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7th Grade Social Studies – Chapter 3

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1 7th Grade Social Studies – Chapter 3
The World’s People 7th Grade Social Studies – Chapter 3

2 Section 1 - Culture Geography – the study of the earth and people.
Culture – the way of life of a group of people who share beliefs and customs. Eight traits are examined when understanding culture: Social Groups History Language Arts Religion Government Daily Life Economy

3 Social Groups & Language
Consider all the different groups of people within a culture. (social group) Ethnic Group – a group of people who share a common culture, language, or history. Language - is one of the strongest unifying forces for a culture. Dialect – a local form of a language that differs from the language in other areas.

4 Religion & Daily Life Religion - helps people answer questions about life’s meaning. Major World Religions: Buddhism Christianity Hinduism Islam Judaism How people live their daily lives dictates the culture of a society.

5 History & Arts A culture group has a shared history, that shapes their view of the world. Arts - express culture: Paintings Sculptures Architecture Dance Music Theater Literature

6 Government & Economy The kind of government, or political system reflects a society’s culture. Monarchy Dictatorship Democracy Anarchy Economic System – a set of rules for how people decide what goods and services to produce and how they are exchanged. Traditional Economy Market Economy Command Economy

7 Cultural Change Cultures are constantly changed due to new inventions, ideas, trade, movement, and war. Cultural Diffusion – is the process of spreading new knowledge and skills to other cultures. Civilization – highly developed culture. Culture Region – different countries that have traits in common.


9 Section 2 - Population Death Rate – the number of people out of every 1,000 who die in a year. Birthrate – the number of children born each year for every 1,000 people. Famine – lack of food Population Density – the average number of people living in a square mile. Urbanization – movement to cities.

10 Emigrate – leaving the country where you are born and moving to another.
Refugee – people who flee to another country to escape persecution or disaster.

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