Writing W.3.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. W.3.3.A Establish a situation and introduce a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally. W.3.3.B Use dialogue and descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings to develop experiences and events or show the response of characters to situations. W.3.3.C Use temporal words and phrases to signal event order. W.3.3.D Provide a sense of closure. Assessment Texts for Quarter Three Brief Write Write to Revise Lang Use Edit Pre-Assessment: Literary: Bubbles the Humpback Whale, Hums of the Humpback Whale Informational: The Humpback Whale, Facts about Humpback Whales CFA: Literary: The Dolphins and the Pilot Whales, A Fish Fable Informational: Dolphins and Porpoises, Is it a Porpoise or a Dolphin? W.3.3c Target 1a (temporal words signal event order) W.3.3b Target 1b (elaboration using dialogue) L.3.3a Target 8 (choosing words for an audience) L.3.1g Target 9 (superlatives) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.1 Opinion Writing W.3.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons. W.3.1.A Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure that lists reasons. W.3.1.B Provide reasons that support the opinion. W.3.1.C Use linking words and phrases (e.g., because, therefore, since, for example) to connect opinion and reasons. W.3.1.D Provide a concluding statement or section. Assessment Texts for Quarter Four Literary: Arcy’s Rainbow, The Whys of Weather (The Colors of the Rainbow) Informational: Rainbow Colors, Rainbow Questions Literary: The Tornado Drill Informational: Clara Barton, Red Cross Story W.3.1c Target 3a (connecting opinion to reason with linking words) W.3.1b Target 3b (revise and identify use of techniques to develop opinion or deleting details that do not support opinion) L.3a (using appropriate academic or domain specific language for audience) L.3.2e (Adding suffixes to base words)

25 Pacing Guides Grade 3- Quarter 1
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Questioning Retell Sequencing Reading RL.3.1 Ask/Answer questions to show understanding. RL.3.2 Recount texts, determine central message and explain how its conveyed. RL.3.3 Explain how a character’s actions contribute to the sequence of events. Skill Strategy Main Idea-Supporting Details Monitor/Clarify Cause/Effect Predict Summarize Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.3.1, 1c Connection opinions and reasons with linking words and phrases. Model how to write an opinion piece supporting reasons with point of view. W.3.1 Introduce topic, state opinion, create an organizations structure with supporting reasons. (3.1c continue to use linking words to connect to reasons) W.3.1b,d Provide reasons to support an opinion. Provide a concluding statement. Language L.3.3a Choose words and phrases for effect. L.3.1i Produce simple, compound and complex sentences in writing. L.3.2c Use commas and quotation marks (dialogue) L.3.1h Use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions Speaking/Listening SL.3.1d Explain ideas during discussion Informational Units RI.3.1 Ask/answer questions to show understanding RI.3.2 Determine main idea, show how details support the main idea. RI.3.3 Use language to describe the relationship between events. Main Idea/Supporting Details Summarizing Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study) W.3.2 Informational texts examine a topic and convey ideas (model) W.3.2d Use domain-specific vocabulary when writing about a topic. W.3.2a Introduce topic, and group related information (use illustrations). W.3.2b Develop the topic with facts and details. W.3.2c Use linking words and phrases to connect ideas. Provide a concluding statement (integrate cause and effect or sequencing language). L.3.1d Use regular/irregular verbs SL.3.2 Determine main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented. Use words and phrases for effect in writing. L.3.4a Use a sentence’s context to determine meaning. SL.3.1c Ask questions, stay on topic, link comments to others remarks. SL.3.6 Speak in complete sentences.

