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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION TO CERN INDUCTION PROGRAMME"— Presentation transcript:

8 February 2007 Enrico Chiaveri HR Department

2 Welcome to CERN Congratulations!
Introduce myself – Enrico Chiaveri, Head of HR, physicist background… Welcome you And I would also like to congratulate you For the qualifications/experience for which CERN has selected you And • for having chosen to work at CERN We promise you a rich and interesting professional experience!

3 What is CERN? The European Organization for Nuclear Research, founded in 1954 Currently 20 member states, over 80 nations represented. 7500 scientists, in total about people work at CERN! - Basic Research in Particle Physics - Front-edge Technology - Training of tomorrow’s scientists and engineers - International Collaboration What is CERN? CERN – World leader – only lab of its kind – Forefront of science & technology, international collaboration

4 What is CERN? 1) Concentrate energy on particles (accelerator)
CERN’s goal: Seeing finer structures… CERN’s methods: Accelerators… As you know, this year is going to be a very exciting year for CERN because of the launch of the LHC… You will be working in different parts of this organization, but whether directly or indirectly, you will all be contributing to this unique project! For example (next slide) 2) Collide particles (recreate conditions after Big Bang) 3) Identify created particles in detectors (search for new clues)

5 (*) corresponding to more than 20 million CDs
CERN - Physics The LHC at CERN The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), currently being built, is the largest scientific instrument on the planet. When it begins operations in 2007, it will produce roughly 15 million Gigabytes (*) of data annually, which thousands of scientists around the world will access and analyse. (*) corresponding to more than 20 million CDs LHC 4 experiments Those of you who will be working directly in physics will probably be working for one of these 4 experiments (give some details) But although LHC is our flagship project at the moment, we are also thinking of what will come next and you may be called upon to contribute to that too…..

6 CERN - Physics

7 CERN - Accelerators 27 km circumference 100 m underground
CERN’s accelerators are what make this organisation unique Give some details – e.g. PS to SPS to LEP to LHC?? Those of you who will be working in AT or AB departments will be involved in …. 27 km circumference 100 m underground

8 CERN - Informatics The World Wide Web provides seamless access to information that is stored in many millions of different geographical locations In contrast, the Grid is an emerging infrastructure that provides seamless access to computing power and data storage capacity distributed over the globe. CERN is of course the home of the WWW But the Grid goes even further

9 CERN - Technical Examples of civil engineering?

10  Safety in your department
CERN - Safety  Safety Committees  Safety Procedures  Safety Training  Safety in your department SAPOCO – Safety policy Safety training Safety inspections Etc…

11 Staff members: professional categories (February 2007)
Research Physicists Applied Scientists and Engineers Technical Staff Manual Workers and Craftspersons Administrators and Office Staff And for those of you who will be working in HR department, you will be looking after the welfare and working conditions of our greatest asset: our personnel Staff members – composed of the different categories of research physicists…..

12 CERN - Council The Council is the ultimately responsible for all important decisions; it determines CERN’s policy in scientific, technical and administrative matters, approves the programme of activities and adopts the budgets; it also reviews expenditure.  Each Member State has two official delegates, one representing his or her government’s administration and the other national scientific interests. Who are the people involved in this great adventure? CERN Council CERN Management CERN Staff Association CERN Joint committes CERN Personnel

13 CERN's Organization Chart (January 2007)

14 CERN – Staff Association
The main objectives: - Defend the interests of staff members and their families - Promote good relations among different people working in the CERN site - Strengthen the links between the nationals of all countries represented

15 Employed Members of the Personnel
CERN Personnel Categories of Members of the Personnel divided into: Employed Members of the Personnel Staff members Fellows Apprentices Associated Members of the Personnel Associates Users Students

16 Nationality distribution of staff members (February 2007)

17 Nationality distribution of fellows (February 2007)

18 Staff: Age distribution (February 2007)

19 Fellows: Age distribution (February 2007)

20 Where is technology developed at CERN useful? vacuum, ultra-vacuum
CERN - Achievements Where is technology developed at CERN useful? vacuum, ultra-vacuum cryogenics electronics detectors medical the World Wide Web EDMS (Engineering Data Management System) and more… As a member of this community you will be part of this wonderful CERN adventure and you will be able to share this with your friends and family Help them also to understand the work of CERN & the role it plays in our society

21 Technology Transfer Projects
Silicon detector for a Compton camera in nuclear medical imaging Radio-isotope production for medical applications Thin films by sputtering or evaporation Medipix: Medical X-ray diagnosis with contrast enhancement and dose reduction Radiography of a bat, recorded with a GEM detector

22 CERN, Internet and the WWW

23 the discovery of W boson (1983)
Carlo Rubbia and Simon van der Meer, 1984 Nobel Prize in physics

24 Good luck! CERN – Tomorrow?
And do not forget that we, in HR department, are available to help at all times!

8 February 2007 Enrico Chiaveri HR Department


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