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RCMS Structure RCMS Security UserDB Service Resource ConfDB

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Presentation on theme: "RCMS Structure RCMS Security UserDB Service Resource ConfDB"— Presentation transcript:

1 RCMS Structure RCMS Security UserDB Service Resource ConfDB
Sub-System (Daq)Resources Security Service Resource Info&Mon Job Ctrl Problem Solver Controller Services Connection Session Manager RCMS UI UserDB ConfDB LogDB Run Bkkpng

2 RCMS Layout RCMS Services Connection Session Manager UI Services RUs
EVB Ctrl CS TRG DCS EVF RUs EVM BUs CS Sub- System Glbl Mu Cal DCS Sub- System EVB Sub-System TRG Sub-System EVF Sub-System RCMS

3 Interaction with the sub-systems
The Control Network topology of the sub-systems. Possible hierarchies introduced by the DAQ slicing Commands submission and information (errors, monitor, etc.) collection performances inside a given sub-system. Where all this is reported? Do we need it? Interaction with DCS and CS. (?) EVB BU Slice X sub-system BU EVM RU Sub-System Controller DAQ resource

4 Run Sessions and Partitions (i)
UI UI run session A UI UI UI UI run session B RCMS Session Manager Session Manager Services Services Services Connection EVB Ctrl CS Ctrl TRG Ctrl DCS Ctrl EVF Ctrl BUs EVM RUs Cal Mu Glbl EVB Sub-System TRG Sub-System EVF Sub-System DCS Sub- System CS Sub- System

5 Run Session and Partitions (ii)
RCMS should interact with the Trigger sub-system to get/set the available partitions. Are they defined and stored in the Resource Service? Who set the trigger partitions? The same for DCS.

6 Run Definition CLASSIC Start Stop Start Stop LHC “spill” LHC Start
homogeneous conditions homogeneous conditions CLASSIC Start Stop Start Stop Run # X Run # X+1 Change Conditions Store new conditions Change data file LHC “spill” LHC Start Stop condition Y changed condition Z changed Condition DB dump conditions Fast Reset mini Run A B C D E

7 IMS & Run Conditions We assume the run conditions coming from all the sub-systems (including trigger and DCS) are managed by the Information and Monitor System. Is this true? Is the message definition adequate for handling this type of information? DB performances requirements must be defined much better. If any “natural” hierarchy is defined (e.g. the one introduced by the daq slicing), it can be reflected in the DB design helping in this way the scalability of the system. The system has O (10000) (?) objects with related status to save every time a dump condition is required. we could have an incremental dump: we save all the conditions at start time and then after that only the ones have been changed. we need to know size, types, etc. of the parameters characterizing the detectors setup (HV, LV, P, T, etc.). How we can get them? How fast we can read them? any defined hierarchy? Same for the trigger system.

8 IMS message definition
T, Type, Id, Specific Fields, Source_Id Time Stamp Message Source Id Message Type: Errors Generic Status Change Monitor Message Id According to Type e.g. for Errors: - Severity Level (0=warning) - Description

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