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Get Up and Go! A Call to Freedom

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1 Get Up and Go! A Call to Freedom
Genesis 12:1-10

2 Background on Abraham Father- Terah – tradition and idol maker in Ur
The witness of Abraham?- unsaved relatives and family members. The call first came to Terah- Genesis 11:31 Left for Canaan. Settled in Haran- Died in Haran. Genesis 11:32 What causes us to settle for less than God’s best blessing and freedom?

3 The Lord’s Call Genesis 12:1
God is a God of second ( and third..) chances Ezekiel 18:32 Peter- Matthew 26:35 John 21:15-17 God will never leave you or forsake you Deuteronomy 31:6 Good News!- I Timothy 1:15 I John 1:9

4 More than Just Believing Trusting and Obeying
God’s personal command- You get up and go!-v.1 From your country, your family, your home- Matthew 19:27-29 Even more in the Kingdom and eternal life! What’s holding you back from trusting and obeying God’s call to freedom and blessing? The comfortable and familiar?-Matthew 18:26 Gain the world and lose your soul?

5 God’s Promise A Land I will show you-v.1 Hebrews 11:9-10
I will make you a great nation-v.2 You will be a blessing- v.2 I will bless those who bless you-v.3 I will curse those who curse you-v.3

6 The Circumstances at the Time of the Promise?
Abram was 75 years old-v.4 Genesis 25:7 He and Sarai had no children- Genesis 11:30 Canaanites were living in the Land.-v.6 Abraham was a wanderer all his life. Hebrews 11:9-10

7 Abram Obeyed- He Went-v.4 The key to freedom
Abraham saw my day and rejoiced! John 8:56- The hope of things not yet seen Hebrews 11:1 We are children of Abraham if we believe like Abraham- John 8:39 Children of freedom- John 8:33,36- Slaves to sin- Romans 6:17 If the Son sets you free!

8 Children of Freedom Romans 8:1-2

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