26 Pacing Guides Grade 3 - Quarter 2
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Sequence/Describing Compare/Contrast Describing Opinion Compare/Contrast Reading RL.3.5 Use chapter, scene and stanza when referring to parts of a story, drama/poem. RL.3.7 How do illustrations convey words in a story? RL.3.6 Distinguishing points of view (narrator, self, characters). Skill Strategy Text Organization Monitor/Clarify Compare and Contrast or Cause/Effect Inferring/Predicting Author’s Purpose Evaluating Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.3.3a Model how event sequence unfolds in a narrative. Establish situation, introduce characters and organize an event sequence. W.3.3c Use temporal words to signal event order W.3.3b Use dialogue and description to develop experiences, events and character responses. W.3.3d Provide a sense of closure. Language (integrate with writing) L.3.1a Parts of Speech functions L.3.1h Coordinating/Sub conjunctions L.3.1g Form and use comparative, superlative adjective/adverbs depending on what tis to be modified. L.3.1f Subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement L.3.2c Commas and questions marks in dialogue L.3.5a Distinguish literal/non meaning Speaking/Listening SL3.1a Draw on known to explore ideas in discussion SL.3.2 Determine main idea and supporting details (share orally) diverse media. SL.3.4 Report on a topic, tell a story, recount an experience with facts and descriptions. Informational Units Classification Describe/ Explain Compare/Contrast Opinions RI.3.5 Use text features to locate information RI.3.7 Use illustrations /words to show understanding RI.3.6 Point of view of author and self Categorize/Classify Questioning Main Idea, Topic, Supporting Details Summarizing Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study - more research based) W.3.2a Model writing informational structures. W.3.2b Develop topic w’ facts, definitions, details. W.3.2c Connect ideas w’ linking words/phrases. W.3.2d Provide a concluding statement. W.3.5 Edit, plan, revise with guidance from peers. L.3.4a Sentence level context -word meaning L.3.5b Connections between words and real to life use. L.3.2.g Use reference materials for spelling. L.3.1i simple, compound, complex sentences L.3.2c forms and uses possessives L.3.2d commas, quotes in dialogue L.3.2b knows spoken vs written conventions SL.3.1c Asks questions to clarify understanding. SL.3.6 Speaks in complete sentences.

27 Pacing Guides Grade 3- Quarter 3
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Defining/Describing Literary Analysis Compare/Contrast Reading RL.3.4 Determine literal from non-literal words/phrases RL.3.7 How do illustrations convey the text meaning RL.3.9 Compare story elements by same author about similar characters Skill Strategy Inferring Monitor/Clarify Story (text) Structure Evaluating Questioning Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.3.3 Model techniques, details and event sequences of narrative writing W3.3a Introduce Narrator/characters ; organize an event sequence W.3.3b Use dialogue to develop events W.3.3c Use temporal words to signal event order W.3.3d Provide a sense of closure in narrative writing Language L.3.4b affixes change word meaning L.3.1d use irregular/regular plural nouns L.3.1c use abstract nouns L.3.5c use abstract nouns L.3.1a explain the purpose of adjectives L.3.2a capitalize words in titles L.3.2e conventional spelling in HFW add suffixes to base words Speaking/Listening SL.3.1b Follow agreed upon discussion rules SL.3.1d Explain own ideas during discussions SL.3.3 Ask questions, elaborate and use details during discussions Informational Units Explaining Evaluate RI.3.4 Determine academic and domain –specific Words/phrases RI.3.8 Describe how text is connected by specific structures (i.e., comparison, cause/effect) RI.3.9 Compare and Contrast points in 2 texts on the same topic Text Structure (informational) Text Organization Compare and Contrast Monitor and Clarify Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study - more research based) W.3.2 and W.3.2a Model techniques to convey ideas and group related information together W.3.2b and W.3.2c Develop a topic with facts using linking words W.3.2d Provide a concluding statement L.3.4c Use root words as clues to meaning L.3.3.a Choose words for effect L.3.2f Use spelling patterns when writing words L.3.2b Use commas in addresses SL.3.2 Determine main ideas of information presented in diverse media SL.3.4 Report on a topic or text with appropriate facts and descriptive details.

