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Opposition Parties and the 2008 Parliamentary Elections in Angola

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1 Opposition Parties and the 2008 Parliamentary Elections in Angola
Inge Amundsen, Chr. Michelsen Institute Conferência sobre as Eleições em Angola Centro de Estudos e Investigação Científica (CEIC), Universidade Católica de Angola Terça-Feira, 4 de Novembro de 2008

2 Opposition parties in Angola
Background CEIC-CMI cooperation Research project: Political parties in Angola Amundsen, Pestana, Weimer, Seamba CMI Working Paper Opposition Parties and the Upcoming 2008 Parliamentary Elections in Angola (Bergen, August 2008)

3 Political parties at election
Election day: 5th September 2008 Parties approved by Supreme Court

4 Election results

5 Analysis “Modern” parties lost Ideology and principle no value
(PLD,FPD, AD) “Traditional” parties won Regional strongholds necessary UNITA: Bié, Huambo (Cabinda) PRS: Lundas/Chokwe people FNLA: Zaire ND: ?

6 Why did people vote MPLA?
Peace and reconciliation History Pre-election survey Election campaign Biased access to resources Biased access to media state-controlled radio, television and newspapers Pressures Buying of sobas Election system

7 Election system Favouring regionally based parties
The 5 seats of each province Clientelism, traditional elites Illiteracy Favouring biggest party Large number of smaller parties Party splits and manipulations Easy to register + state subvention system Ban on parties with less than 0.5% votes D’Hondt method

8 D’Hondt method Method for allocating seats
Party-list proportional representation systems Favours large parties over scattered small parties Example: Cabinda

9 D’Hondt method Favours regionally based parties over nationally distributed Example: National constituency/Circulo nationais

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