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1 Equation


3 How many women will experience domestic abuse in their life-time?
1 in 4  1 in in 30   How many children in a class of 30 are likely to be living with domestic abuse? 1 in in in 30  What percentage of domestic abuse incidents are witnessed by children? 10% 50% 90% 1 in 4

4 16-19 yr olds 20-25 yr olds 30-40 yr olds
What is the age group most at risk of experiencing domestic abuse? 16-19 yr olds yr olds yr olds How many teenage girls have experienced physical abuse from a partner 1 in 4 1 in in 30  How many teenage girls have experienced sexual violence from a partner 1 in 3 1 in in 30 16-19

5 All of these statistics are why we need early intervention projects within schools to hopefully change perceptions and stereotypes of gender roles before ideas and beliefs become formed and entrenched in our young people of what a relationship should be like 16-19


7 Project Outline Staff Twilight for teachers
Then working in Years 5 & 6 Session One: Healthy Relationships Session Two: Defining Domestic Violence Session Three: Reasons and Excuses Session Four: Respecting Each Other Graduation

8 A whole school approach to healthy relationships education in mainstream secondary schools

9 Equate Universal prevention
Relationships Project- Year 7 Teen Relationship Abuse-Year 8 Personal Space (and sexual bullying)- Year 9 OR Digital Safety (sexting)- Year 9

10 Options available for delivery of the Project:
Assemblies Drop down days (so a whole year group can be done in one day) Small targeted group workshops

11 Additional Teacher Training available on:
Teen Abuse Consent Child Sexual Exploitation Forced Marriage & so called “Honour Based” Abuse Female Genital Mutilation Sexting and Internet Safety

12 Targeted Projects: Targeted projects for small groups of young women in Year 9 and young men in Year 10 at risk of DVA in their own relationship or of demonstrating harmful behaviours in their own relationships

13 Resources:

14 Contact information: Tel:

15 Teen Advocate service A personalised package of practical advocacy and emotional support will be provided to female (and male in the county) teenagers aged years experiencing abuse in their intimate relationships. Support: Safety planning will address the specific risks to teenagers including child sexual exploitation, Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage and online abuse. All high risk 16 and 17 year olds will be referred to the Multi Agency Referral Assessment Conference (MARAC). The service will work flexibly with teenagers and agencies in order to obtain their engagement and be aware of the high level of normalisation of DVA in teenage relationships. What is deemed as high risk, example of engagement , discuss normalisation 15 hour Freephone Helpline

16 The Dynamics of domestic violence in Teenage Intimate Relationships
Teenage abusive relationships have complex dynamics and they are not easy to leave. Abuse is not always physical. The levels of violence and harm can be no less serious than that seen in adult domestic violence. Professionals need to be alert to domestic abuse, name it, and offer support to victims in the context of a young person. Multiple victimhood, no alternative accommodation, example of this, talk about control and what the teens report, ask the question 16 hour Freephone Helpline

17 17 hour Freephone Helpline

18 Samantha Cassanova - Tel: 0115 8221760 Mobile 07794565496
Teen Advocate (City) Samantha Cassanova - Tel: Mobile WAIS Website: – to download a referral form 18 hour Freephone Helpline

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