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(7th) Chapter 7-1 Cornell Notes

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1 (7th) Chapter 7-1 Cornell Notes
“China Reunifies”

2 (7th) Chapter 7-1 Cornell Notes: Key Questions
1. How did the Grand Canal influence China when it was built? 2. What did reunification do for the common people of China?



5 Key Terms Empress Wu Period of Disunion

6 Chapter 7-1 Cornell Notes
Heading 1: “The Period of Disunion” Han dynasty collapses 220 A.D.; now various military kingdoms competing; “Period of Disunion”: 220 A.D. to 589 A.D.; nomadic tribes move into northern China then go south.

7 Chapter 7-1 Cornell Notes
Heading 2 (part 1): “The Sui, Tang,and Song” Yang Jian started Sui Dynasty in 589 AD; reunified under Sui/Tang/Song dynasties, lasted for 700 years; reunified all China, lasted 29 years; lasted 300 years, big influence on Asia; 619 Tang replaces Sui dynasty; golden age of Chinese civilization.

8 Chapter 7-1 Cornell Notes
Tang: 3 important leaders ; Heading 2 (part 2): “The Sui, Tang, and Song” Taizong, conqueror, reformed military, created law codes; Xuanzong, culture flourished, many poets; Empress Wu, only woman ruler,hard, stable/prosperous; after Tang dynasty came 53 years of anarchy (“5 Dynasties and 10 Kingdoms” period); 960: Song dynasty reunifies China, prospered 300 years.

9 Chapter 7-1 Cornell Notes
Heading 3: “The Age of Buddhism” people turn to religion during problems; Buddhism: escape suffering, get peace; religion strong during Sui & Tang dynasties; influenced art, literature, architecture; spread religion to other countries.


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