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Graphing Activity & 4 Questions

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1 Graphing Activity & 4 Questions
AP Bio 2017

2 A good title? Heating Curve of Water Over Time
Specific Heat of Water over Time

3 Dependent variable Temperature in oC

4 Independent variable Time in minutes

5 Sample Graph Note the temp labels, as per your instructions:
Ice- below 0 oC Water- 0 to 100 oC Steam- above 100 oC Melting- at 0 oC Evaporating- at 100 oC

6 Ice melts at 0 oC, water boils at 100 oC Rationale for each?
Question 1: At what temperature(s) does ice begin to melt and water begin to boil? How do you know? Answer with scientific rationale. Ice melts at 0 oC, water boils at 100 oC Rationale for each? At these temperatures, with no addition/removal of heat energy, the state (solid or liquid) won’t change- stays at 0oC / 100 oC until all converted liquid or vapor (steam)


8 Question 2: Which water transformation best lends itself to ensuring that organisms do not overheat? Explain. Vaporization/Evaporation/Heat of vaporization/Evaporative cooling- “dissipates body heat” as the “hottest molecules- those with the greatest kinetic energy- leave the body as a gas” (Reece et al, 2011)

9 Question 3: Which water transformation best lends itself as a barrier, ensuring that aquatic organisms are protected against cold air? Water to solid ice formation- ice barriers act as insulators and prevent cold air from reaching organisms.

10 Question 4 Which water property best lends itself to ensure that aquatic organisms are able to maintain homeostasis relative to their own temperature fluctuations? Water’s high specific heat: “because organisms are made primarily of water, they are better able to resist changes in their own temperature than if they were made of a liquid with a lower specific heat” (Reece, et al. 2011)

11 Make sense now?

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