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Drawbacks of Traditional Web

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1 Drawbacks of Traditional Web
Web pages were mostly static HTML pages Users were just consumers For user feedback / comments, usually guest book page was provided Content usually served from file system instead of RDBMS Frames / Tables to position or align elements <blink> / <marquee> tag for animation Synchronous communication

2 Web 2.0 Characteristics / Features
User generates data / provides data [eg: google maps] Creation of user accounts / profiles Users categorize information by tagging Users act as police Users add value to applications as they use it [ eg: youtube / facebook, etc.,] Rich user experience Asynchronous communication Cloud computing scalability

3 Folksonomies Software As a Service (SaaS) Data is King Convergence [eg: web content on TV / TV content on PC Iterative development Rich Browser Experience [eg: draggable grids, animated charts, etc.,] Multiple Delivery Channels [eg: internet content delivered using WiFi, Bluetooth / cellular phones, Tabs, etc.,] Web Services / Hosted Services Mashups Rise of individual developers Dispersion [eg: file sharing done using limewire/ edonkey/ / bittorrent / dropbox, etc.,]

4 Examples of Web 2.0 Social networking sites
Self publishing platforms [ eg: blogs like wordpress, instagram, tumblr, etc.,] Tagging for categorising Social bookmarking [ eg:,, etc.,] Wikis Video sharing sites [ eg: youtube, etc.,] Websrvices [ eg: google services, facebook services, twitter services] Podcasting Webcasting RSS (Rich Site Summary) Crowd sourcing Web content voting

5 Technologies Client Side:
Ajax, Dojo, Jquery, etc., (Javascript Libraries) XMLHttp Flex Silverlight Widgets for chart / animation [eg: clock, calendar, etc.,] XML JSON Plugins Extensions

6 Server Side: Servlets JSP ASP.Net PHP Ruby, etc., Communication: SOAP REST UDDI

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