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Hajat Safina Mutumba - SEO/PPE (MOES) &

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Presentation on theme: "Hajat Safina Mutumba - SEO/PPE (MOES) &"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hajat Safina Mutumba - SEO/PPE (MOES) &
LITERACY TEACHING AND LEARNING IN THE PRE- SCHOOL CONTEXT USING MOTHER TONGUE STORIES AND RESOURCES Findings from a collaborative action research project in Central Uganda By Hajat Safina Mutumba - SEO/PPE (MOES) & Professor Shelley Jones - Royal Roads University, Canada

2 CONTENT OUTLINE Description Problem Statement Objectives Methodology
Findings Conclusions Recommendations SAFINA MUTUMBA

3 DESCRIPTION It Explored: The Pedagogical possibilities and
CENTRAL UGANDA It Explored: The Pedagogical possibilities and Learning opportunities Through: Mother Tongue resource development and Story-based instruction. STORY PHOTOS.docx SAFINA MUTUMBA

4 Implement Lessons Activities Create Text Content Knowledge Materials
Pedagogical Approaches SAFINA MUTUMBA


6 PROBLEM STATEMENT Children face severe challenges when taught using unfamiliar languages such as English The Uganda ECD Policy of 2007 states that: MT is supposed to be the LOI in the first few years of children’s learning. Lack of resources; Lack of support from stakeholders Lack of teacher professional dev’t in using MT as the LOI SAFINA MUTUMBA

7 OBJECTIVES To explore effective ways in which to implement MT-based pedagogy using MT stories to: promote a dual language classroom context; help children learn naturally; and allow children retain and appreciate their linguistic and cultural identity as outlined in the Uganda ECD Policy. SAFINA MUTUMBA

8 METHODOLOGY It followed a cyclic process which was done in three stages ACTION RESEARCH.docx POST PRE INTERVENTION SAFINA MUTUMBA

9 FINDINGS High Participation MT Stories were engaging
Wide range of multimodal pedagogical Possibilities High Participation MT Stories were engaging Promotes Reflective Practices Free use of children’s experiences Children’s Language Dev’t & Literacy Skills SAFINA MUTUMBA

10 Aids in Mastery of Content
Facts about Stories Free interaction: Teacher – learners & Learner - learner. Aids in Mastery of Content


12 Facts about Stories Children’s acquisition of other languages
Supports the integration of learning. MT stories support the promotion of children’s morals. Children get to know their identity. Aids teachers to identify children’s individual differences Teachers are willing to use MT as LOI if supported Evidence of trans-language between English and Luganda, supporting the gradual acquisition of English and other languages. SAFINA MUTUMBA

13 Conclusion and Recommendations
MT stories could be used effectively across the pre-primary school curricula/Learning Frame Work to support a wide range of early literacy and learning experiences. Include the use of MT stories into the pre-school curriculum and urge publishers to come up with pre-primary literature that promotes the use of MT Stories Continuous sensitization of parents & other stakeholders Refresher Courses Further research on promoting a hybrid education system Train pre-school teachers/caregivers on the use of MT stories SAFINA MUTUMBA

14 References Campbell, R. (2009). Reading stories with young children. Oakhill, Great Britain, Ten Print design. Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed approaches. Thousand Oaks, Calif, Sage Publications Ejuu, G. (2012). Early childhood development policy advanced in Uganda; Contemporary issues in early childhood, 13, (3), Kyambogo, Retrieved from: Kemmis, S., McTaggart, R., & Retallick, J. (2004). Action research planner (2nd Ed.), Karachi: Aga Khan University – Institute for Educational Development. Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES), Uganda. (2007). The Early Childhood Development (ECD) Policy. Kampala: AUTHOR. National Curriculum Development Centre. (2005). Learning Frame Work for Early Childhood Development (3-6 years of age). Kampala, Uganda: AUTHOR. SAFINA MUTUMBA


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