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Israel's Comfort, Our Comfort Isa 41:8-20. Do Not Fear, For I Am With You. Fear is common emotion of mankind The constant anxiety some people have about.

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Presentation on theme: "Israel's Comfort, Our Comfort Isa 41:8-20. Do Not Fear, For I Am With You. Fear is common emotion of mankind The constant anxiety some people have about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Israel's Comfort, Our Comfort Isa 41:8-20

2 Do Not Fear, For I Am With You. Fear is common emotion of mankind The constant anxiety some people have about life is reminiscent of a story Mark Twain once told The greatest reason to be fearless is I am with you When fear overtakes us, we need to go to God's word to hear His tender voice say, Fear not, for I am with you.

3 Be Not Dismayed, For I Am Your God. The Hebrew word for "dismay" means to "look around in amazement or bewilderment But Our God is more powerful than that! We have a God who is supremely ABLE! - Jer 32:27 The Christian must realize that Jesus is our Lord; God is our God, and He sees the end we cannot - 2 Cor 4:1-10; Rom 8:28 Our confidence lies not in our own ability, but in how the Lord is able to help us when we need it - 1 Pet 3:13-17

4 I Will Strengthen You, Yes I Will Help You. The Lord doesn't promise that trouble will be taken away - 1 Cor 10:13 If we intend to work and live for God, we can rely in His help - 1 Pet 4:11-14 Trouble will come, trials will try to make us leave Him, but we can know that God supplies us with tools to fight the battle - Eph 6:10-18, Phil 4:13 With help from God, how can we fail?

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