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Actinomycosis Olivia Bennett #2 Rebeca Daman #4

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Presentation on theme: "Actinomycosis Olivia Bennett #2 Rebeca Daman #4"— Presentation transcript:

1 Actinomycosis Olivia Bennett #2 Rebeca Daman #4
J Nicolini #12 Jenny Wu #20 DH125 November 2015 Actinomycosis

2 Actinomycosis Actinomyces israeliianaerobic, filamentous , gram-positive bacteria that are found in the oral cavity along the teeth, gum & tonsils Pose no threat unless tissue is damaged Cervicofacial actinomycosis produces firm swellings (abscesses) in the mouth, jaw, facial area, or neck Sinus tracts can develop & may split skin or rupture, releasing pus

3 Histology Actinomycetes colonies within granules, surrounded by defense cells

4 Treatment Draining with a needle
Removing abscess with surgery if infection spreads to critical areas Antibiotics (penicillin or tetracycline)

5 Case Study Jerome, 35 year-old non-smoker with abscess on right side of face Has been on antibiotics for 1 week Radiographs show class II calculus & furcations

6 Unmet Human Needs Skin & Mucuous Membrane Integrity Swollen lumps
Lesions & abscess present Conceptualization & Understanding Unaware that poor dental hygiene could result in severe bacterial infections Unaware of importance of daily home care Poor brushing and flossing technique

7 Dental Hygiene Intervention
Skin & Mucous Membrane Integrity Treat unaffected area of mouth and encourage client to follow up with physician and continue antibiotics as prescribed Conceptualization & Understanding Provide oral homecare education & instruction Emphasize importance of continuing Dental Hygiene treatment

8 References Bush, L. (n.d.). Actinomycosis - Infections. Retrieved October 14, 2015, from The Maxillofacial Center for Diagnostics & Research. Actinomycosis. (n.d.). Retrieved October 14, 2015, from Okulicz, J. (2015, July 28). Actinomycosis. Retrieved October 14, 2015, from

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