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Chapter 04: Modern Applications

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1 Chapter 04: Modern Applications
CS 408 Computer Networks Chapter 04: Modern Applications

2 Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP
What does hypertext mean? “a body of written or pictorial material interconnected in such a complex way that it could not conveniently be presented or represented on paper” Ted Nelson, 1965 Underlying protocol of the World Wide Web Can transfer plain text, audio, images, etc. actually you can transfer any type of file using HTTP Most recent version HTTP 1.1 – RFC 2616 176 pages

3 HTTP Overview Transaction oriented client/server protocol
Usually between Web browser (client) and Web server Uses TCP connections (on port 80) Stateless Server (normally) does not keep any info about client history Each transaction treated independently New TCP connection for each transaction Terminate connection when transaction is complete That does not mean that, say, 20 new connections are needed to download 20 different items from a web site. It is possible to have “persistent” connections that several items are downloaded back-to-back Why stateless? any idea? Hint: it was a design decision due to the nature of transactions

4 Examples of HTTP Operation
end-to-end direct connection intermediate nodes such as proxy use of cache

5 HTTP Messages Simple request/response mechanism Request Response
Client to server Response Server to client First, client opens a TCP connection towards the server at port 80.

6 HTTP Message Structure
Response(status) Line /

7 Request Request-Line Method <SP> Request_URL <SP> HTTP/Version <CRLF> Several Methods - some examples (see the book for the full list) Get Head Delete Put Example GET /index.html HTTP/1.1

8 General Header Fields Contain information that is not directly related to data to be transferred but mostly directives to intermediate nodes some are for connection management for example Keep-alive: to keep the TCP connection open for a while; needed for persistent connections (shall see persistent connections later) can be used for both request and response

9 Request Header Field Additional parameters about requests - some examples (see the book for the full list) Accept charset Accept language Host If modified since can be used with GET command Referrer

10 Response Messages Status line followed by one or more general, response and entity headers, followed by entity body Status-Line HTTP-Version <SP> Status-Code <SP> Reason-Phrase some examples for “status-code – reason-phrase” pairs (see the book for the full list) 200 OK 404 Not found 405 Method not allowed 400 Bad request

11 Response Header Fields
Additional info about the response Some examples (see the book for the full list) Location: exact location of the requested URL Server: info about server software

12 Entity Header Information about the entity to be sent by the server
similar to MIME format Some examples (see the book for the full list) Content language Content length Content type Last modified etc.

13 Entity Body Arbitrary sequence of octets that constitutes the transferred entity (actual data) HTTP transfers any type of data including: text binary data audio images video Interpretation of data determined by header fields

14 HTTP request message The rest of HTTP discussion is from Kurose&Ross
ASCII (human-readable format) Example: request line (GET, PUT, HEAD, etc. commands) GET /somedir/page.html HTTP/1.1 Connection: close Host: User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 Accept-language:fr (extra carriage return, line feed) header lines Carriage return, line feed indicates end of message First open a TCP connection (you may use telnet for this) to the host at port 80

15 HTTP response message (example)
status line (protocol status code status phrase) HTTP/ OK Connection close Date: Thu, 06 Aug :00:15 GMT Server: Apache/1.3.0 (Unix) Last-Modified: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 …... Content-Length: 6821 Content-Type: text/html data data data data data ... header lines data, e.g., requested HTML file

16 HTTP connections Nonpersistent HTTP
Only one object is sent over a TCP connection. HTTP/1.0 used only nonpersistent HTTP Persistent HTTP Multiple objects can be sent over single TCP connection between client and server. HTTP/1.1 uses both persistent and nonpersistent connections

17 Nonpersistent HTTP Suppose user enters URL (contains text, references to 10 jpeg images) 1. HTTP client initiates TCP connection to HTTP server (process) at on port 80 2. HTTP server at host waiting for TCP connection at port 80. “accepts” connection and notifies client 3. HTTP client sends HTTP request message into TCP connection socket. Message indicates that client wants object /someDepartment/home.index time 4. HTTP server receives request message, forms response message containing requested object, and sends message into its socket. After that, server closes TCP connection 5. HTTP client receives response message containing html file, displays html. Parsing html file, finds 10 referenced jpeg objects 6. Steps 1-5 repeated for each of 10 jpeg objects

18 Response time modeling
time to transmit file initiate TCP connection RTT request received time Definition of RRT (round trip time): time needed for a small packet to travel from client to server and back (basically 2*prop. delay). Response time: one RTT to initiate TCP connection one RTT for HTTP request and first few bytes of HTTP response to return file transmission time total = 2RTT + file transmission time

19 Persistent HTTP Nonpersistent HTTP issues: Persistent HTTP
requires 2 RTTs per object (plus the transmission time) but browsers often open parallel TCP connections to fetch referenced objects Client and server should allocate resources for each TCP connection Persistent HTTP server leaves TCP connection open after sending response subsequent HTTP messages between same client/server are sent over this connection

