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Resident Survey Results

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Presentation on theme: "Resident Survey Results"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resident Survey Results

2 Case Management Standardization of SW rounds
Some residents are unclear of how much information they need SW/Nurse CM role clarification OPAT process outline Better communication between ED SW and floor SW Not always having full team present at SW rounds Multidisciplinary rounds with PT, OT, etc Dedicated cell phone for SW Improved weekend coverage

3 Educational conferences
Enforce attendings taking pagers during morning report Residents forwarding personal pages to attendings Potential time change for morning reports Suggested times – 8:30 to 9:30, 1-2, 3-4 All of the above times have potential benefits, as well as potential drawbacks More faculty participation at morning report In particular, the residents liked hearing thought processes of working through a problem or a differential

4 Ward structure Many residents felt like Morning Report broke up the morning (See previous slide) Pagers Expectation for how pagers are answered during rounds Concerns over missing presentations Overlap for OCD

5 Ward redesign ideas Competing ideas
Some residents felt that they wanted to admit more of their own patients Some felt that we were getting too many patients at one time Some felt that there were no/less easy/noncall days True drip system was proposed with day call team providing triage MICU drip system Incorporation of FM teams into our call schedule Additional teams/2 intern teams/more subIs UNM night float as intern Night accept to cap at number of new admits

6 Teaching on rounds Less call days to provide more time for teaching on rounds Scheduling teaching

7 Documentation Enforcement of interim summary policy for MICU transfers
DC paperwork population of basic information IT vs MAs/other Inefficiency of dynamic documentation

8 MA responsibilities Faxing discharge summaries to outside PCPs
Getting records from outside facilities Starting DC instructions Getting outside PCP appts for followups Nursing phone number lists in the workroom Could round on teams

9 Misc Text paging to better triage pages during rounds
Nurse numbers for patient list into workroom Electronic version Two intern teams Paged to nurses phone instead of HUC station Difficulties with talking to ED nurses Inability to call Vocera

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