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Corporate Reputation Prof Papiya De FTMBA/Strategic Com/Trim V/PD.

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Presentation on theme: "Corporate Reputation Prof Papiya De FTMBA/Strategic Com/Trim V/PD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corporate Reputation Prof Papiya De FTMBA/Strategic Com/Trim V/PD

2 What is reputation? Reputation is an intangible asset that helps a company distinguish themselves in the minds of customers, shareholders, employees and other relevant constituencies A close alignment of identity and image generates a strong reputation

3 What are Identity and Image
A company’s identity is the visual manifestation of the company’s reality as conveyed through the organisation’s name, logo, motto, products, services, buildings, stationery, uniforms and other tangible pieces of evidence communicated to various constituencies Image is the organisation as seen from the viewpoint of its constituencies Image may vary, identity needs to be consistent

4 Shaping Identity Inspirational corporate vision
Careful corporate branding Consistent self-presentation

5 Vision, Mission and Values
A mission statement : what a company wants to do now A vision statement : what a company wants to be in the future Values: What are the intangible qualities that the company stands for These three encompasses the core values, philosophies, standards and goals and acts as a common thread that all employees and ideally all other constituents can relate to

6 Mission: What you want to do now
To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are an athlete To refresh the world in in mind, body and spirit. To inspire moments of optimism and happiness through our brands and actions. To create value and make a difference Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accepted and useful

7 Vision: What you want to be
To be the world's most respected service brand  Our vision is to be earth's most customer centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online

8 Name and Logo BSES to Reliance Energy Gwalior Suitings to Grasim
Datsun to Nissan in the US market Kentucky Fried Chicken to KFC Federal Express To FedEx

9 Identity objectives Why should you change the name?
Will it help analysts recognise our company as more than a one product company? By putting a new logo outside of our stores, customers will be more aware of the transformations that are going on inside Emphasis must be placed on constituency response rather than on company action

10 Building a solid reputation
When an organisation’s identity and image are aligned it is the basis of a solid reputation Reputation differs from image in that the former is built up over time and is not simply a perception at a given point in time Reputation differs from identity because identity is constructed by internal constituencies and reputation is built based upon the perceptions of all of an organisation’s constituencies

11 CSR and reputation Forms a significant part of reputation building
Tata group is an example in point Tata Steel had labour welfare measures such as 8-hour working day in 1915 Established a welfare department in 1917 Ensured maternity benefits in 1928

12 Why reputation matters
Reputation is a source of competitive advantage It calls attention to a company’s attractive feature’s and widens the options available to its managers Whether to charge higher or lower prices for the products and services To implement innovative programmes To attract and retain the best talent, customers and vendors

13 Measurement of Reputation
Ethics: the organization behaves ethically, is admirable, is worthy of respect, and is trustworthy Employees/workplace: the organization has talented employees, treats its people well, and is an appealing workplace Financial performance: the organization is financially strong, has a record of profitability, and has growth prospects Leadership: the organization is a leader rather than a follower, and is innovative Management: the organization is well managed, has high quality management, and has a clear vision for the future

14 Measurement of Reputation
Social responsibility: the organization recognizes social responsibilities, and supports good causes Customer focus: the organization cares about and is strongly committed to customers Quality: the organization offers high quality products and services Reliability: the organization stands behind its products and services, and provides consistent service Emotional appeal: it is an organization I feel good about, is kind, and is fun


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