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2018 GHSA/NFHS Baseball Rules Clinic

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1 2018 GHSA/NFHS Baseball Rules Clinic
Please thoroughly review the notes section of the presentation. Many slides have case plays, actual rules book language and teaching tips included to assist in presenting the material. Baseball Rules Clinic

2 GHSA WEB SITE Important information at
Resources on the GHSA Web Site * Beginning and Ending Dates * Constitution and By-laws (White Book) * Sports Specific Procedures * Appendix B – Contest Brackets * Appendix F – Officiating Game Fee Chart * Appendix P – Fine Chart Please thoroughly review the notes section of the presentation. Many slides have case plays, actual rules book language and teaching tips included to assist in presenting the material.

3 DATES TO REMEMBER Officials Registration Deadline – January 17
On-Line Rules Clinic – January 15 – February 7 On-Line Rules Exam – January 24 – February 7 First Practice Date – January 15 First Official Contest – February 12 Last Playing Date – April 21 Final Power Ranking – April 22 Power Ranking Appeal No later Than – 12:00 PM April 23 Please thoroughly review the notes section of the presentation. Many slides have case plays, actual rules book language and teaching tips included to assist in presenting the material.

The official site for the GHSA Power Rankings is Max Every GHSA member school must submit all game results, regardless of the classification, to Max Preps ($ fine for failure to report) To set up an access code and login information contact Kylie McLarty at Max Preps. Her address is: Please thoroughly review the notes section of the presentation. Many slides have case plays, actual rules book language and teaching tips included to assist in presenting the material.

EJECTIONS - GHSA By-Law 2.72 (a) – Ejections are based on judgment calls by an official and are NOT reviewable or reversible. As such, once a player or coach has been ejected from a contest the ejection CANNOT be rescinded after the fact. COACHING – At any given point in time, only one (1) coach in a sport may work with up to four (4) athletes in “skill-building” drills. SCRIMMAGES – A school shall not scrimmage another school that is counting the scrimmage as a regular season contest. NEUTRAL SITES – It is a responsibility of the designated host school to provide a “Game Manager” for all games played at non-school facilities, and must use the umpire association assigned to the host school. Please thoroughly review the notes section of the presentation. Many slides have case plays, actual rules book language and teaching tips included to assist in presenting the material.

STATE TOURNAMENT GAMES – Rounds 1, 2 & quarterfinals will be played at the “higher seed”. The GHSA Office shall conduct one (1) universal coin toss prior to the quarterfinal round and again prior to the semifinal round in all sports to determine the designated host school in classification 2A – 7A when equal region seeds are meeting. In the final round the “H” in the bracket will determine the home team. CROSS-OVER COMPETITION – GHSA member schools are allowed to play GISA and GICAA schools, providing a contract is in place and GHSA policies and requirements are implemented. These games will NOT count toward post-season requirements nor power ranking points. PITCH COUNT – All GHSA baseball games, at all levels, shall have pitch counts monitored. For details on the GHSA Pitch Count Policy go to the GHSA Constitution & By-laws, Pg. 57 (G 2.) Please thoroughly review the notes section of the presentation. Many slides have case plays, actual rules book language and teaching tips included to assist in presenting the material.

THE MEDIA AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES  Policy Guidelines: 1. It is considered unprofessional and unacceptable to carry a cell phone on the field or court at any time. 2. Officials shall not communicate any information pertaining to a contest they are assigned to officiate or offer rules clarifications or interpretations on any contests through the various mediums without an expressed directive from the appropriate GHSA Office personnel. 3. Officials shall refrain from the use of electronic devices (phone calls, texting and other forms of messaging) while the official has game site jurisdiction as defined by the NFHS Rules Book. Exceptions may be made for personal and/or work-related issues and emergencies but they must be addressed before, at halftime, after the competition has ended or between contests. Any deviation from this policy will not be tolerated, and violators will be subject to penalties. The GHSA expects that officials assigned to work GHSA sanctioned contests will officiate the contests within the written rules of play and GHSA Policies while maintaining the highest level of integrity and professionalism. Please thoroughly review the notes section of the presentation. Many slides have case plays, actual rules book language and teaching tips included to assist in presenting the material.


9 baseballs Rule 1-3-1 The ball shall meet the current NOCSAE standard for baseballs (effective Jan. 1, 2019). A performance standard that measures the ball’s circumference, mass, coefficient of restitution and compression deflection. Art The ball shall be a sphere formed by yarn…shall not exceed The ball shall meet the current NOCSAE standard for baseballs at the time of manufacture and is required on all balls that will be used in high school competition (Effective January 1, 2019). A minimum of three umpire-approved baseballs shall…used in high school competition.