28 Pacing Guides Grade 3 - Quarter 4
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Sequence – Summarize Support Opinions Compare/Contrast Hypothesis Reading RL.3.3 Describe Character traits, motivations, feelings. How do traits contribute to the sequence of events? RL.3.6 What is the narrator’s or characters’ point of view? What is yours? How are they different? RL.3.9 Compare and contrast themes, setting and plots (same author). Skill Strategy Noting Details Monitor/Clarify Making Judgments Evaluate Drawing Conclusions Summarize Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.3.1-a Model (show planning for ) what is an opinion piece? How does it support a point of view with reasons? W.3.1b-c (rough draft) Student writing opinion piece – focus on providing reasons that support the opinion and linking words/phrases (because, therefore, since, etc…)( W.3.1d Complete opinion piece – provide a concluding statement or section. Language L.3.5b Identify real life connects between words and uses (connect to characterization) L.3.1e In writing form and use the simple verb tenses. L.3.1f Subject-Verb-Pronoun agreements. L.3.2 Demonstrate commands of standard English when writing. Speaking/Listening SL.3.3 Ask and answer questions of a speaker. SL.3.1 Engage collaboratively in discussions. SL.3.6 Speak in complete sentences. Informational Units RI.3.3 Describe relationships between events, concepts or procedures using time, sequence and cause/effect. RI.3.6 Distinguish own point of view from that of the author’s (author’s purpose). RI.3.9 Compare and contrast important points and key details in two texts on the same topic. Predicting Outcomes Problem Solving Making Generalizations Summarizing Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study - more research based) W.3.2-a Model time, sequence or cause effect in events, concepts or procedures in order to write an informaitonal text. Group related ideas together (research) W.3.2b-c (rough draft) Develop writing topic with facts, definition and details, linking words and phrases to connect ideas. W.3.8 Gather information from digital sources, take notes and sort evidence. W.3.2d Complete informational piece – provide a concluding statement or section. Support with key details and points as well as differences in points of view. L.3.1g Comparative/Superlative adjectives & adverbs L.3.2g Consult reference materials to check spelling L.3.4d Use glossaries, dictionaries print and digital to clarify meaning SL.3.1A Come to discussions prepared SL.3.1D Explain own ideas in discussions SL.3.5 Create audio of fluent readings…


30 Pre-Assessment: CFA: W.4.1b W.4.1a L.4.3a, L.6 L.4.2c W.4.2e W.4.2d
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.1 Opinion Writing W.4.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information. W.4.1.A Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writer's purpose. W.4.1.B Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details. W.4.1.C Link opinion and reasons using words and phrases (e.g., for instance, in order to, in addition). W.4.1.D Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented. Assessment Texts for Quarter One Brief Write Write to Revise Lang Use Edit Quarter One does not have a performance task. Pre-Assessment: Literary: A Proud Flight Informational: Thomas Alva Edison CFA: Literary: Lost on Ellis Island Informational: Ellis Island: The Hunt for Alois Hanousek W.4.1b Target 6a (stating reasons to support an opinion) W.4.1a Target 6b (organizing a sequence of events) L.4.3a, L.6 Target 8 (choose words that express an idea) L.4.2c Target 9 (compound sentences) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.2 Informational Writing W.4.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. W.4.2.A Introduce a topic clearly and group related information in paragraphs and sections; include formatting (e.g., headings), illustrations, and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. W.4.2.B Develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples related to the topic. W.4.2.C Link ideas within categories of information using words and phrases (e.g., another, for example, also, because). W.4.2.D Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. W.4.2.E Provide a concluding statement or section related to the information or explanation presented. Assessment Texts for Quarter Two Literary: The Miracle Worker (a play), Helen Keller (poem) Informational: Helen Keller (biography), “Address to the 1,200 School Children Literary: How Doth the Little Crocodile (poem) Informational: What are the Differences Between Alligators and Crocodiles?, Take Your Class to the Everglades Safari Park W.4.2e Change on assmnt! Target 3a ( writing a conclusion) W.4.2d Target 3b (using precise academic language and domain specific vocabulary) L.4.3a, W.4.2d (choosing words to convey ideas more precisely) L.4.2a (capitalization)