20 Pipelining in Persistent HTTP
Persistent without pipelining: client issues new request only when previous response has been received one RTT for each referenced object (plus the transmission time) Another RTT is needed for TCP connection, but this is only once for the entire connection Persistent with pipelining: default in HTTP/1.1 client sends requests as soon as it encounters a referenced object as little as one RTT for all the referenced objects (plus the transmission times) Another RTT plus the transmission time may be needed for the main object where the references are learnt

21 Cookies: keeping “state”
Many major Web sites use cookies to remember their clients Four components: 1) cookie header line in the HTTP response message 2) cookie header line in HTTP request message 3) cookie file kept on user’s host and managed by user’s browser 4) back-end database at Web site Example: - Susan access Internet always from same PC - She visits a specific e-commerce site for first time - When initial HTTP requests arrives at site, site creates a unique ID and creates an entry in backend database using this ID - One week later, when Susan visits the same site, the site remembers her this part is adapted from Kurose&Ross, Computer Networking

22 Cookies: keeping “state” (cont.)
client Server (amazon) Cookie file ebay: 8734 usual http request msg server creates ID 1678 for user usual http response + Set-cookie: 1678 entry in backend database Cookie file amazon: 1678 ebay: 8734 one week later: access usual http request msg cookie: 1678 Cookie file amazon: 1678 ebay: 8734 cookie- specific action usual http response msg

23 Cookies (continued) What cookies can bring: Cookies and privacy:
Identification User session state (server remembers where client stopped last time) Customization Shopping carts Cookies and privacy: cookies allow sites to learn a lot about you and may sell this info advertising companies obtain info across sites about your browsing pattern using banner ads that contain cookies

24 Internet Directory Services DNS
Domain Name System a directory lookup service Provides mapping between host name and IP address A “must” for proper to functioning of Internet RFCs 1034 (concepts) and 1035 (implementation) 1987 total 110 pages Updated by many other RFCs

25 Internet Directory Services DNS
Four important elements of DNS Domain name space Tree-structured DNS database (distributed) The info about each node in name space tree structure is contained in a Resource Record (RR). The collection of RRs is organized as a distributed database Name servers Servers that hold and process information about portion of tree and corresponding RRs Name Resolvers Programs that help clients to extract information from name servers

26 Domain Names 32-bit IPv4 addresses uniquely identify devices
Network number, Host address, later subnet addresses Routers route based on network numbers People tend to memorize names, not numbers a naming mechanism is needed In Arpanet times, hosts.txt file was used managed centrally, downloaded by all hosts daily become insufficient in time In the Internet, naming problem is addressed by the concept of domain Group of hosts that have common naming elements .com domain, domain, domain Organized hierarchically Names are assigned to reflect hierarchical organization .tr

27 Portion of Internet Domain Tree
Top level domains Labels at most 63 chars, Full name at most 255 chars Case insensitive over 200 TLDs (including later added ones, e.g. .biz .pro .info) hierarchy helps uniqueness (explain this in CS terms!) Do you know the char length limits? Naming follows organizational boundaries, not physical ones

28 Domain Names and Example
Variable-depth unlimited levels hierarchy for names (labels) Delimited by period (.) edu is college-level educational institutions is domain for Yale University in US should have an IP address? not necessary, but it has ( ) is Computer Science department at Yale has an IP address ( ) Eventually get to leaf nodes Identify specific hosts Hosts are assigned Internet (IP) addresses

29 DNS Database Each TLD and subordinate nodes manage uniqueness of the names that they assign Management of subordinate domains may be delegated down the hierarchy In this way, zones are created Distributed database Thousands of zones each of these zones are separately managed by different name servers

30 Zones Each non-leaf node may or may not manage its childs would like to run its own name server, but not Next: How can we represent a zone in the database? but before, we have to understand the structure of resource records

31 Resource Record - 1 Records in a DNS database are called Resource Records (RRs) info about hosts there are different types of RRs Fields of one RR Name TTL Class Type Value Domain name Series of labels of alphanumeric characters or hyphens Labels are separated by period (“.”) Type of the RR. We will see now

32 Resource Record - 2 RR Fields (cont’d) Class Time to live (TTL)
Potentially DNS can be used for naming in several other systems Usually IN, for Internet Time to live (TTL) How long to hold the result in local cache Zero means don’t cache Value (Rdata) Resource data For each RR type interpretation is different For A type, Rdata is 32-bit IP address

33 Resource Record Types - 1
A Address type. Value of A type RRs is an IP address SOA Start of Authority Parameters (mostly to sync with other servers) and info about this zone MX Mail Exchange Value field is the name of the receiving SMTP agent for the Domain_Name may be more than one MX RRs for one domain Mostly for load balancing for the domains that receive high volume of s Multiple MX RRs: DNS Server sends out full list list of MX RRs but in different order in every query.

