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EMCC Department of Public Safety

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1 EMCC Department of Public Safety
Campus Security Authority

2 Campus Security Authority
Clery Act

3 Campus Security Authority
Murder of Lehigh University student Jeanne Ann Clery 25 years ago leads to campus security reform across nation The murder of Jeanne Ann Clery on April 5, 1986, on the Bethlehem campus by fellow student Josoph Henry fueled a wave of change across the nation by establishing crime reporting guidelines and emergency notification standards. Clery's parents, Connie and Howard Clery, began the foundation Security On Campus and lobbied for the passage of the Clery Act -- which requires institutions to maintain and disclose information about crime on or near campuses.

4 Campus Security Authority
According to federal law, specifically The Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act of 1990 (recently re-named the Clery Act), The EMCC Department of Public Safety is required to report “statistics concerning the occurrence of certain criminal offenses reported to the local police agency or any official of the institution who is defined as a “Campus Security Authority.” (CSA)

5 Who are CSA’s ANY employees of the institution, who are in a position to develop relationships with students (Includes Board approved, RPS/temporary and volunteers staff)

6 CSA Based on Job Function
To determine specifically which individuals or organizations are CSA’s, consider the function of that individual or office If someone has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, then he or she is a Campus Security Authority

7 CSA’s Based on Function
Individuals may be designated as CSA’s based on whether they perform the following functions 1. Their official job responsibilities involve significant interaction with students and/or campus activities and organizations 2. They serve as informal or unofficial mentors to students 3. They serve as a member in an office or of a committee to whom students are instructed and informed to report or discuss crimes, allegations of crimes, and other situations, and/or 4. They have oversight for disciplinary procedures

8 Examples of CSA’s Faculty or Staff Advisors to student organizations
Dean of Students Director/Asst Director of Athletics and Coaches. ALL COACHES (including volunteer coaches) Specialized departments that work with students on a daily basis. Example: Disability Services, Veterans Affairs, International Students etc

9 Campus Security Authority Responsibilities
If a Campus Security Authority receives information about a crime, and believes the report was made in good faith, they should document the incident and must report it to the proper; Campus Reporting Authority

10 Campus Reporting Authority
The ONLY proper Campus Reporting Authority at EMCC, is the Department of Public Safety You may report the incident to your supervisor, department/division chair, or the Dean of Student however, it still must be reported to the Department of Public Safety

11 Campus Reporting Authority
All of the people involved in the Penn State incident were CSA’s, and is an example of not reporting it to the proper Reporting Authority. An assistant coach reported what he had seen to Coach Paterno, who reported it to the Athletic Director, who eventually reported it to the University President, but… It was never directly reported to the Campus Police

12 Who are not CSA’s Faculty (unless a student club advisor)
Clerical staff Facilities staff Food service staff Academic advisors Athletic trainers Licensed/certified counselor (but are Title IX reporters, so can be a CSA)

13 What Incidents Are Required To Be Reported?
Homicides Sexual Offenses Robbery Aggravated Assault Burglary Motor Vehicle Theft Arson Hate/Bias Related Crimes Arrests and Referrals for Liquor, Drug and Weapons Violations

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