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Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Annual Evaluation

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Presentation on theme: "Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Annual Evaluation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Annual Evaluation
Specially Funded Programs Branch Maureen S. Carter Plan Writing Coordinator Presented by: Reyna V. Corral Categorical Programs Coordinator Local District 6

2 Education Code Section 64001(g)
Requires: The School Site Council (SSC) to evaluate at least annually the effectiveness of the goals and activities/strategies found in the SPSA.

3 Process to Complete SPSA Evaluation
. STEP I. Analyze school performance data provided

4 STEP 2: Analyze other types of local school data.
STEP 3: Consider what you have learned from the data. STEP 4: Review use of current categorical resources (S7046, S7539, S7536) STEP 5: Complete and compile findings of the evaluation STEP: 6 Finalize approval process. How did your expenditures improve student learning based on the analysis of data?

5 Who should complete the evaluation?
Members of the School Site Council Compensatory Education Advisory Committee English Learners Advisory Committee Grade level chairs/department chairs

6 The SPSA Evaluation Involvement
Standards, Assessment and Accountability Staffing and Professional Development Teaching and Learning

7 Opportunity and Equal Educational Access
Governance and Administration Funding

8 3 Basic Questions Found in the SPSA Evaluation
Which best describes the level of performance of your school? (Based upon a scoring guide in each section of the evaluation) Were categorical funds allocated to support the development and implementation of the process described?

9 What steps will be taken to sustain or improve the current standardized-test performance level data?

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