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Medium Term Strategic Framework

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1 Medium Term Strategic Framework

2 CONTENTS Introduction - The Strategic Context
2008 MTSF Introduction - The Strategic Context Overview of the dti’s Strategy Key interventions over the MTSF period Allocated resources Institutional mechanisms Conclusion and challenges

3 Introduction – The Strategic Context
As was done during the development of the critical growth path in late 2006, the Cluster remains focused on the key challenges facing the economy.

4 Longest period of economic growth
STRATEGIC CONTEXT The South African Economy grew by 5.1% in 2007, the 3rd consecutive year that growth exceeded 5% per annum Longest period of economic growth 500,000 jobs have been created every year for the past three years Growth and employment creation in South Africa has been assisted, by strong commodity demand, consumer spending and a favourable global economy the dti and government Programme of Action shifting from macroeconomic stabilisation to microeconomic transformation The red line shows GDP growth. There has been solid growth performance in recent years, mainly due to strong domestic demand (because of increased State and consumer spending). However exports and imports remained a drag on what could have been an even better growth performance.

5 STRATEGIC CONTEXT Focus on deepening economic transformation by addressing the following challenges: Exports, while increasing, are not driving GDP growth Public investment needed in network infrastructure and improved logistics to support a competitive economy Employment growth has been positive but insufficient Output deficit is attracting imports, and worsening the current account deficit Current account deficit is financed by large portfolio flows Domestic manufacturing needs substantially increased investment in upgrading and capacity Leverage opportunities, particularly through industrial policy, to revive or create competitive local supply industries for State capex programmes

-6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 10 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Percentage Other (e.g. Govt, & Inventories) Net exports Fixed investment Consumer spending Total GDP Source: SARB GDP growth driven by consumers not exports The red line shows GDP growth. There has been solid growth performance in recent years, mainly due to strong domestic demand (because of increased State and consumer spending). However exports and imports remained a drag on what could have been an even better growth performance.

1,60 KEY CHALLENGES FACING THE ECONOMY The main infrastructure programmes are covered in this slide (in 2000 Rands). It excludes the latest forecasts of Eskom investment in energy projects. In nominal terms the R60 billion represented here would be between R90 to R100 billion in current terms. ASGISA quite correctly identified the state of our physical infrastructure as a course for concern, and one of the inhibitors to higher rates of growth. Massive investments undertaken by government and public corporations in anticipation of continued strong economic growth in future. In the 1960s and 1970s large investments occurred in electricity, petro-chemicals, iron and steel as well as in the mining industry. The a policy of inward industrialisation was adopted to establish a strong domestic manufacturing sector. A period of little investment followed and during this time many if the physical assets depreciated and the local capacity to manufacture these inputs was lost. The timing of infrastructure investments is crucial. We realise now that post-1994 we needed to have and sustained an investment programme sooner. We are now under pressure to increase many investments at the same time, also when the global demand is high, and therefore South Africa risks paying a premium for imported inputs. As a result you will see in the Cluster programme a deliberate emphasis on localisation of production of inputs, as there is a possible that over the next 30 years to bring back many of the hollowed out local input industries on the back of the planned public expenditure of new infrastructure (hence the CSDP and SDPs)

-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007* % Change (y-o-y) GDP growth Total employment Manufacturing employment Source: SARB, Stats SA, Quantec Average annual growth : GDP : 4.3% Tot. employment : 1.8% Manuf. employment : -0.4% Note: * GDP for first three quarters; Jobs for year to March '07 Positive but insufficient employment growth The blue bars show GDP growth, and the red employment growth. Generally employment growth has been positive but about half that of GDP growth. In the last years where GDP growth has accelerated we have also seen employment growth accelerate (this is to be expected as employment elasticities would increase during years of high growth). In the past four years years, the largest proportion of new jobs was created in trade-related activities. Next was construction, followed by financial and business services and then manufacturing. The aforementioned sectors also reported the highest rates of GDP growth, thereby confirming the link between higher levels of economic growth and labour absorption that has been lacking in the SA economy for many years. Of course as the growth rate comes under pressure we are seeing the employment elasiticies decline and the higher interest environment that is reducing consumer spending will also see number of new jobs in trade-related activities decline. Hence the focus on the creation of work opportunities remains a priority for government particularly if we are to meet the 2014 targets.

