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with Mrs Flack , Mrs Farr and Mrs Cutts .

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2 with Mrs Flack , Mrs Farr and Mrs Cutts .
Welcome to Year 4 with Mrs Flack , Mrs Farr and Mrs Cutts . Class Pasteur - Mrs Flack (Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday) - Mrs Cutts (Thursday, Friday) Class Archimedes – Mrs Farr

3 -Children are expected to arrive at school with the correct equipment for the day ahead. They should go straight into the playground and line up when the bell goes at 8.55. -Please make sure all your child’s school uniform is clearly labelled. -It would be useful for your child to have an art shirt/apron. Children will be encouraged from the beginning to take care of their possessions and school property.

4 Please raise any concerns with the class teacher in the first instance, preferably at the end of the school day. If appropriate, the class teacher may suggest that a mutually convenient time is arranged to discuss issues in more depth.

5 Key Routines Daily Maths and English
30 minutes of French per week with Mr Hicks Music weekly 2 PE sessions per week

6 Behaviour All children will begin each day under the sun.
Unacceptable behaviour = Warning Further unacceptable behaviour = Child moves name to the cloudy sun. If the unacceptable behaviour continues = Child moves name to the rain cloud and completion of reflection sheet. If a child is asked to complete a reflection sheet they will do so in another classroom (Year 6 normally) and will lose 2 minutes of their Golden Time allocation.

7 Behaviour Children will have the opportunity to earn their
way back to the sun once they are placed under the cloudy sun.

8 Curriculum Topic based curriculum: Autumn Term - Flint to Iron
Through the Wardrobe Spring Term - Exploring New Lands Summer Term -Tomb Raiders - How?

9 P.E. P.E. Lessons take place twice a week. Children should have kits with them all week. Outdoor and indoor PE kits are required. Children are not allowed to wear jewellery and should tie their hair back. Uniforms need to be labelled to avoid confusion.

10 Homework Set on a Thursday to be completed and returned the following Tuesday. The children will be asked to complete their homework in a homework book which is provided by school. Weekly spellings will also be sent home. Reading at home is expected on a daily basis. Children choose a book from the library to read at home and they can be changed on a Wednesday, so please ensure books are brought to school on this day. We also would like children to practise their times tables on a twice weekly basis.

11 Ways to help at home HOMEWORK – please support and check for neatness
Show your child that school work is important. Encourage your child to be responsible for his/her behaviour and belongings. HOMEWORK – please support and check for neatness WEEKLY SPELLINGS – in spelling books which need returning each week READING – Please hear your child read and ask questions about the text to make sure they have understood what they have read.

12 Visits Ely Cathedral (4th October),
Wandlebury Iron Age Experience (14th October) Fitzwilliam Museum, Summer Term Mini Olympics at Wilberforce Road, Summer Term In addition we go to Milton Church several times during the year. ( Harvest, Christmas, Easter, end of school year) We rely on parental help for out of school visits so please let us know if you are available.

13 Thank you for coming! Any questions?

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