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Unit 2, Lesson 5 Website Development Tools

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1 Unit 2, Lesson 5 Website Development Tools
AOIT Web Design Unit 2, Lesson 5 Website Development Tools Copyright © 2012–2016 NAF. All rights reserved.

2 There are three main types of web authoring tools
Text editors WYSIWYG editors Web-based publishing tools Which types of web authoring tools have you used so far?

3 Use text editors to write code in HTML
Advantages: You control coding Editor is inexpensive or free Disadvantages: Manually writing HTML tags can be tedious Easy to make mistakes HTML text in Notepad

4 WYSIWYG editors show web pages as you write
Advantages: Knowing how to code HTML is optional Can create web pages quickly Fewer errors with HTML tags Disadvantages: Less flexibility Code can be messier Coding mistakes difficult to troubleshoot without understanding code Must buy software Dreamweaver editor What other advantages or disadvantages can you think of?

5 Web-based publishing tools make posting easy
Advantages: No HTML coding Easy to start creating pages Community aspect of social networking and blogging Disadvantages: No control over code Page can be posted only on the social networking site editor

6 Websites have many building blocks
HTML pages Cascading Style Sheets Graphics Animation Multimedia objects Client-side scripts Server-side scripts Navigation

7 HTML is the basis of all web pages
Use tags to define the content on the page: Structure headings, paragraphs, and lists Insert links Define how text is formatted Insert objects like images and multimedia Hypertext Markup Language What else can you do with HTML?

8 A CSS defines what all pages on a site look like
CSS is the acronym for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS defines colors, fonts, layout, spacing, and other aspects of document presentation. An external CSS file reduces complexity and repetition in HTML pages. A CSS provides flexibility and control of a website’s look and feel. It can help promote brand identity. Sample CSS code

9 Graphics make web pages interesting
Graphics can include: Navigation bars Buttons Menus Photos Drawings Flowcharts Shapes

10 Animation makes text or elements move
Animation can enhance a web page: Information on the page can become dynamic. It’s a way to draw the user’s eye to a particular spot on the page. Dangers: Watch out for large file size. Too much movement will annoy site visitors.

11 Use the <object> tag to insert multimedia objects
Flash (SWF) files QuickTime movies Shockwave movies Java applets ActiveX controls Silverlight ASF ASX WMA WMV Inserting a Flash object using Dreamweaver Inserting a Flash object in HTML code

12 Client-side scripts dynamically change web pages
Client-side means it runs locally on the user’s browser. Client-side JavaScript (CSJS) is a client-side script used to write functions embedded in HTML pages.

13 Server-side scripts generate pages for each user
Use web-server technology Fulfill user’s request by running a script directly on the web server Generate dynamic web pages

14 Use these elements to enhance your web pages
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Graphics Animation Multimedia objects Client-side scripts Server-side scripts What are some concrete examples of how each of these elements can improve your web pages?

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