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December 2.

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1 December 2

2 Shop here! The chaos of daily life


4 What do you like most/least about this time of year?

5 A recent survey has shown what kind of holiday season shoppers Brits are.

6 What do the expressions in bold mean?
for no particular reason the amount of money that is available for a particular purpose to keep; adhere to Half of Britons buy Christmas presents for the sake of it. One person or thing in a group of five persons or things Despite a festive budget, 15% admit they don’t stick to it. to be enough to pay for something One in five leave shopping to the week before Christmas. household pets such as cats and dogs One third use credit cards to cover the cost of gifts. Brits always find time and budget for their furry friends. Brits will often buy gifts for themselves.

7 Are British and Brazilian holiday season shoppers
similar or different? Discuss. What kind of holiday season shopper are you? Half of Britons buy Christmas presents for the sake of it. Despite a festive budget, 15% admit they don’t stick to it. One in five leave shopping to the week before Christmas. One third use credit cards to cover the cost of gifts. Brits always find time and budget for their furry friends. Brits will often buy gifts for themselves.

8 Is Christmas a religious holiday for you?
Which member of your family is the easiest/hardest person to buy gifts for? Why? What was the best/worst Christmas present you ever received? Why? Have you ever returned, exchanged or regifted a Christmas present? Explain. Is Christmas a religious holiday for you? Do you think it has become too commercialised?


10 Describe the scene in as many details as possible.
What’s going on here? Describe the scene in as many details as possible.

11 What’s the difference? a sketch X a photo
maternity leave X paternity leave stay-at-home parent X breadwinner parent

12 Complete with one of the words/expressions from each pair.
a sketch X a photo maternity leave X paternity leave stay-at-home parent X breadwinner parent As a father-of-two, Norwegian illustrator Stale Gerhardsen creates hilariously spot-on sketches about modern life as he attempts to capture his experiences caring for his children. Gerhardsen was inspired to change the course of his work after he took paternity leave following the birth of his son. As a new stay-at-home dad, he decided to put all his other projects to one side and focus his attention solely on his son for the next four months. Since then, Gerhardsen has made more than 1,000 drawings of everyday life with his children which he documents on his Instagram page.

13 Who cares for your kids? If not you, would you consider being a stay-at-home parent? Justify.
What’s your daily routine like? How does it compare to the cartoons by Stale Gerhardsen? What’s the greatest challenge parents face raising kids nowadays? PARENTS Who cared for you as a kid? What was your daily routine like? How does it compare to the cartoons by Stale Gerhardsen? Do you plan on having children? Would you consider being a stay-at-home parent? Justify. CHILDREN

14 A sketch: a rough or unfinished drawing or painting.
Leave: time when one has permission to be absent from work. Stay-at-home: remaining at home especially to tend to children and domestic duties while a spouse is at work. Breadwinner: a person who earns money to support a family.

15 Slide 6 – Have sts discuss the meaning of the expressions first.
Slide 10 – Make sure sts are expected to describe not only what they see but what is going on in the scene. Slide 11 – Click on the “I” icon for definitions, if need be. Slide 13 – Have sts answer the questions in the group that relates to them, “parents” or “children”

16 http://www. independent. co

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