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TIC Visitors Statistics: February2017

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1 TIC Visitors Statistics: February2017

2 TIC Visitor Arrivals (total)
Серпень 2012 TIC Visitor Arrivals (total) Country Number Ukraine 1317 Тurkey 451 Poland 419 Belarus 76 Germany 52 Spain 32 The USA 26 Other countries 243 Total 2616

3 Other countries, 9% (less than 26 people, total 243)
Country Number Lithuania 24 Japan 7 Norway 2 Austria 21 Kazakhstan 5 Romania Great Britain 19 Canada Slovenia Russia 17 Taiwan Tajikistan Israel 14 Czech Republic 4 Croatia Slovakia 13 Argentina 3 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 Italy 11 Georgia Venezuela Latvia 10 Denmark Guatemala China 9 Moldova Egypt France 8 South Korea Indonesia Azerbaijan Switzerland Serbia Belgium Brazil Thailand India Armenia Turkmenistan The Netherlands Greece Sweden Total 243

4 TIC National Visitor Arrivals (total)
Серпень 2012 TIC National Visitor Arrivals (total) City/ region Number Кyiv 289 Lviv 201 Kharkiv 125 Dnipro 114 Оdesa 85 Lviv region 80 Zaporizhzhya 69 Other cities 354 Total 1317

5 Other cities, 27% (less than 69 people, total 354)
City/region Number Мykolaiv 30 Sumy 11 Rivne region 4 Kherson 24 Lutsk 10 Vinnytsya region 3 Ternopil 21 Мykolaiv region 9 Zhytomyr region Dnipropetrovsk region 19 Ivano-Frankivsk 8 Uzhhorod Donetsk region Ivano-Frankivsk region Cherkasy region Poltava 17 Sumy region Volyn region 2 Kyiv region 16 Chernihiv Donetsk Cherkasy Zakarpattya region 7 Luhansk region Zhytomyr 15 Rivne Odesa region Zaporizhzhya region 14 Chernivtsi Khmelnytskyi Kropyvnytskyi 13 Crimea 6 Chernivtsi region 1 Vinnytsya 12 Kirovohrad region Poltava region Kharkiv region 5 Total  354

6 Subject of requests (total)
Серпень 2012 Subject of requests (total) Subject Number Map 1248 Information about the city/ region 892 Transport connections 743 Printed materials 499 Events in the city 350 Information on the Railway station 302 Self-guided tours 256 Museums 120 Еxcursions 76 Food establishments 61 Information on the Airport 56 Accommodation 10 Total 4613

7 TIC in the Old City (1 Rynok Square)
Серпень 2012 TIC in the Old City (1 Rynok Square)

8 TIC Visitor Arrivals (Old city)
Серпень 2012 TIC Visitor Arrivals (Old city) Country Number Ukraine 867 Poland 322 Turkey 172 Belarus 61 Germany 33 Spain 25 Other countries 175 Total 1655

9 Other countries, 11% (less than 25 people, total 175)
Country Number Lithuania 18 Czech Republic 4 Slovenia 2 The USA Japan Croatia Austria 17 China Azerbaijan 1 Israel 14 Georgia 3 Bosnia and Herzegovina Russia Kazakhstan Brazil Latvia 7 Canada Venezuela Slovakia Switzerland Guatemala France Argentina Denmark Belgium 6 Greece Egypt Taiwan 5 Moldova India Great Britain Norway Serbia Italy South Korea Thailand The Netherlands Romania Total 175

10 Серпень 2012 Changes in the number of requests for key target markets, February 2017/2016 Country 2017 2016 Increase, % Ukraine 867 1296 -33,1 Poland 322 229 40,6 Turkey 172 105 63,8 Belarus 61 23 165,2 Germany 33 69 -52,2 Spain 25 30 -16,7 Total: 2017 2016 Increase,% 1655 1963 -15,7

11 TIC National Visitor Arrivals (Old city)
Серпень 2012 TIC National Visitor Arrivals (Old city) City/region Number Кyiv 183 Lviv 126 Dnipro 106 Kharkiv 71 Odesa 70 Zaporizhzhya 41 Mykolaiv 28 Other cities 242 Total 867

12 Other cities, 28 % (less than 28 people, total 242)
City/region Number Donetsk region 19 Chernihiv 8 Ivano-Frankivsk region 3 Kherson Poltava 7 Uzhhorod Cherkasy 16 Vinnytsya 6 Cherkasy region Dnipropetrovsk region 15 Kirovohrad region Volyn region 2 Lviv region Sumy Donetsk Zaporizhzhya region 14 Lutsk 5 Zakarpattya region Kropyvnytskyi 11 Ternopil Luhansk region Poltava region Kharkiv region Odesa region Zhytomyr 10 Crimea 4 Rivne region Kyiv region 9 Rivne Chernivtsi Mykolaiv region Vinnytsya region Ivano-Frankivsk 1 Sumy region Zhytomyr region Khmeelnytskyi Total 242