Manufacturing ‘output deficit’ 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Index: 2000 = 100 Manufacturing production Retail sales (Demand) Source: SARB, Stats SA Supply Demand The sharp increase in domestic demand, including consumer spending and fixed investment, resulted in a widening output deficit. In short, the country is consuming increasingly more than it is able to produce, hence a rapid rise in import demand for both consumer and capital goods has emerged.

Rising imports, current account deficit grows 4 40 2 20 BoP: R billion -2 -20 -4 -40 -6 -60 % of GDP -8 -80 -10 -100 The difference between our high imports and lower exports results in the trade deficit. This balance of payments is expected to remain under pressure, with a substantial widening in the trade deficit, due largely to continued strong demand for imports. As the graph shows, we expect some levelling off in imports (mainly machinery and equipment, etc.) by 2011, though the trade deficit will remain high. -12 -120 -14 Current account balance: R Billion -140 -16 Current account balance: % of GDP -160 -18 -180 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Source: SARB, IDC

9.9 33.9 -47.4 42.9 29.9 130.6 -17.1 8.8 19.5 61.7 24.1 39.5 -50 50 100 150 200 2002/4 2005 2006 R billion "Unrecorded transactions" Other investments Net portfolio flows Net FDI flows Source: SARB Current account deficit largely financed by portfolio flows We have been paying for the imports through the capital inflows into the country. However the composition of the capital inflows is a cause for concern. Capital inflows amounted to R142 bn in 2006 (equivalent to 8.2% of GDP), compared to R96.7 bn in For capital inflows amounted to R97.4 bn. Unfortunately, capital movements are being dominated by portfolio inflows. Thus, SA could be exposed to potential liquidity movements and risks globally, which can cause currency volatility from time to time. Hence the Cluster is promoting the sound approach of supporting stronger domestic production to close the ‘output deficit’ and hence reduce our dependence on imported inputs (and in so doing, to reduce the trade deficit). Clearly we must avoid policies that increase our dependence on a trade deficit and hence leave us vulnerable to a volatile capital account. The vulnerability of the capital account, particularly in a global environment where foreign capital is becoming more risk-averse, requires government to also promote strong economic growth prospects and sound financial market policies should to reduce the levels of volatility. The International Growth panel also made a number of suggestions in this regard.

Local industries at full capacity (Quarter 3 of 2007) Total manufacturing Furniture & other manufacturing Motor vehicles & parts Radio & TV's Most sectors at or above full capacity utilisation, and must increase investment Electrical machinery Metals & Fabricated metal products Non-metallic mineral products We must begin to strengthen our economy by focusing on productive investment. Strong growth in the domestic economy resulted in many sectors operating near full capacity. Generally 85% capacity utilisation is considered operation at full capacity, and at this point firms must invest in added capacity. The private sector is increasing investment though at lower levels than we think are necessary. Our approach is to ensure that the private firms realise the longer-term growth opportunities and position themselves to competitively supply these needs. An obvious need is the upgrading of local firms for the competitive supply of inputs for the infrastructure programmes. Hence our strategy is based on a sector-by-sector analysis and engagement with firms as part of a well resourced and targeted industrial policy. Petroleum & chemical products Wood, paper & printing Textiles, clothing, leather & footwear Food and beverages 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 Percentage Source: Stats SA

IMPLICATIONS FOR THE ECONOMIC CLUSTER/ the dti The economy’s performance and challenges call for intensified implementation of interventions identified in ASGI-SA and National Industrial Policy Framework and Action Plans focusing on: Diversification beyond traditional reliance on minerals and mineral-processing, with emphasis on job creating sectors Competitive domestic supply infrastructure Infrastructure investment Development of competitive local suppliers, including SOE Supplier Development Programmes, sector strategies & industrial financing Competition law Ensuring availability of skills and HRD Broadening on Economic Participation In undertaking these interventions, the dti will continue to work with other govt departments as coodinator of the Economic Cluster, focusing on Apex Priorities that fall within our mandate, and in line with the “Business Unusual” motto The red line shows GDP growth. There has been solid growth performance in recent years, mainly due to strong domestic demand (because of increased State and consumer spending). However exports and imports remained a drag on what could have been an even better growth performance.

14 Overview of the dti’s strategy
As was done during the development of the critical growth path in late 2006, the Cluster remains focused on the key challenges facing the economy.

