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Soil Texture.

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Presentation on theme: "Soil Texture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soil Texture

2 Different Types of Soils

3 Sand Sand has the ___________ size particles.
They range in size from 0.05mm to 2.0 mm in diameter. Sand feels very ___________ Sand has a tendency to not hold water as well and dry out quickly.

4 Silt Silt is ___________ sized particles.
The diameter of silt is about 0.002mm to 0.05mm. The silt feels ________ gritty and will form a ribbon about ________ than _______ inches long. Silt can hold water.

5 Clay Clay is the __________ sized particle.
Clay’s diameter is 0.002mm or smaller. Clay feels very ____________. Clay can form a ribbon that will be _____ inches or ___________. Clay gives soil the ability to hold water and takes longer to dry out.

6 The soil triangle

7 Different Soil Textures
Clay Sandy Clay Silty Clay Sandy Clay Loam Sand Loamy Sand Sandy Loam Silty Clay Loam Loam Silt Loam Silt

8 What Does it Mean? The percent of sand, silt and clay represents what the soil is going to be. Soil consists of 25% Air, 45% Minerals, 25% Water, 5% Organic Matter What affects this is compaction of the soil.

9 Example The soil has 5% Clay, 70% Silt and 25% Sand What is the Soil?

10 Look at the Soil Triangle

11 Answer Clay Loam

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