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Early Years Foundation Stage FS1

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1 Early Years Foundation Stage FS1
EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage FS1

2 What we do…. Staff plan a mix of adult led activities (both in small groups and sometimes 1:1 work with children) and child initiated activities. Staff observe children in their child initiated play and during group sessions to assess their learning and understanding and then set next steps. Judgements are used to inform planning so that it is closely linked to the children's developmental needs and interests Child interests help to plan our topics

3 The EYFS curriculum The Prime Areas
Communication and Language Listening and attention Understanding Speaking Physical Development Moving and handling Health and self care Personal Social and Emotional Development Self confidence and self awareness Managing feelings and behaviour Making relationships

4 Specific Areas Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world
Reading Writing Mathematics Numbers Shape space and measures Understanding the world People and communities The world Technology Expressive Arts Exploring media and materials Being Imaginative

5 Basic Timetable

6 Things you will hear your children talking about!

7 Busy fingers


9 Group time

10 Child Initiated Learning

11 Our learning! The first few weeks we spend setting in and learning about nursery environment. We have been exploring resources inside and out and getting to know each other. We also spend this time completing Baseline assessments – finding out what your children know and what their next steps will be. We use this time to share our expectations and class rules, things like siting on the carpet, having kind hands, listening to adults and sharing toys. We have a general topic of ‘Magical Me’ talking about things we like, dislike, our eye colour, hair colour, what we can do and what we know. We will be looking at how we have changed and would like every child to bring a photo of themselves as a baby so we can compare how we have grown and change.

12 Learning powers Cooperation Curiosity Determination Reflectiveness
We will be learning about our learning powers in a few weeks with our Superhero dress-up day and a mini superhero topic – this focuses on how we learn and the skills we need to be good learners. Determination Reflectiveness

13 PE As part of the EYFS Physical Development is a big part of our curriculum. On a daily basis children are encouraged to explore the outdoor area and use a range of gross and fine motor toys. This is why we ask children to wear trainers not school shoes. We do also have 2 PE slots this term. We are lucky to have Charlie from RugbyTots come in on a Wednesday morning taking a session with the children. This is a fantastic way to develop hand-eye coordination, catching and throwing skills, kicking skills, listening skills as well as things like follow instructions, taking turns and working as a team. We also have an additional PE slot on a Friday morning where we will be exploring the apparatus we have in school and developing our balancing and coordination, travelling and jumping skills.

14 RE.. Our topics this term covered in RE are
- Myself – We are all precious to God - Welcome – baptism - Birthday – celebrating birthdays, Christmas As part of our RE we also look a little at other festivals and celebrations that happen around the world and different faiths across the year. These include Diwali, Hunnakah, Chinese New Year, Holi and Eid just to name a few! We will also try to visit Our Ladies this term. SH EYFS

15 Cooking Across the term we will doing some cooking activities in class. We ask for a contribution of £2 per half term to help fund this and we will cook as much as we can until the money runs out!! Some of the things we did last year include: Biscuits Pizzas Santa sleighs Flap jacks Dips Muffins Diwali sweets

16 Next Half Term… Our mini topic next half term will be ‘Traditional Stories’. Where we will be using familiar stories to help in our learning. We will also look at the changing of the seasons, and covering our RE topics of Baptism, Advent and Christmas. This will hopefully include a trip to church to meet Father Kim. In December we will have our Christmas play! This is a joint performance with Reception. We will also hopefully be having a visit from ‘Mr Marvel’ as a Christmas treat

17 Munch Bunch Lunch Club 12- 1pm daily £4 per session
Run by Mrs Lewis and Mrs Coot in the nursery

18 Things you can do.. Moments From Home – you can contribute to your child’s Learning Journey book with notes from home, photos of special occasions or milestones for your child. This can be done by filling in a form from the cloakroom or by ing me. Reading - sharing a story with your child is really important part of developing their love of reading! We will be starting our library this Friday where all children will choose a book to bring home. Please make sure your child has a book bag so they can take a book home. This book should be returned every Friday.

19 Things to remember! Uniform - Reminder that uniform is black trousers (joggers or leggings), red polo shirt, trainers with Velcro and red fleece Names in ALL clothing and bags! Spare boots at school for our visits to the Spinney Water bottles – no squash

20 Dates to remember… Here are some dates for diaries. We will also keep you updated with letters and texts of up coming events. 9th October – superhero dress up day 10th October - Parent Consultations (details to follow) 20th October - Harvest festival assembly 23rd-27th October - Half term 6th Nov – EYFS WOW day – traditional story characters 15th December - EYFS Nativity Play , AM performance 18th December – Mr Marvel and Christmas party 19th December – last day of term


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