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Leadership Principles for IT Governance Pertemuan ke-25 & 26

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2 Leadership Principles for IT Governance Pertemuan ke-25 & 26
Matakuliah : Pengantar IT Governance Tahun : Feb Leadership Principles for IT Governance Pertemuan ke-25 & 26

3 The philosophical approach to good governance
“Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws" - Plato ( B.C.) Bina Nusantara University

4 Background The principles of good governance apply to all organisations Private sector Public sector Not-for-profit sector Universities Even Regulators – increasing pressure… Bina Nusantara University

5 Symptoms of Ineffective Governance
Senior management senses low value from IT Investments. IT is often a barrier to implementing new strategies The mechanisms to make IT decisions are slow or contradictory. Senior management cannot explain IT governance. IT projects often run late and over budget Senior management sees outsourcing as a quick fix to IT problems. Governance changes frequently. Bina Nusantara University

6 Steps for Reviewing and Designing IT Governance
Map the enterprise’s current governance onto both diagrams (governance design framework and the governance arrangements matrix) Compare the two diagrams and ask how well the objectives on the governance design framework are achieved the arrangements of the governance arrangements matrix. Bina Nusantara University

7 Steps for Reviewing and Designing IT Governance (cont.)
Audit IT governance mechanisms. In a senior management team meeting, debate the upper left and right boxes of the governance design framework. Lead the change using the ‘to be’ versions of the governance design framework and governance arrangements matrix for your enterprise. Bina Nusantara University

8 Role of Leadership Leadership and commitment are the key elements in the development of a successful governance system Bina Nusantara University

9 Top Ten Leadership Principles of IT Governance
Actively design governance Know when to redesign Involve senior managers Make choices Clarify the exception handling process Provide the right incentives Assign ownership and accountability for IT governance Bina Nusantara University

10 Top Ten Leadership Principles of IT Governance (cont.)
Design governance at multiple organizational levels Provide transparency and education Implement common mechanisms across the six key assets Bina Nusantara University

11 Assessing the CIO Multiple dimensions of the CIO’s impact :
Responsibilities of the CIO that are clearly under the CIO’s control Decisions and behaviors influenced by the CIO Contributions made by the CIO as a member of the senior management team generating value for the enterprise Bina Nusantara University

12 3 Factors in CIO assessment
IT unit cost and service levels Business and IT process management Business value Bina Nusantara University

13 IT unit cost and service levels
IT unit cost is the cost to the business for each IT service used per unit consumed. The IT service levels resulting from the IT investment are part of the calculation and an important deliverable of the CIO. Assessing IT unit cost and service levels is primarily quantitative based on benchmarks, year-to-year comparisons, user satisfaction, and meeting service-level agreements. Bina Nusantara University

14 Business and IT process management
2 types of process management : Business IT The relationship between process and IT management is symbiotic and thus hard to assess separately. Bina Nusantara University

15 Business value Assesses the CIO contribution to business value through leadership and teamwork. Identify strategic opportunities and recognize potential synergies in the enterprise, particularly exploiting existing IT capabilities. Bina Nusantara University

16 Responsibilities of the CIO that are clearly under the CIO’s control
Assessing the CIO requires assessing multiple dimensions of the CIO’s impact : Responsibilities of the CIO that are clearly under the CIO’s control Decisions and behaviors influenced by the CIO Contributions made by the CIO as a member of the senior management team generating value for the enterprise Bina Nusantara University

17 ASSESSING THE CIO IT CIO Assessment Factors Unit cost/service levels
Process (business & IT) Business value Accountability & influence Both qualitative And quantitative Primarily qualitative IT Business Joint Primarily quantitative Bina Nusantara University

18 Current and Future Challenges of Governance
Information about products, services and customers will continue to drive business processes Business process modularity will increasingly depend on an enterprise’s ability to create standardized, reusable systems, business processes, and data components. Enterprises will have to make decisions more quickly, will increase pressure on governance, particularly joint business and IT decision making. Bina Nusantara University

19 Current and Future Challenges of Governance (cont.)
Enterprises will continue to outsource more commodity IT services. In the future, describing how much an enterprise spends on IT will be meaningless. IT will be imbedded in every process and budget, just like capital. Effective governance allows enterprises to extract maximum value from IT and ultimately all six key assets of the enterprise. Bina Nusantara University

20 DISCUSSION Bina Nusantara University

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