13 Changes in the number of requests for key target markets of Ukraine, February 2017/2016
City/region 2017 2016 Increase,% Kyiv 183 300 -39,0 Lviv 126 302 -58,3 Dnipro 106 74 43,2 Kharkiv 71 82 -13,4 Odesa 70 91 -23,1 Zaporizhzhya 41 56 -26,8 Mykolaiv 28 21 33,3 Total 2017 2016 Increase, % 867 1296 -33,1

14 Subject of requests (Old city)
Number Map 885 Information about the city/ region 624 Printed materials 391 Self-guided tours 240 Events in the city 239 Transport connections 206 Museums 114 Food establishments 54 Excursions 50 Accommodation 4 Total 2807

15 TIC at the Railway station (1 Dvirtseva Square)

16 TIC Visitor Arrivals (Railway Station)
Серпень 2012 TIC Visitor Arrivals (Railway Station) Country Number Ukraine 379 Turkey 174 Poland 81 Great Britain 14 Other countries 79 Total 727

17 Other countries, 11% (less than 14 people, total 79)
Country Number Belarus 7 Italy 5 Brazil 1 Spain China Indonesia The USA Austria 3 Moldova India 6 Lithuania France Kazakhstan 2 Sweden Germany The Netherlands Japan Slovakia Russia Azerbaijan Argentina Total 79

18 Changes in the number of requests for key target markets, February 2017/2016
Country 2017 2016 Increase, % Ukraine 379 385 -1,6 Turkey 174 48 262,5 Poland 81 42 92,9 Great Britain 14 5 180,0 Total: 2017 2016 Increase,% 727 560 29,8

19 TIC National Visitor Arrivals (Railway station)
Серпень 2012 TIC National Visitor Arrivals (Railway station) City/ Region Number Кyiv 94 Lviv region 62 Kharkiv 53 Zaporizhzhya 28 Lviv 25 Other cities 117 Total 379

20 Other cities, 31% (less than 25 people, total 117)
City/region Number Ternopil 16 Zakarpattya region 5 Crimea 2 Odesa 13 Ivano-Frankivsk region Kropyvnytskyi Poltava 10 Lutsk Mykolaiv Dnipro 8 Sumy Rivne region Kyiv region 7 Kherson Mykolaiv region 1 Ivano-Frankivsk 6 Chernivtsi Khmelnytskyi Vinnytsya Dnipropetrovsk region 4 Zhytomyr Rivne 3 Total 117

21 Changes in the number of requests for key target markets of Ukraine, February 2017/2016
City/region 2017 2016 Increase,% Кyiv 94 57 64,9 Lviv region 62 45 37,8 Kharkiv 53 28 89,3 Zaporizhzhya 17 64,7 Lviv 25 49 -49,0 Total: 2017 2016 Increase, % 379 385 -1,6

22 Subject of requests (Railway Station)
Серпень 2012 Subject of requests (Railway Station) Subject Number Transport connections 458 Information on the Railway station 302 Map 231 Information about the city / region 228 Events in the city 102 Printed materials 64 Excursions 25 Self-guided tours 6 Museums Food establishments 4 Accommodation Total 1430

23 TIC at the Airport (168 Liubinska Street)

24 TIC Visitor Arrivals (Airport)
Серпень 2012 TIC Visitor Arrivals (Airport) Country Number Turkey 105 Ukraine 71 Poland 16 Germany 13 Other countries 29 Total 234

25 Other countries, 12 % (less than 13 people, total 29)
Country Number Belarus 8 Austria 1 Armenia 2 Azerbaijan Denmark Belgium Italy Great Britain Canada South Korea Tajikistan The Netherlands Japan Russia The USA Turkmenistan Total  29

26 Changes in the number of requests for key target markets, February 2017/2016
Country 2017 2016 Increase, % Turkey 105 92 14,1 Ukraine 71 100 -29,0 Poland 16 41 -61,0 Germany 13 65 -80,0 Total: 2017 2016 Increase,% 234 335 -30,1

27 TIC National Visitor Arrivals (Airport)
Серпень 2012 TIC National Visitor Arrivals (Airport) City/ Region Number Lviv 50 Kyiv 12 Other cities 9 Total 71

28 Other cities, 13% (less than 12 people, total 9)
City/ Region Number Lviv region 3 Odesa 2 Vinnytsya 1 Ivano-Frankivsk Kharkiv Chernivtsi region Total 9

29 Changes in the number of requests for key target markets of Ukraine, February 2017/2016
City/ Region 2017 2016 Increase,% Lviv 50 32 56,3 Кyiv 12 13 -7,7 Total: 2017 2016 Increase, % 71 100 -29,0

30 Subject of requests (Airport)
Серпень 2012 Subject of requests (Airport) Subject Number Map 132 Transport connections 79 Information on the Airport 56 Printed materials 44 Information about the city/region 40 Self-guided tours 10 Events in the city 9 Food establishments 3 Accommodation 2 Еxcursions 1 Museums - Total 376

31 Contact us: Tourist Information Centers:
TIC in the Old City (1 Rynok Square) Tel./fax: TIC at the Airport (168 Liubinska Street) Tel.: TIC at the Railway station (1 Dvirtseva Square) Tel.:

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