15 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2008 MTSF Promoting the coordinated implementation of the accelerated and shared growth initiative; Promoting direct investment and growth in the industrial and services economy, with particular focus on employment creation; Raising the level of exports and promoting equitable global trade; Promoting broader participation, equity and redress in the economy; and Contributing to Africa's development and regional integration within the NEPAD framework

16 Key interventions over the MTSF period
As was done during the development of the critical growth path in late 2006, the Cluster remains focused on the key challenges facing the economy.

17 The work of the dti is organised in terms of the following themes:-
KEY INTERVENTIONS 2008 MTSF The work of the dti is organised in terms of the following themes:- Industrial development; Trade, Investment and Exports; Broadening participation; Regulation, and Administration and co-ordination

18 KEY INTERVENTIONS Industrial Development
2008 MTSF Industrial Development Fast track the effective implementation of the National Industrial Policy Framework (NIPF) and Action Plans (IPAP) through the following strategic interventions: Sector Interventions Fast-track implementation of four lead sectors: Capital/transport equipment and downstream metals Automotives and components Chemicals, plastic fabrication and pharmaceuticals Forestry, pulp and paper, and furniture Stabilise Clothing and Textiles to preserve capabilities and employment. Maintain momentum on ASGI-SA sector priorities: Tourism, BPO, and Biofuels. Ongoing development and finalisation of additional sector strategies (eg. agriculture/agro-processing, mining and benefication, creative industries, etc)

19 KEY INTERVENTIONS Industrial Development Industrial Financing:
2008 MTSF Industrial Development Industrial Financing: Introduce new incentives in support of NIPF and IPAP Revised SMEDP Tax incentive Package Competitiveness Incentive IDC to upscale and align support to IPAP priorities Critical Infrastructure Programme (CIP) Film & TV production BPO&O National Industrial Participation Programme

20 Industrial Development
KEY INTERVENTIONS 2008 MTSF Industrial Development Technology & Innovation Support Programme for Industrial Innovation (SPII) Technology & Human Resources for Industry Programme (THRIP) Strengthen legislation around South Africa’s Standards, Metrology and Quality Assurance systems Centres of Excellence to increase manufacturing skills Centurion Aerospace Village

21 Industrial Development
KEY INTERVENTIONS 2008 MTSF Industrial Development Contribution to National Electricity Response Team Fast-track amendments for energy efficient building and product standards Ramp-up production of energy efficient household products (Solar Water Heating, Compact Fluorescent Light-bulbs) Industrial Development Zones Strengthening the IDZ regulatory framework by finalising IDZ policy and the IDZ Act

22 Trade, Investment and Export
KEY INTERVENTIONS 2008 MTSF Trade, Investment and Export Promote economic development through equitable multilateral trading system that will lead to higher export growth and investment flows by strengthening trade and investment links with key partners. Interventions Various bilateral, multilateral and regional negotiations and cooperation forums: Continue active role in Doha Round WTO negotiations. Support to UNCTAD at XII Conference (April 2008) India-Africa Summit (April 2008) and Forum for China-Africa Cooperation Advance regional integration in SADC & AU Promote cross-border infrastructure development on the continent through SDI’s and NEPAD

23 Trade, Investment and Export
KEY INTERVENTIONS 2008 MTSF Trade, Investment and Export Interventions (continue) IBSA cooperative preparations for Summit in Oct 2008 and Partnership for Growth and Development with China Strengthen trade links with newly acceded EU Members Review AGOA implementation in broader market access strategy Enhance bilateral, institutional and technical cooperation with key African countries SACU-Mercusor PTA (May 2008); SACU-India PTA. SADC EPA negotiations to align with TDCA

24 Trade, Investment and Export
KEY INTERVENTIONS 2008 MTSF Trade, Investment and Export Interventions (continue) Export and Investment the dti’s export and investment strategies are being implemented and rolled out to the Provinces New high growth markets are prioritised and targeted to increase exports in under-exploited markets and to change the basket of products from resources to manufactured Increase the number of exporters by 200 per annum through targeted interventions Investors and exporters will be also be serviced through a one stop facilitation centre, including a call centre, staffed by people with disabilities

25 Trade, Investment and Export
KEY INTERVENTIONS 2008 MTSF Trade, Investment and Export Interventions (continue) Work has begun to strengthen networks with Provincial Investment Promotion agencies and implement coordinated outward trade and investment projects to key priority markets Investment attraction activities has moved from a generic to a more targeted approach resulting in a pipeline of R206 billion worth of investment projects the dti will also implement a reviewed and refocused Foreign Economic Representative strategy in collaboration with DFA

26 Broadening Participation
KEY INTERVENTIONS 2008 MTSF Broadening Participation Implementation and monitoring of the Codes of Good Practice for BBBEE. Sector charters aligned to the Codes. Alignment of the BEE Act and PPPFA. Set up institutional systems for effective implementation of BBBEE (Advisory Council, Verification).