31 Pre-Assessment: CFA: W.4.3c W.4.3b L.4.3a L.4.1d W.4.1c W.4.1b L.4.1f
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.3 Narrative Writing W.4.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. W.4.3.A Orient the reader by establishing a situation and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally. W.4.3.B Use dialogue and description to develop experiences and events or show the responses of characters to situations. W.4.3.C Use a variety of transitional words and phrases to manage the sequence of events. W.4.3.D Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely. W.4.3.E Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events Assessment Texts for Quarter Three Brief Write Write to Revise Lang Use Edit Pre-Assessment: Literary: I Want to be an Archaeologist Someday, Lost Treasure Informational: Basic Archaeology: What’s a Dig, Basic Archaeology: What’s a Midden? CFA: Literary: Earthquake! Informational: Chicago Legacy: Burnham’s Plan, Chicago’s First Leader W.4.3c Target 1a (use transitional words and phrases to manage a sequence of events) W.4.3b Target 1b (using dialogue ) L.4.3a Target 8 (choosing words for effect) L.4.1d Target 9 (order of adjectives) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.1 Opinion Writing W.4.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information. W.4.1.A Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writer's purpose. W.4.1.B Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details. W.4.1.C Link opinion and reasons using words and phrases (e.g., for instance, in order to, in addition). W.4.1.D Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented. Assessment Texts for Quarter Four Literary: Rainforest Home, Drippy (poem) Informational: The amazon Rainforest, Experiencing a Rainforest Literary: Electric Free Day, Power Lesson Informational: Electricity & Energy, Lights Out! W.4.1c Target 3a (link opinion and reasons using transitional words) W.4.1b Target 3b (revise and identify use of techniques to develop opinion or deleting details that do not support opinion) (using precise and domain specific vocabulary) L.4.1f (recognizing inappropriate fragments or run ons)

32 Pacing Guides Grade 4- Quarter 1
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Explaining Description Reading RL.4.1 Refer to details when explaining the text or drawing inferences. RL.4.2 Determine theme from details and summarize the text. RL.4.3 Describe story elements in depth using specific details from the text. Skill Strategy Inferring Evaluation Main Idea Summarizing Details Monitor/Clarify Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.4.1, W.4.1c Write an opinion piece with a point of view. Link opinion and reason with transitional words. W.4.1a Introduce a topic, state opinion and group related ideas. W.4.1c Link opinion and reason with transitional words. W.4.1c, W.4.1d Write a concluding statement include reasons that are supported by fact and details. Language L.4.3a Choose words to convey ideas precisely. L.4.1f Correct fragments and run-on sentences. L.4.2b Mark quotes using commas & quotation marks. L.4.1e Use prepositional phrases correctly. Speaking/Listening SL.4.1.d Discuss key ideas in own words. Informational Units Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Cause and Effect RI.4.1 RI.4.2 Determine the Main Idea of a text and how key details support the Main Idea. RI.4.3 Explain evidence from info. text, what happened and why based on specific text details. Predicting/Inferring a Cause and Effect Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study) W.4.2, W.4.2d Write informational text to examine a topic or idea, using precise domain language. W.4.2b, W.4.2c, Develop a topic using information from text, link ideas with transitional language. W.4.2e Write a conclusion related to the information or explanation presented. SL.4.1 Engage in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners. Build on other’s ideas and express own ideas clearly. Choose words/phrases to precisely convey ideas. L.4.4a Use different types of context clues to determine word meaning.

33 Pacing Guides Grade 4 - Quarter 2
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Compare/Contrast Explaining Summarizing Reading RL.4.5 Explain differences between poems, drama and prose (refer to standard!) RL.4.7 Make connections between texts and visual or oral presentations of the text. RL.4.6 Compare/Contrast differences of points of views (first and third person). Skill Strategy Compare and Contrast Questioning Writing –Narrative (one composition in 3 units of study) W.4.3 Write narratives using effective techniques, details and event sequence. W.4.3a Establish situation, introduce characters W.4.3d Use words, phrases & sensory details to convey experiences precisely. W.4.3e Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events (sequence). Language (integrate with writing) L.4.4.b Use Greek and Latin affix and roots as clues to word meaning. L.4.5b Know meaning of idioms, adages -proverbs. L.4.3c Use formal language in writing appropriately. L.4.1c Use modal auxiliaries to convey various conditions. L.4.5a Explain the meaning of similes and metaphors. L.4.4a Use different types of context clues to determine word meaning. L.4.3a Choose words to convey ideas precisely. L.4.3b Use punctuation for effect. L.4.1f Correct fragments and run-on sentences. Speaking/Listening SL.4.1a Be prepared for discussions to explore topics and ideas. Informational Units Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Describing Classification Draw Conclusions Explain RI.4.5 Describe the structure of events, ideas, concepts or information in a text. RI4.7 Interpret and explain how information contributes to understanding the text. RI4.6 Compare/contrast first and secondhand accounts of same event or topic. Text Organization Monitor/Clarify Noting Details Conclusions Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study - more research based) W.4.2 Introduce a topic, group information. W.4.7 Build knowledge w’ a short research project. W.4.4b-c Develop the topic with facts, quotes, etc.. Use linking words to connect ideas. W.4.6 Use technology to produce/publish W.4.4d-e Use domain-specific words to tell about the topic. Provide a concluding section related to information presented. L.4.1d Use adjective order correctly in sentences. L.4.4.c Use references to find correct pronunciation or meaning of words. L.4.2c Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence. L.4.2d Spell words correctly (use references). L.4.1a Use relative pronouns/adverbs correctly. L.4.3c Use formal English when appropriate. SL.4.4 Report on topics - organize with facts, details to support mail ideas.

