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17.04.25 The Improvement of PaaS Platform ZENG Shu-Qing, Xu Jie-Bin 2010 First International Conference on Networking and Distributed Computing SQUARE.

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Presentation on theme: "17.04.25 The Improvement of PaaS Platform ZENG Shu-Qing, Xu Jie-Bin 2010 First International Conference on Networking and Distributed Computing SQUARE."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Improvement of PaaS Platform ZENG Shu-Qing, Xu Jie-Bin 2010 First International Conference on Networking and Distributed Computing SQUARE 연구실 정동욱

2 1. Abstract Google App engine LongJump
is a typical PaaS platform, which allows developers to write and run their own applications on the platform However, it is not convenient for developers to write programs using java or Python API development LongJump provide a platform for quickly building enterprise Web applications, significantly shorten the development cycle But it does not have good scalability and mass data management capabilities, and can only provide service for some developers we bring forward an improved framework for PaaS platform which combine with the advantages of GAE and LongJump platform by adopting Mashup technology

3 2. Introduction PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) is a business model in the cloud computing era, which provide a server platform or development environment for developers Compared with other web applications, PaaS platform has several advantages develop, test, deploy and maintain on the same integrated environment, which reduced development and maintenance costs users can seamlessly experience the software online without downloading or installing more closely integrated other online services and data built-in scalability, reliability and security pricing based on actual usage

4 2. Introduction Papers Procedure
In this paper we first provide the background on the PaaS concept and its advantages Second, we introduce the Google App Engine and LongJump PaaS platforms, its architecture and limitations Third, we present our improved PaaS framework, and discuss implementation of the framework Last, the prospects of PaaS are mentioned

5 3. Googel App Engine characteristics
Dynamic web services are provided The platform supports a variety of popular web services such as URL fetch, image processing and memory cache URL Fetch service provides scalable service when users try to get data from other websites In order to be able to access data quickly, GAE provides data caching functionality named Memcache Efficient data storage, query, sorting and transactions are provided GAE use the similar object database storage model rather than traditional relational databases Google uses BigTable technology to manage large-scale databases, which is a large fault-tolerant and selfmanagement system

6 3. Google App Engine characteristics
Automatic adjustment and load balancing mechanism are supported Developers do not need to configure the resource requirements GAE will adjust and optimize the allocation of resources according to user’s demand for resources The local development environment is provided Developer can download and install the SDK, and develop applications using Java or Python on the local platform Each SDK includes a web server, simulating operating environment, data storage and services Developers can also upload application to the online platform by virtue of the tools provided by SDK

7 4. LongJump LongJump is an on-demand platform for developing, delivering and hosting business applications to manage data, streamline, collaborative processes and provide actionable analysis LongJump organizes data into a building blockobject LongJump’s Building Block

8 4. LongJump When the function modules are created by clicking or coding, these modules can be reused across platforms to meet the needs of the business LongJump provides user development kit, which is based on the Java language, and can be installed to the Eclipse IDE Developers can customize the components and operation data to extend the existing capabilities The kit also provides web services, connecting to the external platform via SOAP and REST Through the LongJump platform, developers can focus on the needs of business, and invoke the function modules to complete product developments more quickly

9 5. Limitations PaaS platform introduced above have their respective advantages, but there are also many deficiencies Google App Engine Google App Engine can help developers manage the underlying files, and provide SDK development tools. But it only provides limited function modules When developers call interface from the other sits to mashup their own procedures, they have to takes time to get familiar with each site's APIs GAE for Java 기술 표준

10 5. Limitations LongJump On the LongJump platform, they encapsulate the underlying interface, and provide the interface of the function for the developers The developers are able to finish some basic management procedures by clicking and dragging However, the functionalities they provide are limited Moreover, the Longjump does not provide large document management system

11 6. Improved PaaS Framework
The Google App Engine is characteristic of flexibility, and the LongJump is simple and convenient We can build a PaaS platform which has a collection of the advantages of both platforms

12 6. Improved PaaS Framework
As shown in Figure. Users can build their private cloud on the GAE platform For example, telecom operators can use GAE platform to develop their own telecommunication business Once private cloud is created, developers can call the interfaces required directly from the private cloud Considering that private cloud may not meet the needs of developers, we can mashup a series of service modules using a single site or multiple sites of APIs

13 6. Improved PaaS Framework
The improved PaaS platform has the following characteristics The platform provides a variety of services, and developers can call the services conveniently It is more strong to mashup a service using APIs from multiple sites With the help of GAE platform, developers can well manage the underlying configuration and large database Management of service modules can help users find the required function modules quickly

14 6. Future Work Making use of the improved PaaS framework to construct business platform, developers don’t need to manage the underlying construction, and put more attention to the user's business needs Calling the service interfaces needed from the platform, developers can complete the development simply and rapidly Developers have to convert among a number of platforms So it is very important to standard the service interface, integrate multiple platform services, and allow users to invoke services from multiple platforms, which is also the goal of cloud computing services.

15 Q & A

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