27 Broadening Participation
KEY INTERVENTIONS 2008 MTSF Broadening Participation Finalisation of the draft Strategic Framework on Gender and Women’s Economic Empowerment. Strengthening of SAWEN programmes. Implementation of ISIVANDE Women’s Fund. Promote access to ICT and Technology for women through TWIB. Continue to promote BBBEE and women empowerment through key incentive schemes:- BBSDP, SMEDP, BPO, TOURISM, SPII & THRIP

28 KEY INTERVENTIONS Broadening Participation
2008 MTSF Broadening Participation To implement the Integrated Small Enterprise Development Strategy through: Supply of financial and non-financial services to all forms of enterprises including co-ops, Khula, Samaf, NEF and seda Creation of demand for products and services Promotion of appropriate regulatory environment Enhance the implementation of the integrated Enterprise Development Strategy by incorporating work done under Co-operatives, and Regional Development Agencies. Promote awareness of and access to the dti services and offerings through outreach activities (Izimbizo) and multi media programmes, incl. television and involving COTII agencies

2008 MTSF Regulation Develop and review policy and legislation in the areas of consumer, intellectual property and corporate regulation, with enhanced focus on enforcement, monitoring and evaluation Develop effective, modern and internationally aligned legislation to correct market failures, protect consumers and promote good corporate citizenship, focusing on: Companies Bill Consumer Protection Bill Competition Amendment Bill Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Bill Review of estate agency regulatory framework in light of growing property sector Review of trade metrology regulatory framework Review and amend Lotteries Act Develop Regulations following enactment of the bills

Ensure effective and efficient implementation of legislation that aligns outcome of enforcement with poIicy and legislative objectives Establishing the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission and the National Consumer Commission Strengthening the powers of the existing enforcement agencies (such as the Competition Commission) Ensuring that the enforcement agencies are well resourced and capacitated to carry out implementation Overseeing the work of agencies for purposes of consistency, alignment and synergy Building internal expertise and skills in the area of liquor enforcement as a dti directorate

31 KEY INTERVENTIONS Regulation Monitoring compliance levels and the impact of regulation on the economy Continuous monitoring with specific focus on alignment of implementation with policy and legislative objectives Periodic impact assessment to identify and address unintended consequences Enhance the interaction between the dti and the agencies through COTII and other fora Draw lessons from key success areas such as the implementation of the National Credit Act

32 Administration and co-ordination
KEY INTERVENTIONS 2008 MTSF Administration and co-ordination Strategic Focus (1): Attract, develop and retain professional and skilled officials through the following initiatives: Special project to fast-track recruitment and selection. Human Resource Plan to determine the skills gap between the demand and supply Retention Strategy Revised Human Resource Development Strategy to drive staff development and training as opposed to a demand driven approach Revised Performance Management System

33 KEY INTERVENTIONS Administration and co-ordination
2008 MTSF Administration and co-ordination Strategic Focus (2): Implement transformation through Employment Equity and Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment: Interventions: Implementation of the 2008 Employment Equity Plan Step up efforts to appoint women in senior management positions in line with the 50% target Appointment of a Disability Focal Person Promotion of BBBEE through our procurement spending

34 KEY INTERVENTIONS Administration and co-ordination
2008 MTSF Administration and co-ordination Interventions (continue) Strengthening alignment: Effective management of the Economic Cluster of departments and its Industrial Strategy and Equity and Development Focus Groups. Implementation of the dti internal cluster system Greater alignment, co-operation & co-ordination with the dti agencies (COTII), including leveraging capacity in agencies (e.g. IDC). Greater alignment and coordination with external stakeholders, including NEDLAC TIC, Industry Forum, etc.

