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Thailand Progress Report on Component 2

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1 Thailand Progress Report on Component 2
Thai PMO

2 Working Progress Component 2 : Policy & Regulatory Development
Project Opening & Orientation Progress 1. Organized on 19 September 2006 at the Ambassador hotel, Bangkok 2. More than 100 stakeholders participated, 32 farmers from Chonburi and 40 farmers from Ratchaburi

3 Working Progress Project Opening & Orientation

4 Working Progress Stakeholder Workshop Planning
Schedule in July – August 2008

5 Working Progress Component 2 : Policy & Regulatory Development
Code of practice study and drafting Progress 1. Study topic “Odor reduction & Required area for new farm establish” 2. Contracted in September 2006

6 Working Progress Progress 3. 1st workshop had done in October 2007

7 Working Progress Progress 4. 2nd workshop had done in December 2007

8 Working Progress Progress 5. Finished study in January 2008
6. Issued 1000 copies of Practical guideline manual and distribute to PLO and pig farmers

9 Working Progress Progress
7. COP Promulgation to Provincial Livestock Officer (PLO) in March 2008

10 Working Progress Component 2 : Government Awareness Raising
Staff Development Program-Local Extension Officer Progress 1. Western Area Training for 30 officers from PLO and Agriculture extension officer during November 2007 in Ratchaburi

11 Working Progress Component 2 : Government Awareness Raising
Staff Development Program-Local Extension officer Progress 2. Eastern Area Training for 30 officers from PLO and Agriculture extension officer during November 2007 in Chachoengsao

12 Working Progress Component 2 : Government Awareness Raising Planning
1. Workshop for PLO Schedule in July – August 2008

13 Working Progress Component 2 : Government Awareness Raising
Local Leader sensation Progress 1. Western Area Training for 30 officers from Tambon Administrative Officer (TAO) on 11 October 2007 in Nakornpatom

14 Working Progress Component 2 : Government Awareness Raising
Local Leader sensation Progress 2. Eastern Area Training for 30 officers from Tambon Administrative Officer on 12 October 2007 in Chonburi

15 Working Progress Component 2 : Government Awareness Raising Planning
1. Workshop for Local Leader sensation Schedule in July – August 2008

16 Working Progress Component 2 : Capacity Building
International Study Tour Progress 1. Host country had already confirmed (Danish Agricultural Advisory Service, Denmark Cemagref, France ) 2. Contracted in August 2007 3. Now during prepare Thai Gov budget

17 Working Progress Component 2 : Public Awareness Raising
Public Education Activity 1. Distribute environmental campaign poster for pig farm through PLO in April 2007

18 Working Progress Component 2 : Public Awareness Raising
Public Education Activity 2. Distribute the pamphlet of DLD biogas system for small pig farm

19 Working Progress Component 2 : Public Awareness Raising
Public Education Activity 3. Start environmental friendly farms program started from June 2006 up to present time Environmental evaluation for each farm by pointing system and advise farmer to improve for better condition

20 Working Progress Component 2 : Policy & Regulatory Development
GIS Training Progress 1.Basic GIS course was conducted to PMO and selected PLO (total 20 officers) during 2-8 July 2007, course content provided by GISDA

21 Working Progress Component 2 : Policy & Regulatory Development
Spatial Planning Progress 1.Contracted in August 2007 2.Now during review and summarize data from relative departments

22 Working Progress (GEF Grant)
Component 2 : Scaling up and Dissemination Replication Strategy Plan Development Progress 1. Signed contract in Aug 2007 2. Expect to finished in July 2007

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