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Referencing L/O: To identify how to appropriately reference using the “Harvard” model L/O: To apply knowledge of Harvard referencing by editing you blog.

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Presentation on theme: "Referencing L/O: To identify how to appropriately reference using the “Harvard” model L/O: To apply knowledge of Harvard referencing by editing you blog."— Presentation transcript:

1 Referencing L/O: To identify how to appropriately reference using the “Harvard” model L/O: To apply knowledge of Harvard referencing by editing you blog posts with appropriate references to show your understanding. This will also help boost your grade.

2 Bullet point five different reasons as to why you should reference?
Brainstorm as many different secondary sources you can get information from How confident are you at referencing? Bullet point five different reasons as to why you should reference?

3 Referencing When you conduct your research, you will be expected to reference where your information came from. Referencing is an important skill that you will use more and more throughout your educational career. There are different types of referencing styles, however most universities, just like Worthing College use the Harvard referencing style.

4 Types of references Primary sources allow researchers to get as close as possible to original ideas, events, and empirical research as possible. Such sources may include creative works, first hand or contemporary accounts of events, and the publication of the results of empirical observations or research. Secondary sources analyze, review, or summarize information in primary resources or other secondary resources. Even sources presenting facts or descriptions about events are secondary unless they are based on direct participation or observation. Moreover, secondary sources often rely on other secondary sources and standard disciplinary methods to reach results, and they provide the principle sources of analysis about primary sources.

5 How would you reference a book?


7 Harvard referencing Most colleges and universities use the Harvard style of referencing, which looks like this: For Books Goodwin, A. (1992) Dancing in the Distraction Factory. University of Minnesota: Minneapolis It should always be; Author’s last name, initial of first name (date) Title of the book. Publisher: Place of publishing For Websites McHugh, J. (2000). ‘How To Write References’. URL: Date visited: November 2nd 2011

8 Harvard referencing How to put this into your text if you summarise the information Godwin (1992) suggests that there are six different categories music videos adhere to This is includes the author in the text, with the date in brackets.

9 Harvard referencing How to put this into your text if you directly quote the text Godwin (1992: 186) states that ‘it is often suggested that MTV and/or music video is to blame for all manner of cultural phenomena.’. OR It has been suggested that ‘MTV and/or music video is to blame for all manner of cultural phenomena.’ (Godwin, 1992: 186).

10 TASK 1: Book referencing
What would the reference be for this book? J.McHugh

11 Harvard referencing For Websites
McHugh, J. (2000). ‘How To Write References’. [Website] Available at: < Date visited: November 2nd 2011 It should always be; Author’s last name, initial of first name (date) Title on the website. [Website] : Available at <URL> Date visited:

12 TASK 2: Website referencing
What details would you need for the reference? Highlight on your copy the correct areas. What would the reference be? J.McHugh

13 TASK: Can you reference the following…
URL Title Author Franich, D. (2013) 17 Signs it’s a Marvel Studios Movie. [Online] Available at: < > Acessed: 27/11/13 Quote referenced in the text What is the reference? Date you went on the website

14 CHALLENGE QUESTION! What information do you think you would need to take to reference a YouTube video? Highlight on your sheet, and have a go at writing the reference!

15 URL (2011) The History of MTV [Online Video] Available at: < > Date Accessed: 27/11/13) Author Name of the text Date published Date Acessed

16 TASK 4: Book referencing (recap)
How would you reference this book?

17 TASK 5: Movie referencing (recap)
How do I reference a film, DVD or TV programme? If the source you want to reference is a single item, for example a film or documentary. Then you should follow the format below: Film title – put this in italic font Date of release – put this in round brackets e.g. () Name of the Director Place of publication. Name of Production company Format of the source – eg film, documentary etc – put this in square brackets For example: The Matrix (1999) Directed by Andy Wachowski. USA, Groucho II Film Partnership. [Film]

18 TASK 6: TV series referencing (recap)
However, if the source is one of a series, where there are several episodes, then you should use the format below: Series title. Series and part number – if applicable Year of release. Title of programme – put in italic font Place of publication: Name of Organisation transmitting or publishing the source . Date of release (month, day) – sometimes this information may not be available. Format of the source –- e.g. DVD] or VHS put this in square brackets For example: Child of our Time, Series 1, part 1. (2000) Babies. London. BBC. [Live Broadcast]

19 How confident are you at applying Harvard referencing?

20 Independent Task Task 1: Harvard reference your two key texts (films, magazines, TV shows etc.) Task 2: Harvard reference at least one-book that you have used. Task 3: Harvard reference at least one-website that you have used. Task 4: Find a new source using Google Books to support your research investigation – fill out research log with accurate Harvard referencing. Task 5: Create a “reference list” with all the sources you have used so far.

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