35 Strengthening alignment: Economic Cluster’s priorities (2007-2009)
KEY INTERVENTIONS Strengthening alignment: Economic Cluster’s priorities ( ) Increase economic efficiencies Strengthen economic regulator capacity in key industries Amend competition policy to support effective regulation Increase access, uptake & usage of ICT infrastructure Phased roll-out of overhauled public transport network Monitor implementation & impact of infrastructure roll-out Coordinated NHRD, with focus on ASGI-SA priorities Promote dynamic growth sectors Implement industrial policy framework, focusing on key sectors and leveraging public spending Supportive macro-economic management (esp. competitive and stable real effective exchange rate) Integrate services to small- and micro-enterprises Integrated small enterprise service delivery (incl. comprehensive procurement strategy, marketing cooperatives, business development support and access to finance) Reduced SMME regulatory burdens (incl. by-laws)

36 Allocated resources As was done during the development of the critical growth path in late 2006, the Cluster remains focused on the key challenges facing the economy.

37 MTEF BUDGET 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 R’000 P1: Admin. 398 094 424 587
P2: ITED P3:EIDD P4: CCRD P5: TEO P6: TISA P7: Market. 73 831 78 799 90 334 TOTAL


2008 MTSF On average, the allocation of the budget over the MTEF period is as follows: 21% to agencies 42% to incentive payments 7% to compensation 18% to capital payments 12% to goods and services (of which 7% is pre-committed)

As was done during the development of the critical growth path in late 2006, the Cluster remains focused on the key challenges facing the economy. NB: 2007/08 Projected to 31 March ‘08

41 Institutional mechanisms
As was done during the development of the critical growth path in late 2006, the Cluster remains focused on the key challenges facing the economy.

dti structured into seven (7) programmes and 19 public entities (herein referred to as Council of Trade and Industry Institutions, COTII) Each programme and entity has its own medium-term plan which contributes to the achievement of the dti’s strategy


Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting to take place by a combination of internal structures, as well as Cabinet and Parliament. Executive Board (EXBO) will oversee planning, monitoring and reporting processes, to ensure quality and accountability. Planning and prioritisation at the dti are informed by bi-annual Cabinet Makgotla. Agreements made in other forums, such as NEDLAC, inform the implementation agenda. Divisions jointly and separately responsible for timely delivery of products or outputs. Emphasis on joint implementation, inclusive of COTII and Economic cluster.

2008 MTSF the dti, in general, achieved its targets for the previous reporting period (as reported in the 2006/07 annual report) Challenges are to enhance the impact of the dti through:- Ensuring effective programme & project performance; Stronger strategic & operational management; Greater integration of work, including that of agencies; Adequate financial resources for extensive dti programmes; HR challenge of recruitment, retention and development; and Improved cluster co-ordination


As was done during the development of the critical growth path in late 2006, the Cluster remains focused on the key challenges facing the economy.

Programme 1: Administration Provide strategic leadership to the department and its agencies, and facilitate successful implementation of the departments mandate through sustainable and integrated resources and customer centric services Programme 2: ITED Provide leadership in trade policy formulation to promote economic development by building an equitable multilateral system; and Strengthening trade and investment links with key economies by fostering African development through regional and continental integration, and development co-operation in line with NEPAD

Programme 3: EIDD Provide leadership in developing industry and enterprise policies that create an enabling environment for competitiveness, equity, growth and job creation Programme 4: CCRD Develop and implement coherent, predictable and transparent regulatory solutions that facilitate easy access to redress, and efficient regulations for economic citizens Programme 5: TEO Stimulate and facilitate the development of enterprises through the provision of incentive measures that support investment, job creation and regional economic development, such as through the Industrial Development Zones

Programme 6: TISA Increase South Africa’s capacity to export by developing and implement strategies for targeted markets; Increase the level of direct investment flow; Effectively manage the department’s network of foreign offices. Programme 7: Marketing Promote greater awareness of the department’s role and its products and services; and facilitate access to, and uptake of these products and services

Entities - Development finance institutions: Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) Khula Enterprise Finance National Empowerment Fund (NEF) Export Credit Insurance Corporation (ECIC) South African Micro Apex Fund (SAMAF) Entities – Specialised services agencies: Small Enterprise Development Agency (seda) South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA) South African Quality Institute (SAQI)

Entities - Regulatory agencies: Competition Commission Competition Tribunal National Gambling Board (NGB) National Lotteries Board (NLB) National Credit Regulator (NCR) National Consumer Tribunal (NCT) Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office (CIPRO) Estate Agency Affairs Board (EAAB) International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa (ITAC)

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