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Creative and Expressive Arts

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1 Creative and Expressive Arts
Successful Learners Stepping back in time Year 6 Autumn 2 Areas Of Learning As linguists we will learning to speak French. As Scientists we are learning about electricity and how to make circuits work. As Historians we will be discovering what our world was like during the Stone Age. We will investigate how we know about Stone Age times by becoming archaeologists. As Artists we will be learning about the work of Pablo Picasso – in particular his cubism works of art. We will be creating our own cubism paintings. In our social and emotional development we will be developing our knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to empathy, managing feelings and social skills. As active children we will be doing dance and team games including tag Rugby. Due to the broad nature of Literacy and Maths, please see our website for information on the new curriculum. Confident individuals Responsible Citizens Creative and Expressive Arts We will be evaluating the cubism art form, in particular the work of Pablo Picasso. Spirituality We will be exploring what Christians believe about Jesus and what It means to be the Messiah. Communities As members of our local community, we will be thinking about how we socialise with others and feel empathy for those that are less fortunate than ourselves. Knowledge of the World We will be exploring how we can use evidence from the past to determine how people lived a long time ago.

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