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Ancient Fertility Religions

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Fertility Religions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Fertility Religions
AKA: mystery myth, paganism, neo-paganism, Goddess religions

2 Where it comes from? Pre-written history-no real resource material
Oral tradition Comes mostly from archeology, passages Proceed any PATRARCHIAL religions Matriarchal

3 Cyclical nature of the religion: moon, water, woman’s monthly cycle, reincarnation
The Circle of Life

4 3 aspects of the Goddess

5 Examples of the Goddess
Maid Matron Crone Greeks-Hebe Hera Hecate Persephone Demeter Artemis- Virgin goddess of Ephesus huntress

6 Goddesses from other cultures
Ishtar- Mesopotamia Great goddess even in the Bible: Eve, Mary, Mary Magdalene Isis from Egypt

7 Pattern to the great goddesses story
Morns a loss (dying god archetypal pattern) Searches for a loved one Brings about a form of resurrection Return of the God Establishes new practices/belief system for followers

8 Rituals Marriage of the spiritual, emotional, physical and mental
Immortality of the soul (reincarnation) Life and sexuality Nature and the natural world

9 More rituals Fertility in the natural world “frolicking in the daisies” Summer solstice

10 Woman is sacred Only through communion with the goddess can a man “see god” Sex was a religious experience Holy women in temples: temple prostitutes Women viewed as virgins, mother or prostitutes


12 Fertility Symbols Moon (maid,matron, crone)= (new moon, full moon, crescent) Bull horns-male symbol Snake: wisdom, bringer of knowledge, shed his skin-renewal Coil Butterfly- metamorphous Bee- triumphs over death, reincarnation, hibernation

13 So what happened? Indo-Europeans come down from the north with patri-lineal gods and beliefs Subvert all that is positive about the goddess Bull horns turned into devil horns, women are seen as temptresses Women’s sexuality is subverted

14 Example: The oracle at Delphi-Apollo kills the snake and makes the oracle his own Society moves from matrilineal heritage to patrilineal

15 Hold overs: Pagan- pagus- place- locality
Christmas season- winter solstice Spring equinox- Easter Halloween- harvest May day- Beltane

16 Where can we find examples of the Goddess Religions?
Firebrand and The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley DaVinci Code by Dan Brown Clan of the Cave Bear

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