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Nacionalni odbor za praćenje provedbe projekta

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1 Nacionalni odbor za praćenje provedbe projekta

2 Istraživanje WORK PACKAGE 3 ACTIVITY 3.1 – INTERVIEWS Interview Guides for Buyers Target group: Buyers B – Explanation of the target group This target group consists of buyers of sexual services. Research participants should be identified as being as such and can be those that are considering to buy sex services (eg from online sites); those that are currently buying such services (eg those recruited from the streets or other venues where buyers and sex workers meet); and those that have been arrested buying sex where it is criminalised and have been convicted of such crimes. Total number of interviews that should be conducted in each country - 30 WORK PACKAGE 3 ACTIVITY 3.1 – INTERVIEWS Interview Guides for the General Public Target group: General Public G – Explanation of the target group This target group consists of the general public. The group should be as diverse as possible, with a representation of gender, age (adults only, 18 and above), socio-economic status and ethnicity. The members do not have to be nationals of the country, but should be currently residing e.g. no tourists. Total number of interviews that should be conducted in each country - 50

3 Istraživanje WORK PACKAGE 3 ACTIVITY 3.1 – INTERVIEWS Interview Guides for Target groups: Policy Officials/NGO Staff/Law Enforcement Officials P, N and L – Explanation of the target group This interview guide is for policy officials, NGO staff, and law enforcement officials. The target group should be as diverse as possible, with a representation of gender, and if possible age. Total number of interviews that should be conducted in each country - 30 WORK PACKAGE 3 ACTIVITY 3.1 – INTERVIEWS Interview Guides for Sex Workers Target group: Sex Workers SW – Explanation of the target group This target group consists of sex workers. Research participants should be identified as being as such should be still involved in the sex industry. The group should be as diverse as possible, taking into account age, ethnicity, gender and the milieu they work in i.e. not all research participants should be involved in street prostitution Total number of interviews that should be conducted in each country - 15

4 Istraživanje WORK PACKAGE 3 ACTIVITY 3.1 – INTERVIEWS Interview Guides for Victims of Human Trafficking for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation Target group: Victims of THB for the purpose of sexual exploitation V – Explanation of the target group This target group consists of victims of THB for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Research participants should be identified as being as such and where possible being provided with support and assistance from a gatekeeper organisation. They should no longer be involved in the sex industry. Total number of interviews that should be conducted in each country - 15

5 Istraživanje In your opinion, what do you think is the general attitude towards sex-work in this country? What about you? What are your views to sex-work? What we know is that people buy sex online, on the streets or they go to a place where they know people buy and sell sex. Is there any other way you know buyers meet sex workers? What do you think is the most common way for the sex workers and buyers to meet? In your opinion, does the law in [insert name of country] have a positive or a negative impact on the sex industry? If you were to give advise to the Government on how to protect sex-workers and make them feel safe, what would it be? What about the opposite, what about where the law is working against sex workers? e.g. Croatia What do you think should be done to reduce sexual exploitation in [XXX country]? Forced sex work, is a form of sexual exploitation. In what instances, do you think a sex worker is being forced to sell sex?

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