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Competency 5.3 , Transfers information into other forms.

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Presentation on theme: "Competency 5.3 , Transfers information into other forms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Competency 5.3 , 5.6 5.3 -Transfers information into other forms.
Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English Competency 5.3 , 5.6 5.3 -Transfers information into other forms. 5.6 –Extracts the general idea of a text.

2 You are given some descriptions of some students.
Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English You are given some descriptions of some students. Then you have to fill in a table given using the information in the descriptions. Before reading the descriptions you better study the table.

3 Requirements at A/Ls or after Ambition/ goal
Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English Name Requirements at O/Ls Requirements at A/Ls or after Ambition/ goal Rizvan Obtaining a Credit or distinction pass for English. Following biological/ physical science. Obtaining an A or B pass for physics. To be an expert in information technology. Amali Venura Vikum Yogeswaram

4 Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English RIZWAN - BATTICALOA “I want to be an expert in information technology. After my O/Ls, I will have to follow either biological or physical science for my A/Ls with physics as a compulsory subject. I would like to enter the faculty of Information technology at the university of Moratuwa. I need to improve my English as the lectures are conducted only in English.”

5 Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English RIZWAN - BATTICALOA “I want to be an expert in information technology. After my O/Ls, I will have to I would like to I need to improve my English as the lectures are conducted only in English.” follow either biological or physical science for my A/Ls with physics as a compulsory subject. enter the faculty of Information technology at the university of Moratuwa.

6 Lets read the second description. Amali – Kurunegala
Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English Lets read the second description. Amali – Kurunegala “My ambition is to become a qualified musician as I’m very interested in western music. I hope to continue studying this subject for my A/Ls, which means that I will have to follow the Arts stream. If I qualify to enter the university I will have to face an aptitude test held by the university of visual and performing Arts.”

7 Obtaining a Credit or Distinction pass for western music
Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English Name Requirements at O/Ls Requirements at A/Ls or after Ambition/ goal Rizvan Obtaining a Credit or Distinction pass for English. Following biological/ physical science. Obtaining an A or B pass for physics. To be an expert in information technology. Amali Obtaining a Credit or Distinction pass for western music Following western music Obtaining an A or B pass for western music. To become a qualified musician. Venura Vikum Yogeswaram

8 Now it’s your turn Question 1 Unit 10 – Choices in life.
Grade English Now it’s your turn Question 1

9 Answer these questions. 1. What are the requirements at
Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English Answer these questions. 1. What are the requirements at O/Ls if you want to do A/L in science stream? 2. What are the requirements at A/Ls if you want to do at the university?

10 1. What are the requirements at O/Ls if you want to do A/L in
Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English Answers. 1. What are the requirements at O/Ls if you want to do A/L in science stream? Obtain Credit or Distinction at O/Ls. 2. What are the requirements at A/Ls if you want to do music at the university? Obtain A or B pass for music

11 Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English Good job!

12 Lets look at the other descriptions.
Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English Lets look at the other descriptions. Venura – Galle. “I would like to engage in self-employment one day. I like agriculture. I wish to follow the Biological science stream for A/Ls. I need to get at least a credit pass for science at O/Ls. I will study agriculture instead of physics for my A/L exam.”

13 Obtaining a Credit or Distinction pass for Science.
Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English Name Requirements at O/Ls Requirements at A/Ls or after Ambition/ goal Rizvan Obtaining a Credit or Distinction pass for English. Following biological/ physical science. Obtaining an A or B pass for physics. To be an expert in information technology. Amali Obtaining a Credit or Distinction pass for western music Following western music Obtaining an A or B pass for western music. To become a qualified musician. Venura Obtaining a Credit or Distinction pass for Science. Study Agriculture for A/L To engage in self employment. Vikum Yogeswaram

14 Lets look at the next descriptions. Vikum – Anuradhapura.
Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English Lets look at the next descriptions. Vikum – Anuradhapura. “My ambition is to be a businessman one day. Therefore it’s better to Study commerce subjects for my A/Ls. If I get good results, I can obtain a degree in commerce from a number of universities in Sri Lanka. I hope to obtain other professional qualifications in accounting too.”

15 Obtaining a Credit or Distinction pass for commerce.
Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English Name Requirements at O/Ls Requirements at A/Ls or after Ambition/ goal Rizvan Obtaining a Credit or Distinction pass for English. Following biological/ physical science. Obtaining an A or B pass for physics. To be an expert in information technology. Amali Obtaining a Credit or Distinction pass for western music Following western music Obtaining an A or B pass for western music. To become a qualified musician. Venura Obtaining a Credit or Distinction pass for Science. Study Agriculture for A/L To engage in self employment. Vikum Obtaining a Credit or Distinction pass for commerce. Pass A/L examination To be a businessman Yogeswaram

16 Now it’s your turn Question 2 Unit 10 – Choices in life.
Grade English Now it’s your turn Question 2

17 What is the ambition of Venura? 2. What is the ambition of Vikum?
Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English What is the ambition of Venura? 2. What is the ambition of Vikum?

18 Engage in self employment.
Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English Answers What is the ambition of Venura? Engage in self employment. 2. What is the ambition of Vikum? To be a businessman.

19 Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English Good job!

20 The next description is about Yogeswaran - Nuwaraeliya
Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English The next description is about Yogeswaran - Nuwaraeliya “ I would like to follow the science and technology subject stream in order to be a technician one day. I have to get at least a credit pass for science at O/Ls. If I don’t score sufficient marks to enter university, I can apply either to UNIVOTEC, Ceylon –German Technical Training Institute or the Automobile Engineering Training Institute at Orugodawatta. However, If I don’t succeed at the examination, I can still apply for the National Vocational Qualification Level 3.

21 The next description is about Yogeswaran - Nuwaraeliya
Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English The next description is about Yogeswaran - Nuwaraeliya “ I would like to follow the science and technology subject stream in order to be a technician one day. I have to get at least a credit pass for science at O/Ls. If I don’t score sufficient marks to enter university, I can apply either to UNIVOTEC, Ceylon –German Technical Training Institute or the Automobile Engineering Training Institute at Orugodawatta. However, If I don’t succeed at the examination, I can still apply for the National Vocational Qualification Level 3.

22 Obtaining at least a Credit pass for Science.
Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English Name Requirements at O/Ls Requirements at A/Ls or after Ambition/ goal Rizvan Obtaining a Credit or Distinction pass for English. Following biological/ physical science. Obtaining an A or B pass for physics. To be an expert in information technology. Amali Obtaining a Credit or Distinction pass for western music Following western music Obtaining an A or B pass for western music. To become a qualified musician. Venura Obtaining a Credit or Distinction pass for Science. Study Agriculture for A/L To engage in self employment. Vikum Obtaining a Credit or Distinction pass for commerce. Pass A/L examination To be a businessman Yogeswaram Obtaining at least a Credit pass for Science. Follow the science and technology subject stream To be a technician.

23 Now it’s your turn Question 3 Unit 10 – Choices in life.
Grade English Now it’s your turn Question 3

24 Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English 1.What are the institutes that you can apply for courses if you study Science and Technology subjects for A/L?

25 Ceylon –German Technical Training Institute
Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English Answer. 1.What are the institutes that you can apply for courses if you study Science and Technology subjects for A/L? UNIVOTEC, Ceylon –German Technical Training Institute Automobile Engineering Training Institute. National Vocational Qualification Level 3.

26 Unit 10 – Choices in life. Grade English Good job!

27 Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade English

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