10 Bats Rule 1-3-2a2 Bats shall not have exposed rivets, pins, rough or sharp edges or any form of exterior fastener or attachments that would present a potential hazard. ART The bat shall have the following characteristics and components, Each legal wood, aluminum or composite bat shall Same language. 2. Not have exposed attachments, rivets, pins, rough or sharp edges or any form of exterior fastener that would present a potential hazard. 3. Same language ILLEGAL

11 Catcher’s chest protector Rule 1-5-3
The catcher’s chest protector shall meet the NOCSAE standard (effective Jan. 1, 2020). A performance standard based on the pertinent requirements of projectile testing. ART The catcher shall wear, in addition to a head protector, a mask with a throat protector, body/chest protector that meets the NOCSAE standard (Effective January 1, 2020), protective cup (male only), and baseball protective shin guards.

12 Batter overruns first base Rule 8-2-7
A batter-runner who reached first base safety and then overruns or over slides may immediately return without liability of being put out provided he does not attempt or feint an advance to second. This now applies to a player who is awarded first base on a base on balls as well as who has a base hit. ART A runner who reaches first base safely and then overruns or over-slides may immediately return without liability of being put out provided he does not attempt or feint an advance to second. A player who is awarded first base on balls does not have this right.

13 Editorial changes

14 Barrel Rule 1-3-2b3 The barrel is the area intended for contact with a pitched ball. The rulebook language was updated for editorial clarity.

15 Coach physically assisting runner Rules 2-21-1c, 5-1-2f, Dead Ball and Delayed dead ball table
Rule language was updated to better reflect the 2017 rule change regarding a coach physically assisting a runner during playing action. If a runner is physically assisted by a coach, the runner is called out immediately and the ball remains live.

16 Points of emphasis

17 Sportsmanship — National Anthem STandoff
National anthem standoffs do not reflect the mission of education-based athletics. Staring down opponents after the national anthem to try to intimidate them or refusing to leave the respective baseline before the other team departs is poor sporting behavior.

18 Sportsmanship — bench jockeying and celebrations
Coaches, players, substitutes, attendants or other bench personnel shall not leave the dugout during a live ball for any unauthorized purposes. Players are not allowed to stand outside their dugout/bench area and make “cat-calls” or other disparaging remarks while the other team is taking infield practice. Chants, intentional distractions and loud noises directed at the opponent’s pitcher prior to his pitching, the batter getting ready to hit, or a fielder getting ready to make a play do not represent good sportsmanship.

19 Enforcement of NFHS Jewelry rule
Jewelry — including necklaces, bracelets and earrings — shall not be worn except for religious or medical medals. A religious medal must be taped and worn under the uniform. A medical alert must be taped and may be visible.

20 Proper Pitching positions
The set is one of two legal pitching positions. For the set position, a pitcher shall stand with his entire non-pivot foot in front of a line extending through the front edge of the pitcher’s plate and with his entire pivot foot in contact with or directly in front of and parallel to the pitcher’s plate.

21 Proper Pitching positions
The windup is the second of two legal pitching positions. For the windup, the pitcher’s non-pivot foot shall be in any position on or behind a line extending through the front edge of the pitcher’s plate.

22 Proper Pitching positions
The so-called hybrid stance is illegal as it does not meet the requirements of either the windup or set positions. ILLEGAL

23 Replanting the pivot foot
Pitching regulations do not permit a leap/hop and replanting of the pivot foot before delivery of a pitch from either the wind-up or set position (NFHS 6-1-2, 6-1-3).

24 “Skunk in the Grass” Play
The so-called “skunk in the grass” play involves R1 taking a lead-off into right field, attempting to cause confusion or draw the throw to give R3 an opportunity to advance home.

25 “Skunk in the Grass” Play
R1 may legally lead-off that way. But once a defensive player with the ball attempts to tag R1, his base path is locked in place — a straight line to each of the bases he is between.

26 Extraneous Lead-Off Position
“Skunk In The Grass” play has been around baseball for a long time. It has emerged again this past season. NFHS Rule 8-4-2a2 provides guidance that, “When a play is being made on a runner or batter-runner, he establishes his baseline as directly between his position and the base toward which he is moving.” This is a ruse to create a possible distraction for the defense in order to score the run from third base.

27 Thank You and have a great season!

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