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Giving It a Try: Preparing Your First Speech

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1 Giving It a Try: Preparing Your First Speech
Chapter 2

2 A Brief Overview of the Speechmaking Process
Steps in the speechmaking Process

3 Determine Speech Purpose & Compose Thesis Statement
The General Speech purpose will either be to inform, to persuade, or to mark a special person. The Specific Speech Purpose will be “to inform the audience about _______” The Thesis presents to the audience the three main points being discussed in the speech. Example: General Speech Purpose: ___________________ Specific Speech Purpose: _______________________ _____________________________________________ Thesis: _________________________________________ _______________________________________________

4 Develop Main Points Organize your speech into two or three main points. Specific Purpose: to inform my audience about the evolution of the MTV network. ________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

5 Separate Speech into Major Parts/Outline the speech
__________ are based on the principle of __________ and _______________-the logical placement of ideas relative to their importance to one another. Coordinate Points: Also referred to as ______________, are of ______ importance and are indicated by their parallel alignment. Subordinate Points: also called ___________, are given _____________than the main points they support and are identified in outlines by their placement to the right of the points they support. A ______________________ will need to be selected depending on the _____________ you are presenting. Organizational Patterns are also referred to as Outlines.

6 Separate Speech into Major Parts/Outline the speech
______________: Serves to introduce the ______ and the _______ and to alert _______________ to your specific _____________. It captures the audience attention, and states the _________ and previews _____________. ____________: contains the speech’s _________ and ___________, all of which support the speech’s thesis. ____________: restates the _____________ and ________ in a memorable way, it reiterates how the __________ confirm it, and leaves the audience with a ______________________.

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