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The Middle Ages St. Augustine.

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1 The Middle Ages St. Augustine

2 Who is St. Augustine?

3 St. Augustine ( )

4 St. Augustine… was born near Carthage in North Africa with a pagan father and a Christian mother

5 3 Ideas Inculcated to Augustine’s Childhood

6 -existence of a provident God as some being not evident to senses
-Christ the Savior -Idea of eternal life

7 Early Education

8 -classic education: pagan and atheistic humanism
-Paideia: humanistic ideal of ancient paganism -Primary education in Tagaste -Secondary education: Grammaticus and Rhetor

9 He studied Greek, Latin prose, and oratory
He studied Greek, Latin prose, and oratory. And also studied Latin classics and philosophy.

10 St. Augustine… -became a professor of rhetoric in Milan under the influence of St. Ambrose, the bishop of Milan that led him to the Christian fold.

11 In 395, he was appointed bishop of Hippo (near Carthage) which he retained until death.
He authored 113 books, 218 letters, and some 500 sermons, particularly in philosophy and theology.

12 Pelagianism Donatism Manichaeism
He was especially concerned with combating of three great heresies: Pelagianism Donatism Manichaeism

13 Attraction and Distaste to Manichaeism

14 Manichaeism - Strange medley dualism and materialism, ascetism and licentiousness, theosophy and rationalism, free thought and superstition.

15 ATTRACTION DISTASTE 1. Promises of liberal philosophy
1. Petrifying emptiness of Manichean philosophy 2. Scripture difficulties 2. Neo- Platonic influences 3. High moral pretensions 3. Inferiority in polemics by falsifying the Scriptures 4. Dualistic principles of good and evil 4. No science at all 5. Rational application of scientific nature in material paradigm (contradiction of light and darkness)

16 Augustine’s Contributions

17 Considered as the greatest & foremost of the Fathers:
His teaching marks a distinct epoch in the history of Christian thought and opens a new phase in the unfolding of the church Popes praised him and depended on his teachings

18 2. “world historical figure”
His legacy is a fundamental feature of both ancient and modern civilization His writings condenses intellectual treasures of the ancient world and transmits them to the new generations -He synthesized vast contributions of the primitive Christianity

19 3. Inspirer of religious thought
Thomas Aquinas is his disciple in the field of theology, philosophy, spirituality and political thought. Inspiration of Scholastics – Anselm, Peter Lombard and the representatives of Mysticism – Bernard, Hugh of St. Victor, and Tauler

20 “person as deep abyss & image of GOD”
- God gave our being, knowledge and love that can be preserved only in God.

21 4. Lead in the unfolding of dogmas
His extensive system on doctrines such as grace, original sin, and the fall would serve as the impetus for a host of theologians and interpreters.

22 - An expression given by St. Augustine to FAITH over REASON
“I believe in order to understand” - An expression given by St. Augustine to FAITH over REASON

23 WHY DOES EVIL EXIST? If God created the universe
and everything in it and God is both impotent and perfect, WHY DOES EVIL EXIST? Christian philosophers have struggled ever since Augustine raised this question. Many answers have been given but that of St. Augustine is one of the most ingenious.

24 is the defection of the will.
“The cause of evil is the defection of the will. Free will is the cause of our doing evil and that thy judgment is the cause of our having to suffer from its consequences.”

25 Prepared and reported by:
Thank you for listening!  Prepared and reported by: Ness Justine P. Albito & Analyn Alburo

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