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How can Little League teach children to be responsible?

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1 How can Little League teach children to be responsible?
Eugene Little League How can Little League teach children to be responsible?

2 History of the Game Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1938 Carl Stotz wanted to create organized teams for his young nephews to start playing baseball instead of pick up games in the street.

3 Little League’s Growth
Nearly 200,000 teams All 50 U.S. States Over 80 countries Approximately 2,400,000 boys

4 Locally: District 9 Four Little Leagues in District 9:
Eugene Little League Sheldon Little League Thurston Little League South Valley Little League

5 Clinic at PK Park Season begins in March
Oregon Ducks will be hosting a free clinic February 8th Registration and uniform fittings will be February 8th and 15th PK Park

6 Sources Charity Hansen- President of Eugene Little League
The children of board members will be available to interview Interviewing members of the board as parents

7 Visuals Photo/Video of children playing baseball
Photo/Video of Charity’s sons’ mapped out plan Photo/Video of Oregon Duck Clinic at PK Park

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