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Commas in dates, locations & addresses, and letter parts:

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1 Commas in dates, locations & addresses, and letter parts:

2 Commas in Dates In dates, use a comma between the day and the year.
Ex July 1, April 10, 1999 In a sentence, a comma follows the date and the year. Ex The postmark read September 10, 1986, but we didn’t receive the letter until yesterday, October 2.

3 Commas in Locations and Addresses
Use a comma between the name of a city or town and the name of its province or country. Ex: Lethbridge, Alberta Munich, Germany In writing an address as part of a sentence, use a comma after each item. Ex. Forward our mail to 651 Sentinel Drive, Truro, Nova Scotia, B2N 4T7, where we will be moving next month.

4 Commas in Letter Parts Use a comma after the salutation of a friendly letter and after the complimentary close of a friendly letter or a business letter. Ex. Dear Tim, Yours sincerely,

5 Add The Commas! 1.) The bombing of Pearl Harbor on December marked the beginning of the Second World War for the United States. 2.) On August Japan surrendered to the Allies. 3.) The stock market crash on October marked the beginning of the Great Depression.

6 Add The Commas! 4.) On August Alexander Graham Bell transmitted the first long-distance telephone message. 5.) Send your request to Mr. R. Joseph Roller 180 North Capital Avenue Regina Saskatchewan S4R 3X5. 6.) In 1867 four provinces the Canadas Nova Scotia and New Brunswick united to form the Dominion of Canada.

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