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Night Float Orientation

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1 Night Float Orientation
Chief Residents and Junior Chief Residents

2 DUTY HOURS are 8:00 pm - 10:00am daily (Monday - Sunday) Finish work by 9:30 AM

3 Night Float Sign-Outs DRH HUH VA
8: 00 pm daily in the 5N Resident lounge. Intern takes Intern A sign outs from all teams and Senior takes Intern B sign outs from all teams Get the code blue pagers 8: 00 pm daily in 7 Brush lounge. Intern takes all signout 8:00 pm daily in A3 Medicine. Intern and senior divide sign-out per senior’s discretion. Get the code blue pagers-If you don’t get it, CMR otherwise you will pay approximately $350 for lost pager. Night Float Sign-Outs

4 Night Float Admission DRH HUH VA
7 admits total for on-call team. Night float cap is 5 (+2 bounce backs) NF intern takes the first 3 admission. Senior resident takes the other 2. Transfer the pager to the UPG group after cap Unlimited admissions until team caps at 20. NF intern takes first 5 admissions, then senior takes over until all teams cap. 9 admissions for on-call team. NF will cap at 5. NF intern takes the first 3 admission. Senior resident takes another 2, then call the MOD for the rest of admits. Occasionally you will get test page on your code pager, please please respond to it. Night Float Admission

5 Medicine Consults DRH HUH VA
Routine: Take the name and give to consult team in the AM. Stat: Senior should see consult, and staff with UPG Hospitalist 5755. Routine: Take the name and give to attending in the AM. Stat: Senior should see consult, and staff with admitting attending. Medicine Consults

6 Special circumstances
DRH HUH VA Bounce backs are seen by senior and staffed with bounce back team’s attending in the morning (over the phone), then signed out to bounce back team’s senior. Should send an to CMR with patient info and cc the senior. Unlimited admissions. Must call MOD at 6:30 AM for sign-out. Must meet with MOD Face to Face in the AM to discuss admissions. Respond to Code Blue, Code Grey and Code White!! On weekend (Saturday and Sunday) you cross cover NP patients as well. Special circumstances

7 At 6:15 AM Make sure to assess ALL patients and make sure they are not critical patients or missing essential orders. You are supposed to put HPI and all orders on pt that came at 6:00 am. Between 6 am to 6:55, put all the orders (not only basic orders) but no HPI. Stop admissions

8 At 7:00 AM DRH HUH VA Stay and present patients during rounds.
Stay and present patients during rounds with the on-call team only. Not with other teams. Stay and present patients during rounds with the on-call team only. You will present only to post call team. Other patients (after team is capped) will be overflow and go to on-call team) Finish your H&P or Transfer Notes before leaving. If pt. is for discharge, you must finish the discharge process and summary as well. At 7:00 AM

9 Misc. Pager – test it before call. Actually, test it now.
Food: DRH. HA. VA. Scrubs. Scrub machine in Harper tunnels, follow the purple line. At VA – medicine team is responsible for “Code White” calls which indicate a patient with a possible stroke. Need to evaluate patient, perform NIHSS with the stroke nurse, and then it is your responsibility to call the attending neurologist to determine further management Contact Sachin Goyal with any questions about this Misc.

10 Call Rooms/Lounges DRH VA Harper Lounges Door Code Workroom 5N-14
Door Code Workroom 5N-14 Lounge 4S-4 Oncall rooms NF Senior 5N 17 (2+4)--3 NF Intern 4V CCU Resident 5N 16 MICU Resident 5P 14 VA Oncall rooms Door Code 6th Floor Blue Elevators (turn left off the elevators) 1921 Harper Oncall rooms in 7 Brush Senior: Room 7819 1754 Intern: Room 7809 8229 Call Rooms/Lounges

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