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Motivation and Approach to Studies through Generations

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1 Motivation and Approach to Studies through Generations

2 Responses... Students: 158 (15 to 20 years old) Adults: 29 (mostly teachers)

3 Generation labels – findings…
Most students and teachers do not know which generation they are and do not know the generationsʼ characteristics Students tend to know / have heard of the labels more than teachers Students who label themselves as a generation tend to use the correct label (Z generation) Results are rather inconclusive because of the high number of “I donʼt know” responses, low number of adultsʼ responses and being exclusively from teachers

4 Which “labels”, given to generations, do you know/have you heard about?

5 Match the characteristic that best reveals the learning style of the generation
If you facilitate me, I’ll create and learn. Doing is more important than knowing. Multitasking is a way of life. (Z) Respect the teacher. Do what they are asked. Remain on task until job is done. Are seen but not heard in the classroom. (Silent) Knowledge is very important. Structured learning. Regular feedback. No Internet in the classroom. (X) I am still not interested how I’ll learn. (Alpha) I like collaborative learning. A bit of TV, a bit of the Internet, a bit of chat. (Y) Lecture and books are the main tools for teaching and learning. (BB) Students Z ??? 14 92 Silent 38 83 X 20 91 88 32 85 BB 16 95 Adults Alpha/Z 3/3 10 15 4 19 21 Y 7 3

6 Gender

7 Adults’ age

8 Which generation are you?

9 Motivation – findings…
The reasons why students attend schools and work hard on their assignments have not changed much over the years It seems students feel less safe and more challenged at school nowadays Cca 25% of students do not feel motivated Responsibility is not as motivating as it used to be, whereas relevant content is more important nowadays Possibility to study freely has almost disappeared as deficiency Almost no change in what students consider motivating activities The number of classes-avoiding students has not changed, staying in bed longer becoming the most frequent reason Students trust school less than in the past

10 Why do/did you attend school?
Students Adults To gain valuable skills for my future career 104 15 To get knowledge 98 14 It is a fun place to be and socialise with friends 66 It was compulsory 11 Parents expect me to get education 42 It was a fun place to be and socialise with friends 10 To understand myself better 36 I loved learning 9

11 How do/did you feel at school?
Students Adults Challenged* 72 Safe 15 Controlled 67 Recognised 9 57 Supported 48 8 24 4

12 Are you a motivated student?

13 If you are/were a motivated student, you work/worked hard on the materials/activities…
Students Adults To enter college/university 98 18 To get skills and knowledge for a future career 75 14 To pass exams 67 10 To enjoy interesting activities 33 To get good evaluation 9 To be appreciated by parents 26 To feel good in class 6

14 What motivates/motivated you most?
Students Adults My interest in subject 116 17 Success and achievement 66 Responsibility for my results 14 Content relevant and useful to my future studies 63 Motivated and willing to teach teacher 13 Creative tasks 46 6 Responsibilty for my results 43 5

15 What could (have) increase(d) your motivation?
Students Adults Teachers interested in current issues and giving current examples 70 Possibility to study freely 9 Information relevant to my goals 7 Possibility to choose learning activities and assignments 55 Looking for and finding answers to problematic questions 54 5 Possibility to learn at my own pace and time results 52 Possibility to choose learning activities and assignments / Active engagement in classroom activities 4

16 What are/were the most motivating activities and tasks for you?
Students Adults Learning by doing 85 13 Group work 68 10 Listening to teacher’s lecture 64 Playing games 53 9 Pair work 50 8

17 Do/did you trust school?
Students Adults

18 Do/did you sometimes avoid classes?
Students Adults

19 If yes, what were the main reasons?
Students Adults To stay in bed longer 22 To avoid a test 2 Tired of work overload 21 Classes were boring 3 Laziness 17 16 I may learn at home 14

20 Is school still the best place to study?
“No. It's an industrial complex which sole role is to indoctrinate the population. The only viable method of learning is from one's own volition.” “I think so because there are people that may have different opinion, so you can share yours and listen to other people´s opinion. It also encourages you to be active and study, I don´t think that people would study somewhere else as much as they do at school.” “Yes, because the education system knows the best, how we should learn and study. We also meet new people and learn how to work in a team.” “I think that study at school is the best place, but some schools are diferent than mine and they don't allowed students to be themselves. They control them and than everybody has the same opinon, because they can't say what they really think.” School motivates students better and forces them to work Grades are more important than they should be

21 Thank you for your attention.

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