34 Resource Record Types - 2
CNAME Canonical Name used to create aliases Value field is the canonical host name (for the alias, which is given as Domain_Name) NS Name Server Value field is the name of the server who knows the IP addresses of the hosts that belong to the domain given in the Domain_Name field. can be used to specify the names of the name servers in both current domain or in subordinate domains (for delegation purposes) There might be several DNS servers for each domain for fault tolerance

35 Resource Record Types - 3
PTR Pointer type used for reverse lookups Domain_Name field is an IP address (but in a differently formatted way); Value is the hostname HINFO Host Info. OS and processor type of information about the zone’s server and hosts TXT Textual comments

36 A portion of a possible DNS database for IN NS IN NS IN A IN HINFO Sun Unix IN A IN A IN HINFO Sun Unix

37 Addition to previous example
How to delegate a subzone Add the following RRs to database for IN NS IN A ;IP address of These two RRs are together called “glue record”

38 A Better Example of SOA RR IN SOA ( ; Serial ; Refresh ; Retry ; Expire 86400) ; Minimum ) Admin’s address Serial number: DNS admin changes this value after each update. Generally it reflects update date. The refresh interval in the REFRESH field is the length of time that a secondary server waits after successful replication of the database before it attempts replication again. The retry interval in the RETRY field is the length of time that a secondary server waits after an unsuccessful replication attempt before it attempts replication again. The expiry interval in the EXPIRE field is the length of time that a secondary server holds on to the old data that it already has whilst its attempts at replication remain unsuccessful. Minimum: Default TTL of the zone. This is default value for RRs which do not specify a TTL in its own record and for nonexisting domains (negative caching). Host name of the primary name server of the zone

39 The mystery behind different IPs for the same host
For load balancing Works in round-robin fashion IN A IN A IN A First query returns , second query returns , third returns , forth , ... Or one query returns all IP addresses, but in different order in every other query

40 Example for PTR record for Reverse Lookup
Useful when you know the IP address and want to know the corresponding host name Suppose you would like to know the host name for IP address you have to query the DNS servers for the PTR entry Be careful! numbers are in reverse order In order to find the host name, the host’s name server should have an entry PTR domain_name for this particular case domain_name is

41 Reverse DNS for (was) Generated by
Preparation: The reverse DNS entry for an IP is found by reversing the IP, adding it to "", and looking up the PTR record. So, the reverse DNS entry for is found by looking up the PTR record for All DNS requests start by asking the root servers, and they let us know what to do next. How I am searching: Asking for PTR record: says to go to (zone: Asking for PTR record: [ ] says to go to (zone: Asking for PTR record: [ ] says to go to (zone: Asking for PTR record: Reports [from ] Answer: PTR record: [TTL 3600s] [A= ] Try or for online DNS lookup or use nslookup command

42 Typical DNS Operation User program requests IP address for a domain name Resolver module in local host formulates query for local name server In same domain as resolver Local name server checks for name in local database and cache If so, returns IP address to requestor Otherwise, query other available name servers Starting down from root of DNS tree Local name server caches the reply and maintain it for TTL seconds User program is given IP address or error message

43 DNS Name Resolution local

44 Root Name Servers servers for TLDs
local server starts with a root server if it does not know anything about the domain to be resolved actually there are several of them worldwide listed in configuration files of the name servers Figure from Kurose-Ross

45 Authoritative Name Servers
A relative concept the authoritative name server of a host is the one that keeps the A type RR of that host Actually a local name server is also authoritative name server for all of the hosts in its zone In principle, DNS queries aim to reach the authoritative name server for the host to be resolved but generally responses come from the other servers that already cached the requested record that is why the nslookup responses are mostly non-authoritative DNS name servers automatically send out updates to other relevant name servers for quick response mechanisms designed in RFC 2136 and not in the scope of CS408 nslookup is an application level command line tool for DNS inquiry. It is available in most operating systems (just write “nslookup” at the command line to try). nslookup is an application level command line tool for DNS inquiry. It is available in most operating systems (just write “nslookup” at the command line to try).

46 Iterative vs. Recursive Queries
If one name server does not know the queried host, it acts like a DNS client and asks to next name server in the zone hierarchy. Then sends the result back recursively Iterative If the name server does not know the host, then returns the address of the next server in the zone hierarchy, but does not ask that server. The name servers learns about the next one in the hierarchy using the glue records. Remark: Queries and responses are sent over UDP (mostly) Why?

47 Example - 1 looking for the IP address of
Recursive queries Let’s think about cached alternatives

48 Example - 2 looking for the IP address of
Recursive and iterative queries

49 DNS Message Format

50 DNS Message Fields - Header
Header always present  Identifier to match queries and responses. Query / Response: is message query or response? Opcode: Standard or inverse query (address to name), or server status request Authoritative Answer: is the response authoritative? Truncated: was response truncated Requestor will use TCP to resend query Recursion Desired Recursion Available Response Code: e.g. no error, format error, name does not exist QDcount: # of entries in question section (zero or more) ANcount: # of RRs in answer section (zero or more) NScount: # of RRs in authority section (zero or more) ARcount: # of RRs in additional records section (zero or more)

51 DNS Message Fields – Question and Answers
Domain Name Sequence of labels for the domain name to be resolved Each label has its length field beforehand Query Type what type of RR is requested? Query Class: typically Internet. Answer section contains RRs that answer question Authority section contains RRs that point toward an authoritative name server

52 Sockets covered in labs

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