34 Pacing Guides Grade 4- Quarter 3
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Sequence Defining and Describing Text Structure Compare and Contrast Literary Analysis Reading RL.2.4 Determine meaning of words/phrases including characters in mythology. RL.2.7 How do various representations of a story reflect descriptions in the text? RL.2.9 Compare/Contrast similar themes, patterns in myths . Skill Strategy Predict/Infer Story Structure Summarizing Fantasy/Realism Evaluate Writing –Narrative (one composition in 3 units of study) W.4.3a Establish a situation, introduce character, organize events sequence. RL.4.9a (connects with) Describe story elements in depth. W.4.3… (continue with W.4.3a) Use effective techniques, and descriptive details when writing. W.4.3b Use dialogue and description to develop events or show character responses W.4.3e Provide a conclusion that follows narrated sequence of events. W.4.5 Plan, revise and edit with guidance from peers and adults. W.4.4 Writing is appropriate to task, purpose and audience. Language L.4.4.a Use context clues to determine meaning. L.4.5c Relate words to antonyms and synonyms. L.4.4.c Use reference to clarify precise meaning. L.4.4b Use Greek/Latin affixes and roots correctly. SL.4.1a Come to discussions prepared, draw on preparation during discussion. SL.4.1c Pose and respond to questions to clarify and comment as discussing. Speaking/Listening Informational Units Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Defining Classifying Interpret (Conclusions) Explain RI.4.4 Determine word/phrase meaning. RI.24.8 Authors’ support points using reasons and evidence. RI.4.9 Integrate information of two texts on same topic to speak/write about. Making Generalizations Making Judgments Monitor/Clarify Author’s Purpose Evaluating Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study - more research based) This is a complex writing task with research. W.4.7 Conduct short research projects W.4.2a Introduce topic – group information. Include formatting to aide comprehension. W.4.2b Use facts, definitions, details, quotes to develop topic. W.4.9 Draw evidence to support research. W.4.2c Link ideas using words/phrases. W.4.6 use technology when researching. W.4.2d Use precise language/domain-specific to explain about topic. W.4.2e Provide concluding section . W.4.8 Recall – gather information from sources. Provide a source list. W.4.6 Publish Writing. L.4.2b Use commas and quotes correctly. L.4.2a Use correct capitalization. L.4.1g Correctly use frequently confused words. L.4.2c Use a comma before coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence. SL.4.2 Paraphrase text read or information presented. SL.4.3 Identify the reasons -evidence a speaker provides to support particular points. SL.4.4 Report on a topic – use facts and details to support a main idea speaking clearly.

35 Pacing Guides Grade 4 - Quarter 4
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Describe Ask Clarifying Questions Compare and Contrast Persuade Reading RL.4.3 Describe story elements in depth using specific details. RL.4.6 Compare/Contrast points of view from first and third person accounts. RL.4.9 (traditional literature, myths) Compare/contrast treatment of themes/topics and patterns of events. Skill Strategy Predict Outcomes Predict/Infer Fact and Opinion Questioning Evaluate Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.4.1a Introduce topic, state opinion, create an organizational structure grouping related ideas. W.4.1b-c Provide reasons supported by evidence about a topic, Link opinion and reasons with words/phrases. W.4.1d Provide a conclusion related to the opinion presented. Language L.4.1b Use progressive verb tenses correctly L.4.1a Use relative pronouns and adverbs correctly. L.4.5b Recognize/Explain meaning of idioms, adages and proverbs. Speaking/Listening SL.4.1b Follow discussion rules and carry out assigned roles. SL.4.1d Review key ideas and explain own ideas during a discussion. SL.4.4 Report on a topic w’ relevant facts/details to support main ideas. Informational Units Cause and Effect Retell/Relate Past Events RI.4.3 Explain events, procedures, ideas or concepts in historical, scientific or technical texts (what happened and why) RI.4.6 Compare/contrast first & secondhand account of same event describing differences in focus and information. RI.4.9 Integrate information from two texts about same topic in order to write or speak knowledgeably. Problem Solving Monitor and Clarify Classify/Categorize Summarize Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study - more research based) W.4.2a Introduce topic and group information using appropriate formatting (headings, illustrations) W.4.2b Develop topic with facts, definitions, details, quotes, information and examples. W.4.2c Link ideas within categories using words. W.4.2d Use precise and domain specific language. W.4.2e Provide a conclusion related to information presented. W.4.9 Draw evidence to support research, analysis or reflection. L.4.3a Choose words to convey ideas precisely. L.4.3b Choose punctuation for effect. L.4.3c Differentiate between situations that call for formal English and informal discourse. SL.4.5 Add recordings –visual displays to presentations to enhance the development of main ideas or themes. SL.4.6 use formal English when appropriate to task and situation.


37 Pacing Guides Grade 5- Quarter 1
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Reading RL.2.1 RL.2.2 RL.2.3 Skill Strategy Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.2.1 Language Speaking/Listening Informational Units RI.2.1 RI.2.2 . RI.2.3 Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study) W.2.2 W.2.2I

38 Pacing Guides Grade 5 - Quarter 2
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Reading RL.2.5 RL.2.7 RL.2.6 Skill Strategy Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.2.3 Language (integrate with writing) Speaking/Listening Informational Units RI.2.5 RI.2.7 RI.2.6 Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study - more research based) W.2.2

39 Pacing Guides Grade 5- Quarter 3
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Reading RL.2.4 RL.2.7 RL.2.9 Skill Strategy Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.2.3 Language Speaking/Listening Informational Units RI.2.4 RI.2.8 RI.2.9 Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study - more research based) W.2.2

40 Pacing Guides Grade 5 - Quarter 4
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Reading RL.2.3 RL.2.6 RL.2.9 Skill Strategy Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.2.1 Language Speaking/Listening Informational Units RI.2.3 RI.2.6 RI.2.9 Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study - more research based) W.2.2


42 Pacing Guides Grade 6- Quarter 1
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Reading RL.2.1 RL.2.2 RL.2.3 Skill Strategy Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.2.1 Language Speaking/Listening Informational Units RI.2.1 RI.2.2 . RI.2.3 Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study) W.2.2 W.2.2I

43 Pacing Guides Grade 6 - Quarter 2
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Reading RL.2.5 RL.2.7 RL.2.6 Skill Strategy Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.2.3 Language (integrate with writing) Speaking/Listening Informational Units RI.2.5 RI.2.7 RI.2.6 Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study - more research based) W.2.2

44 Pacing Guides Grade 6- Quarter 3
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Reading RL.2.4 RL.2.7 RL.2.9 Skill Strategy Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.2.3 Language Speaking/Listening Informational Units RI.2.4 RI.2.8 RI.2.9 Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study - more research based) W.2.2

45 Pacing Guides Grade 6 - Quarter 4
Students read texts, write about those texts, speak and listen about the texts and use language correctly when writing about the text. Students complete one writing piece during the Literature Units and one during the Informational Units. Literary Units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Language Functions Reading RL.2.3 RL.2.6 RL.2.9 Skill Strategy Writing –Opinion (one composition in 3 units of study) W.2.1 Language Speaking/Listening Informational Units RI.2.3 RI.2.6 RI.2.9 Writing – Informational (one composition in 3 units of study - more research based) W.2.2

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